What does Sup Forums like to listen to while high?

What does Sup Forums like to listen to while high?

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Weed is shit. Do acid.


this dope hit

anything with samples and/or synths

but, dude.. weed lmao

Acid is too draining. You're up for like 24 hours and its all too powerful
the feelings of honesty and integrity are great though

shoegaze, neo psych, krautrock, twee, the best choices

Ive probably listened to this album hundreds of times high as fuck.

>Dont remember any of the songs
>Dont like rap
>Usually just stare at the album cover the entire album tripping as fuck, getting lost in thought


>he uses recreational drugs and listens to music

but smoking is clutch as fuck during the last hours of a trip

>he's a shook one

acid is not some casual party drug lmfao you cant just use it everyday like you can with weed. shit advice

>24 hours
dafuq acid are you doing nigga it should keep you up for an additional 8-12 at most

at 18 years old, it was either this, Come My Fanatics, or Feedbacker....those were the days


OP here. Some good shoegaze/krautrock reccomendations?

>taking drugs

>can't use it every day
That's the point. You shouldn't be wasting 3 hours being high every day. You should do drugs once a week or so.
Generally for me I do acid or shrooms once or twice a month, mdma at raves once every two months or so, drinking maybe two or three times a month, weed two or three times a month. Adderall/vyvanse a lot during the end of semesters. Done cocaine several times but it's too expensive for me lmao. Used to be a huge stoner but it really ruins your life after a while.

True, I think it's a decent idea to just smoke weed with acid. However, the last hours of a trip are the best times for introspection I find. I like writing and trying to solve my life problems a little during them. If they make you uncomfortable, it's a warning that there's something seriously bothering you.

Yeah you can't do it all the time. Also 24 hours? Bro I want some of that lmao


>You should do drugs once a week or so
i can agree with that about drugs that are more hard on your body like cocaine or alcohol but i dont see an issue with smoking daily. i personally had to stop completely because of severe paranoia but i was able to function without painkillers for the first time in a while and that was pretty nice. but if its not causing any issues and you get your shit done i think its ok

"DUDE WEED LMAO" is meme for "i would like to buy weed but i don't want to talk to anyone"

Cluster- Zuckerzeit(even better on psychs)
Amon Duul II- Yeti
Asobi Seksu- Citrus
Lust s/t
Pale Saints- In Ribbons
Forsaken Autumn- Whenere
Faust IV
Future Days

all sound cool with weed

I mean if it helps you get off painkillers then by all means go for it, but I really don't think daily smoking is a good idea usually:
>waste of 3-4 hours
No different from wasting 3-4 hours playing video games or something, but really on weekdays you should try and do something productive with your time. Read a book, learn an instrument, exercise, meditate

It loses its magic pretty quick, and you need more and more just to get high

>Mental health issues
Smoking weed literally every day, I just can't see it being healthy. When I was doing it, it absolutely seeped into other aspects of my life without me noticing it. Maybe for some people it's fine, but still the other two factors are important

just do your fucking drugs and shutup about it or go to 420chan with the other degerates



does anybody have that screencap of the odd future fan where he was like "IM 20 I DRESS HOW I WANT"
thats what i imagine this guy looking like

Being high makes you more receptive, so I think the best advice is to listen to something challenging that you either have never listened to before or have tried to get into and failed.

Depends on what you like. "Stoner music," ie music that markets itself as "OMG WE DO DRUGS" is almost always shot compared to something that actually suits your taste.

This. I didn't understand until I tried it, now I smoke about twice a month.

adderall was perfect for poppy/catchy shit i'd otherwise never listen to. cheesy music like deee-lite and junior senior was perfect. i'd really recommend that. it was a very happy day until it was time to get off of it

does anyone have that screencap of quentin talking to a stoner thats what i imagine this degenerate looks like. dude weed lol

I've been listening to Lemon Jelly every time I smoke for the past week and it's been swell.

>Beautiful! Beautiful, Beautiful! Just beautiful!


Not for attentive listenin but great for staring at the rain at 2am.

Honestly, I used to love listening to A Flock of Seagulls while high. No clue why, it was just perfect to me. Liquid Swords by GZA and wait for me by Moby as well.

I haven't smoked in almost three years now though.

>being this pretentious
come on now lad

I saw snoop dogg and wiz khalifa last night and i was high as balls. At the very least it made wiz more enjoyable.