Mu hates AJJ for being a group of "nu male cucks"

>mu hates AJJ for being a group of "nu male cucks"
>mu hates Fantano for being a "red pill alt-rightist"

Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck are you quoting?

Since when is Fantano an alt-rightist? He supports Sanders and has a black wife?
He's still right wing because he supports capitalism, he's hardly a commie, but I don't see how that instantly makes you an alt-righter

there's a wide variety of people on Sup Forums. stop focusing on the haters

That's literally what I'm saying, nobody can stop complaining about him being on that AA video

alt-rightism is fucking cancer

>red pill
>alt right

two favourite things in the world

sounds to me like Sup Forums is a sensible person who isn't an extremist on either side

le XD

>supporting capitalism alone makes you right wing

>He's still right wing because he supports capitalism

Read a book underage faggots

What I'm saying is that neither of them are extremists on either side but people label them that

Didn't he say that he's socially liberal and economically conservative in one of his videos on his other account?

>There are people in 2016 that still support capitalism

Can't take that green with you, you capitalist pigs

Fantano is anything but the alt-right, he is a moderate who sucks the dick of #BLM and Justice 4 harambe because he is a memelord

>he doesnt know what left and right wing stands for
>he doesnt know it dates back to the Vienna congress literally the liberal and conservative wings

I think the problem with TAA and fantano is that they criticize other social leftists, making them look like bigots when that's not at all the case

How about you point to the book that explicitly states capitalism is inherently right-wing?

Reminder that Montie is an actual cuck and was fucking recording himself on Vocaroo crying in a shit thread he made about two months ago because anons were making fun of him.

I like Fantano for being a red pill alr-rightist.

Exactly. Extremism is shitty.

muh golden mean

This was literally just posted

and alt right guy with a black wife , truly progressive

well, hes not wrong


yo i gotta save this shit

Seeing as how I don't live on Sup Forums, I do not have strong opinions on either AJJ or fantano

I need commie friends

"red pilled" never fails to make me laugh my ass off

redpill me on what you meant by this


>Sup Forums is one person

Jesus why do you do this to yourself

>came for AJJ
>got Fantano debate

this is weird to me that you would post a blatantly wrong, easily googlable fact and not even try to use it as the kickstart for a bait of some sort.

Wow it's almost like Sup Forums shitposters are more than one person!

Who the fuck is AA?