Pink Floyd > Grimes

Pink Floyd > Grimes


Radiohead > Norah Jones > The Chainsmokers


The Chainsmokers > Norah Jones > Radiohead

how can any one person be this right?

how can any one person be this wrong?

In other news, water is wet

pink floyd have one okay album, grimes has two good ones.

hard to decide...

got to bed dad

Wish You Were Here, Dark Side of The Moon, and Animals. "One is good", decide.

Grimes > Pink "Dad rock" Floyd

Not him but WYWH is nowhere near good. DSOTM and Animals are fantastic though

What? Don't tell me your one of those Barrett fags who think Piper is their only good album.

Led Zeppelin > Mozart > Pink Floyd > Neutral Milk Hotel > Grimes > Marylin Manson > The Moody Blues...etc

I could go on.

roxy music > steve harley & cockney rebel > genesis > frank zappa
whats a radio head?

>pink floyd have one okay album

All the contrarians that hate on dsotm here almost trigger me.


Swans > Cannibal Ox

Anything remotely decent > all other music > dog shit > grimes

why'd you list grimes twice


Seems redundant to say so

however people who go out of their way to say they dislike pink floyd are usually edgy tween-bopper children and haven't heard their post-syd pre dark side material

Rap and Hip-Hop is Jew pushed nigger trash.

this is tru my dad is a dog shit can confrim



Wings > ABBA > Dead Kennedys > Sparks > Beastie Boys > R.E.M. > Black Sabbath > Pink Floyd >>> Grimes >>>>>>>> Animal Collective

litteraly everything > Grimes

Don't forget Meddle

end your lyfe