/grimes general/

Discuss about the nicest Canuck in music biz, Claire Boucher (aka Grimes).

Video of the day: youtube.com/watch?v=VvAaGgfN2CE

>Medieval Warfare will premier this week. Excited?
>Rank or rate her albums
>Post favorite Grimes songs
>Did you see her live
>How did you find about her?

Other urls found in this thread:


Grimes is still having health problems:
>I felt so sad for her having to play her final tour date as her homecoming with the stomach flu: multiple times during her set she was holding her stomach and trying not to retch, but unfortunately she had to pause for about 5 minutes at one point to vomit into a trash can backstage, then as she came out she had a bit more come up while trying to hide it as best she could. But once this was done, she said NO to any more of her backup dancers' help, THREW water on her face, and kept pouring quite literally everything she had out for the most supportive audience imaginable. She sadly had to quit 10 minutes early regardless, but all the same it was easily one of the best performances I've ever seen at Osheaga and it just solidified my belief that Claire IS the most perfect fucking human ever. My queen. My world princess. Fuck I love you, Claire, you tough bitch. Fangirl story done. Hopefully video of this will be up soon so this post can have that much-needed extra dimension to it.


Who drops an album first?



lol trips confirm Claire is fucking Hardcore, man.

told hun not to work too hard...

nice trips though

>Squier Mini
plebian musician detected

Why? That guitar size is good enough for her.


hey when I was laying in bed yesterday a very simple thing that I hadn't realized came to my mind
the 8819 in animejames8819 stands for 1988?
maybe he's not that full of shit about knowing her, maybe they did went to the same high school?


Oh, really? She was performing while having stomach flu? Freddie Mercury performed the last years of his life while having AIDS. Frank Zappa also performed the last years of his life while having prostate cancer. Tell me more about how tough is your favorite bubblegum pop star.

>holding a dick measuring contest with dicks that aren't even yours

First for Grimes is a talentless hack.

And last.


btfo this dude

holy shit I need to remember this line

1988 - the year Grimes was born. He's just a crazed weirdo.



She's a witch,no actually.. That's all I know. Decent synth pop. I miss her witchhouse days.

St Vincent Collab when?


yes, that's why I said that
if they were born the same year maybe they were in the same grade?
his account is 6 years old at least but I don't know if he could've changed his name, can you do that?

no way to be certain about it tho

she has an eating disorder

forgot thapiccccccccccccc

ew did she really say that?


rare grims

It's not her

she's at 1:09 you lazy fuckkkkkk

1:38 is

I'm listening to swans right now. I'll let you know what an experience the video was once i commit my time and attention to it.

It was pretty good.

now you can die in peace after seeing her nips

That would be awesome. They follow each other on Twitter, so there's a chance.

delet these


There's something magical about her eyes. Hard to explain.

I wonder how will it sound


without those eyes she would be pretty ugly t b h

I don't think so. Maybe her nose and ears are a bit too big but they look nice. Her lips are nice too and the shape of her face it's quite round. She doesn't look like a classic model but she has her own brand of beauty.

Medieval Warfare, when?

Her ears and nose are adorable. Very boopable.

she looks like a young Charlotte Gainsbourg in this pic

She was harambe all along?

Kind of.

They contribute to the cuteness factor. Claire is adorable.

Selective features aren't disproportional to how they frame the face. It's about the facial form as a whole, don't be dumb.


First time I listen to her. Just looping electronic bullshit.

t. le wrong generation

Edgy. What exactly did you listen to?

lollapalooza performance link WHEN?

Big deal. I already saw that screenshot from the canceled Be a Body video.

we can't be sure that's her tho
the nips look similar THO

It wasn't streamed...

No. I actually like electronic music which is more than adding elements. For fucks sake, if she wasn't attractive none of you useless faggots would pay any attention to her.
None of your business. What. You wanna judge me for my music tastes and invalid my opinion about that android?

That arching pose it's hers. It's not the first time she had that pose. I'd say 80% it's her.

Chill, autist. I asked you what song or album by Grimes did you listen to? Because her discography is pretty diverse.

Does she change up her songs for live performances a lot?

Hadn't listened to much of her music before Lollapalooza but I loved her set and I went to to check out Art Angels and a few of the songs sound noticeably different. Flesh Without Blood and Kill V. Maim especially were a lot better live imo

fuckk I want to see her live so badly
if you're reading this come to south america bitchhhhhhhhhhh



her fucking face tells it all

>4 days until Medieval Warfare

Yeah because I knew exactly everything you wanted to ask. Fangirl.

you aren't chill CHILL DUDE CHILL

>those teeth
>those fashion choices
>making it this obvious how salty you are that you literally got NTR'd
post >yfw you will never be d'eon

>bottled water

fashion is stupid but I agree with everything else
poor d'eon at least I'm not him


it's not hers

To the good old days..

now this my new favourite photo of grims


I love the memes we've been making, in only one month

>DAT face
>I felt for him

Yes. She always tweak her songs for her live shows.

not only the face
the body posture too
poor d'eon

hairy grimes is the best grimes


it's a masterpiece


Hair fetish confirmed

It's an unflattering smile. He shouldn't be allowed to smile.

grimes should be kept in a pokeball



>I wanna get inside her pants

do you have the gif where she says
*something* boy

Everyone does

i dont think ive ever seen that one

>you will never catch a chairmandore in a fairy forest and watch her evolving into mighty grimes at level 22


I bet her pussy looks like a really bad grilled cheese sandwich.

Thank you.