Disappointments of 2016

post em

All of them

Painting With is kinda the big one. I still like it but it's still not MPP quality



true unfortunately. Nocturne is one of the best albums of this decade.

this is a good one


this is vaporwave right?

if you aint into right now you´re not liking whats coming next


this is literally so true and shitty

i've only listened to this once, but van't remember anything from it

it's a shame because up until recently, i've been regularly googling them to see when they were going to follow up their previous LP. Carla deserves better.


pretty much everything

She sure as fuck does. The worst part is I think the first song on the album is actually not bad, and the cover art is the best of their three. Everything after the first all sounded the same and was utterly forgettable. I keep trying to give it second chances 'cause I didn't like Transit Transit the first time through either, but it's just not getting better for me.

I rather enjoyed Glowing Man. I thought the mixing was great.

As for my disappointment, it's probably this album right here. I don't know what I expected but I think I expected too much.

You gys are really jaded
I enjoyed most new stuff this year but was underwhelmed by this

The more I listen to this album the less I'm into it unfortunately. Spikes is perfect, Ring A Bell is great but wish it were longer. Trash was trash, Eh was eh. etc.

>synthwave revivalism
honestly, what did you even expect


Not sure why I'm replying to this, but all their other albums are great


fuck off



My life

That cover is one of the worst I have ever seen.



there's something off about the sound on this imo.

If Celestial Creatures was made during the Smother sessions, I reckon that production style would have made it sound a lot nicer.





It was only a disappointment because Future Perfect set the bar so high that they will likely never top it. Good album but not as good as it should have been.


Your mothers anus

please stop posting




I will fight you. That album is great. The claustrophobic, sledgehammer, sludgy dub-techno and overplayed bass got old.


It hurts

He was just starting to delve into more interesting territory by sampling organic instruments.
Take Faith In Strangers and Missing for example.

I'll admit, the first two tracks on TMV are great, but it loses steam so fast.
>The claustrophobic, sledgehammer, sludgy dub-techno and overplayed bass got old
You just described New Romantic, with that godawful high gain bass and wonky trap beat.
This continues on Selfish.

I don't know, I could go on. I just prefer his earlier ambient soundscape style on We Stay Together and Passed Me By.

live version was 20 times better t b q h

this album was really good, obviously not his best but it still holds up really really well

they ran out of ideas after jenny death, some songs are good but overall it falls flat

first song was really good, then it sucked for the rest

pretty good actually
shitty. kanye needs to get off his gay clothing line
not bad
not bad

none of the albums of 2016 have been that great. AMSP was the best and that was just ok. Mothers was alright too. hopefully LCD come to save this year from being shitty

Better than anything they had released up to this point so I don't know how you can consider it a dissapointment

I don't think the album was bad. It was disappointing though. I'm not a fan of the direction he's heading in. He's losing his incredible sense of atmosphere.

Yeah, I saw him live at the beginning of this year, it was an insane live performance and I really wish/hope he releases a live album from this year, because it was amazing

I'd love to see him live, I bet that was a killer show. Does he work with material from his albums or does he improvise?

not disappointing at all in fact quite the opposite

Id have to disagree with you there. I go back to that album rarely, I do dig that austin wrote more tracks, i like his sense of humour, but after Content Nausea and Monastic Living i was really expecting to be blown away by the next album. It feels like a step back from all the exploration goin on on those two previous releases.

this one clicked for me a few weeks ago when I realized how amazing of a songwriter he is


Eh I dig it. His weakest release overall but there are a few of songs on there that I would put next to his best stuff. I'd also say TV Queen is one of my favorite songs he's ever done.

>I just prefer his earlier ambient soundscape style on We Stay Together and Passed Me By.

I do too. We Stay Together my favorite album of his. Just sinister, tribal soundscapes. I'd say TMV is better than Luxury Problems and on par with Faith in Strangers. I like how TMV ditched the claustrophobia and busy production where every element of a song seemed to have at least a dozen parts stretched, pitch-shifted and hissed out. My ears just got tired of that. I like how bare bones and lush TMV is. First Night and On My Mind are great tracks.

Go to bed Fantano, those were great.
Did you actually think Wiz could make an album that wasn't shitty?
Agree with these


Nothing too good really came out.

Only delayed albums.

I can appreciate what you mean, but it's not quite to my taste. I liked Luxury Problems more so I think we just look for different things in his music.

>wait 16 years for album
>it comes out

it was underwhelming at best

"Decent", just decent.

I don't even like Kanye and that was worse than I expected.

It's too UK bassy for me. Sick of that sound
