Why isn't this your AOTY, Sup Forums?

Why isn't this your AOTY, Sup Forums?

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Cuz OPN disappointed me after making a masterpiece like Garden Of Delete.

The voice get old quickly, melodies are boring (with only a few exceptions).
Also, the sound and production is too loud, bombastic.

Goddamn, I really don't care about lyrics, except when they're really really bad, and they aren't even ACTUALLY bad here, they're just so fucking on the nose without any depth or subtlety it just kills the album for me. I know this is probably the most common criticism against the album, but honestly, what the fuck was s/he thinking
>let's make a song about drone bombs
>it's called Drone Bomb Me
>song about Obama?
>literally called Obama
fuck outta here

It is.

because this is



How? The production throughout this entire album is great and no one I've heard at least really has a problem with it.

Because it sounds like shit and it's obnoxiously preachy.

Because it's the shittiest nonsense I have ever heard

Some of the songs are pretty bad

I haven't listened to it yet. Drone Bomb Me is pretty fucking great though, her voice is very unique (in a good way).

his voice is too deep.

I really like 4 degrees, but the other songs I heard kind of fell flat. I really wanted to like it, but it's just not for me. I'm also not really an OPN fan and Anohni's previous work hasn't really grabbed me either.

Not into woke pop


Every single one of Antony's albums before this one were better. The very definition of dumbing yourself down to try to sell more records.

>changed name to Anohni to fully embrace transgendered status
>replace emotional, personal and very verbose lyrics with on the nose, embarassingly liberal nonsense
>replace piano/orchestral arrangements with generic club beats

I'm a huge fan of Antony and the Johnsons so this album was like a kick in the nuts.


some good Antony

Is Feminist Pop all the rage nowadays?

Nah. It's pop minimalism. Too boring with just a change or two throughout.

>lol it's 2016
>current political happenings XD

Because Sup Forums ruined it for me by over hyping it and now I'll never listen/finish it because of everyone's stupid meme shit and "LULZ SO GOOD RIGHT?! RIGHT? AM I COOL YET?!"

because elysia crampton is 50x better


The actual music is really fucking good. The vocals and lyrics aren't nearly as good, even though I don't seem to hate them as much as everyone else.

>lyrics are on the nose without any depth or subtlety it just kills the album for me
I do not get why so many people are saying this.

Endless metaphors which fail to make any impact are so frequent in pop music, if anything it's refreshing and interesting to hear lyrics this direct and confrontational. The lyrics on Drone Bomb Me and 4 Degrees are brilliantly powerful in the way they drive home the picture, story and messages they're going for.

the only thing they have in common is that they're both trans lol

mu has hated this album since day one. I've only seen like 5 people on this site praise it.

Yeah, the lyrics didn't bother me. I like 4 degrees a lot, I just couldn't get into the other songs. I'm also not a fan of her previous work, or OPN, really.

I don't like overtly political music. I feel like it distracts and doesn't add to political discourse. Besides that 10/10.

both are political albums demon city is much better

I mean, I agree with you, and it being political rings a bell, even if I forget how.

YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

are you okay?

>and they aren't even ACTUALLY bad here

>When you were elected
>The world cried for joy
>We thought we had empowered
>The truth-telling envoy

>Now the news is you are spying
>Executing without trial
>Betraying virtues
>Scarring closed the sky
>Punishing the whistle blowers
>Those who tell the truth
>Do you recognize the yellow
>Staring back at you?


I like a lot of the instrumentals and do not give a shit that she's trans or a SJW or sounds weird, but I can't listen to it for more than 3 seconds due to the fucking lyrics.

Seriously. No, I don't need abstruse or flowery metaphors and I think directness can be affecting, but this is some high school sophomore level shit.

it's so fucking shit

The part I don't get is how almost no music publications mentioned the horrid lyrics. I mean I know Pitchfork is pretty leftist, but almost no reviews mentioned it. Even Fandango only mentioned it briefly.

There are so many artists out there with even more strongly held views than Anohni, but they at least know to use some finesse in their lyrics and not make their work completely political.

To me, the lyrics are direct to serve a purpose. The album is called "Hopelessness," and she is clearly distressed and in a panic. The straightforward lyrics are very powerful to me because they really convey that attitude of THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG. She takes her issues with the world around her and lays them bare for all to see, not hidden behind some obtuse metaphor. 4 Degrees would simply not be nearly as strong if she came out against that booming drum singing about some metaphor that could vaguely be related to global warming if you read the genius annotations. Instead, she comes out very powerfully, "ITS ONLY 4 DEGREES" as if in an emotional panic, and this is perfect to me. It conveys the emotion she is feeling very strongly to me. Not only that, but Drone Bomb Me has the story of a drone bombing but she tells it using the language of a love story. "I want to be the apple of your eye..." To me, by draping the terror of a drone attack on a civilian under the language of love songs we are all familiar with, it really drives home the fucked-upness of the entire situation and increases the potency of the story being told. On those Obama lyrics she basically is growling, against a horrific distorted synth, her indictments against Obama. It sounds like the chants of an angry mob. The potency of this mood simply would not be delivered properly if she hid the message under her own lyrics.

please tell me you did not just write that

Resident Advisor criticized them heavily.

Again, you can be direct and transparent but also have well-written lyrics. These are just imbued with melodrama.

Do u have an issue with anything I wrote?

True. RA is one of the only mainstream-ish places I trust. I've never read a review of theirs that I felt I strongly disagreed with.


her voice gets a little annoying in the second half

But honestly, drone bomb me and 4 degrees are soty contenders for me

Eh, I use RA loads but I actually disagree with them often - recently the Greg Beato and DJ Qu reviews, but yeah they're still one of the better publications.

Because that guy's voice is cringey, and yea I know he says he's a girl now but his voice still sounds like a guy so yea

Because this meme album is higher quality than your meme album