
Other urls found in this thread:


Slug is cool but Slugposters are rude

>yein's shirt

would you buy her shoes?
is she poor?

You forgot to put Dubu edition.

in b4 RV is finito

can someone post qri's nose dot



crayon pop

i just learnt all the vocab in the song rough by gfriend through memrise and now i have a new found appreciation for the song and my waifu because there were new words in all her verses

WTB 2 eyeballs



Don't post more Yuri, please


woke up and i heard >my girl sojung got the recording for girl spirit? fuk yes



Are you in here Juan?

Arr vee is F I N I T O


yes jaja

juan in a million~

can't wait for navilerra to be added


added to what

atlantis princess - kei...

Nice. Actually a very good song on a first listen

>t. ARMY

>sitting on the pebbly shore by the lake
>luda invited you for some quiet afternoon fishing
>she picked the perfect spot (like you ever doubted her)
>under the shade of an elderly willow tree, the lake breeze keeps you cool from the sun
>”ya! did you give up already?” she teased
>”i never stood a chance against you anyway” you replied, which got a cute chuckle out of her
>enjoying the view was enough for you anyway
>the tree branches skirting along the water, rippling in the breeze
>the mountains standing like silent guardians of your peaceful little spot
>and the sunlight filtering through the willow leaves, dotting luda’s alabaster skin
>her pale orange hair floated a little above her shoulders, carried by the wind
>”omo!” her little shout of surprise broke your concentration “i think i got one!”
>her skinny arms looked almost comical in her struggle with the rod, but you know that whatever was on the other end of the line had to be pretty big to make her work, so you decide to help
>as you get up, her arms snapped back, followed by the rest of her body
>right in your direction
>her tiny frame crashes on top of you
>you feel a slight tickle on your cheek as her hair hung down onto them
>and then a tickle on your lips from her tired breath
>you take a moment to stare into her chestnut brown eyes before you close your own
>is it finally going to happen?
>you feel something press against your lips
>it was wet and tasted like…fish?
>”i think it likes you”
>you open your eyes to meet a decently sized trout, and tiny luda holding it
>she pokes her tongue out and lets the fish flop onto your face

The trash can

The shitter

the official kpg list of flops

original still better but she is gr8

to /trash/, where it belongs

based jyp knew this chink shit was going to happen so he filled his group with japs and a REAL chinese girl, absolute madman.

Whatever happened to fany

What is going on here

Going to write a caption sort of for each picture, webm, gif. i like this photo because it has way in it and its a recentish one, still looking very cute

memrise so i can learn all the words in it
i made a really long post about it here


love you luda...

>8 wins

when will twice debut in the united states of america?
i have this feeling they could be really successful here

what's the best red velvet song? asking for a friend

Is kpop over in china?

Empty house

that high note though

Our fuckin guy

>wins during an empty house
gshits are the worst

jyp you dont even try

>8 wins
>empty house
Wow what a huge achievement

ARMY stealing one of the banners and then fighting over it


here come the excuses


time slip

ice cream cake

that's actually hiliarous
hopefully gets them barred from places like exo fans

I love sluggy

gfriend has 23 wins
twice has 11

nuff said

cool world.
everything else is just a meme

candy, take it slow



After what happened to Wonder Girls JYPE wouldn't dare even fuckin think about it.





I like you more everday.

i love everything about this webm

Just because JYP is broke


cute pink bow, is pink really her colour thou?

>not a new ip
stop samefagging moron

red dress

someone should let jyp know we want twice to debut in america

lol remember that time some gshitter was like "wins on the shitty shows don't count" and that ended up being the majority of gfriend's win counts so he owned himself hard


twice is huge in america tho.
did you hear how loud the shouts were at kcon?

made tts sound like nugus lol.

One Of These Nights

Or because no kpop group is ever going to succeed in the US, it's never going to happen.

you need talent to be successful in america, which twice does not have

i don't think laboum guy would do that

gfriend is all uggo, twice is all qt
nuff said


he (probably you) used to samefag nonstop

I don't doubt that, but it doesn't mean JYP wouldn't try if they had the money

>twice is all qt

I want Twice to debut in Slovenia

>you need talent to be successful in america
kek not when britney spears is still kicking around in her near 40s

I would like to think after trying it with Wonder Girls and failing so miserably they'd have a learned that lesson.

still more qt than gfriend though

laboum guy is a man of principle



write the storm shelter one