Anybody else feel this is their best work?

anybody else feel this is their best work?

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Anybody else feel like Let It Be could've been one of their best albums had the original plan for Get Back worked out well?
It's pretty stacked desu, Get Back, Don't Let Me Down (presumably), Let It Be, Across The Universe, I've Got A Feeling

It's certainly up there. I prefer Rubber Soul and Abbey Road though.

I'll Be Back might be there most underrated song.

Let it Be Naked IS one of their best

It's the best of the pre-Rubber Soul albums.

Rubber Soul a shit

I wouldn't call it their best but it's really underrated. Musically it's really inventive. The chord progressions in particular are really great, and there's a lot of diversity throughout the record that I think foreshadows their later works.

shut your fucking face


2. Help
3. With the Beatles
4. Beatles for Sale
5. Please Please Me

Very underrated. Help! is also pretty underappreciated.

I take PPM over For Sale any day, For Sale has classics, granted, Eight Days A Week and What You're Doing are great, but PPM has an insane energy permeating the entire tracklist. For Sale is kinda tired, listless.

Would The Ballad Of John And Yoko been on there cause if so then i agree

Agreed. I love Beatles for Sale but I do think it's their worst album. You could tell the touring had begun to take its toll on them by that point.

honestly I love For Sale, I wish they had explored the semi-country feel a little more

Yep. But he was killed by Courtney Love.

they didnt put singles on the album back then :/
>no strawberry fields and penny lane on Sgt peppers


No Reply
I'm a Loser
Baby's In Black
She's a Woman
I'll Follow the Sun
Words of Love
Eight Days a Week
Every Little Thing
I Don't Want to Spoil the Party
What You're Doing
I Feel Fine

It's significantly shorter than what would've been acceptable for pressing by the label's standards, but it cuts out the filler covers, throws in two sides of a great single and brings the album better coherence IMO.

Maybe not. The band wasn't quite at their best during those sessions since tensions were high. A few of the rock and roll covers that have turned up as bootlegs aren't very good and a bit sloppy, and neither of the test mixes featuring these tracks satisfied the group.
It would've been fucking fantastic if they just indefinitely shelved the tapes and then got released years or decades later. That would build the legend of the sessions and maybe quell some hard feelings toward the music since the actual album came so soon off the heels of Abbey Road.

Yes. I don't know if you've ever listened to any Get Back bootlegs, but it's very interesting. Get Back has a better tracklist than Let It Be. The Get Back tracklist is
>Side A: Hard rock, songs they did on the rooftop concert
>Side B: softer songs, acoustic songs and the ballads from the sessions
The major problem Get Back had was that the song takes Glyn John chose were pretty bad. He didn't chose the awesome takes from January 30th and 31st, he instead chose earlier takes which were lackluster and not very good compared to the later takes. The ultimate album would be Get Back (2nd version with I Me Mine and Across the Universe) with the banter remaining but with the takes from Let It Be and Let It Be... Naked replacing Glyn Johns inferior selections

>he ultimate album would be Get Back (2nd version with I Me Mine and Across the Universe) with the banter remaining but with the takes from Let It Be and Let It Be... Naked replacing Glyn Johns inferior selections


They did the whole sgt pepper's thing though

That's a shame

This is their first "great" album, but it gets eclipsed by some of their later stuff imo.

1. Magical Mystery Tour
2. the white album
3. Help!
4. Revolver
5. Abbey Road
6. A Hard Day's Night
7. Let It Be
8. Rubber Soul
9. Sgt. Peppers
10. With The Beatles
11. Please Please Me
12. Beatles For Sale

great version, bad mixing

In what way?

I also think Magical Mystery Tour is their absolute best overall, and agree with almost everything, bit but I can't stand the white's just too much

The movie is pure kino

>Magical Mystery Tour #1
nigga you high? Here's my list:
>Abbey Road
>The Beatles (White Album)
>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band
>Let It Be
>Rubber Soul
>A Hard Day's Night
>Please Please Me
>With The Beatles
>Magical Mystery Tour
>Yellow Submarine
>Beatles for Sale

What is wrong with you that you would put MMT that low holy shit I'm triggered

You're both wrong, it's:

1. Abbey Road
2. White Album
3. Sgt. Pepper's
4. Rubber Soul
5. Revolver
6. Magical Mystery Tour
7. A Hard Day's Night
8. With the Beatles
9. Let It Be
10. Help!
11. Please Please Me
12. Beatles for Sale

Nice typical p4k poster rank. Yellow Submarine gets unfair treatment because it's only a 1 side album. Side B is soundtrack shit from George Martin. If you ranked Side A, it would rank higher than Sgt. Peppers.

closest they came to a Lennon solo album during the Beatle years

this is unironically the best thing that any of the individual Beatles or Beatles collective have ever produced.

this is almost exactly my list except help is way too high and ppm should be between 8 and 9


Yellow Submarine Side A is two songs they already released and four sub-par songs by Beatle standards.

Now, if Yellow Submarine Songtrack had come out in the 60s and was the official release, that would be ranked higher

Get out, Satan

>It's All Too Much

>Hey Bulldog
>It's All Too Much


I'll concede on It's All Too Much, but most of the songs on that album are, despite being good songs, aren't as great as other Beatles songs.

>miss him, miss him, miss him



It and Revolver are their only truly great albums. Nothing else, not Rubber Soul, not the White album, not Abbey Road, and sure as hell not Sgt Pepper, is anything more than good.

if that's their best work their body of work is pretty fucking shitty desu senpai

No, but I do feel like if you don't love their early work too you aren't much of a Beatles fan.