ITT: Music opinions literally only you have

Compton>The Chronic

Kid A
In Rainbows
OK Computer
The King Of Limbs
Hail To The Thief
A Moon Shaped Pool
The Bends
Pablo Honey

(TKOL and Amnesiac are interchangeable though, and OKC and In Rainbows to a (lot) lesser extent.)

Also, UU is Kendrick's most enjoyable album by quite a lot

Yeezus>Graduation=Late Reg>College Dropout=1/2 of MBDTF>>>s/Watch the Throne>>>>>the other six songs from MBDTF=TLOP

Spirit Of Eden is 10/10 and LAughing stock is 5/10 at best

Now that I'm older is the best Sufjan Stevens song ever

Neighborhoods is blink-182's best album

Student demonstration time is not a bad track.

I agree

marry me

This is completely illogical, they are practically two sides of the same coin.

Parquet Courts - Human Performance is my 2nd favorite AOTY. And I hate the shit out of indie rock.

they are very different even if they follow the same basic musical concepts


1. The Bends
2. Kid A
3. Amnesiac
4. OK Computer
5. In Rainbows
6. The King Of Limbs
7. A Moon Shaped Pool
8. Hail To the Theif
9. Pablo Honey

Kum Back > Let It Be

One hot minute > stadium arcadeium

everyone with taste has that opinion ffs

No love deep web is the worst DG album

that's pretty common and i used to agree. i think tms is the worst now tho

NLDW is top three

that's not common, it is usually considered to be Government Plates

Tom Waits is 70% filler

gov't plates is top 5
try listening to it on acid

There's literally no difference between Metal Machine Music and any harsh noise record.

sorry I think this too. Spector's overproducing ruins about half the album. The entire concept was supposed to be a "back-to-basics" jam album with few studio tricks...and then they layered a bunch of shit on there. And took "Don't Let Me Down"(and Billy Preston's godlike organ noodling)

I think Dead Petz is a flawed but ambitious & interesting project, with the Flaming Lips, Oren Yoel, and Mike Will Made It making a solid dream pop album with a vocalist that's several orders better than Wayne Coyne + some surprisingly brainy and heart rending piano ballads

Earl was a good mixtape
Filth was awful
Not all rap is bad. Just most of it.

>Not all [x] is bad. Just most of it.

you can say this about practically every genre

i enjoy all of the stones' discography

by fantandrones

hebrews > a real boy

Hip-hop is the greatest musical genre from a lyrical standpoint
Switch The Bends with TKOL and Amnesiac with In Rainbows and you got a deal

Both 7/10
I'm not mad at that
Not that good either
This year is pretty ass, so I don't blame you
I agree, but only by a slight margin
Actually, it's tied for NOTM as the best. This is the only opinion in this thread I'm genuinely upset about
TMS is definitely the worst if you don't count instrumental albums
Everyone here loves GP
Maybe 50%? 70% is a bit much
But there literally, in a very literal sense, is. Literally. There is no figurative language in my speech.
Sure, but not good. Cudos to Miley for trying, but she failed pretty bad. Not 1/10 like the melon gave it, but like 3.5/10
>Earl was a good mixtape
Many will try to tell you it's his best, are you new here?
>Filth was awful
I think it was poor compared to their other projects, but not terrible or even very bad
>Not all rap is bad. Just most of it
Most music in general is pretty bad. Otherwise I wouldn't come to this board to wade through the shit (not that this board helps much)

government plates > no love deep web > the powers that b > the money store > exmilitary > scum with boundaries > bottomless pit > i've always been good at true love > interview 2016 > fashion week

A Moon Shaped Pool is Radioheads 3rd best album

Bjork self titled is pretty good, and better than Homogenic.

In/Casino/Out is the greatest post-hardcore album of all time.

untitled unmastered. > TPAB


I legitimately don't like Niggas On The Moon. I know, shoot me. DG completely broke their established genre/style with that one. I think that's the reason everyone likes it, because they went in a direction the fans liked. It wasn't a direction I liked though.

Infinite is the best Eminem album

Demon Days is not their best an extremeky overrated.

The Matrix is a horrible movie, and it ushered a lot of extremely bad techniques into popular filmmaking.

You also started being a faggot, LOL

there's a reason only you think that

Faith No More was a better band with Jim Martin and Chuck Mosely. Introduce Yourself is their best album.

The Mirror-Man Sessions is the greatest Beefheart release.

now THAT'S an unpopular opinion

Hip Hop is the best, widely varied genre to listen to right now

Vessel by twenty one pilots is a 9/10

not everyone circlejerks fantano you dum dum, Government Plates is half outstanding tracks, half lousy, repetitive semi-instrumentals, is not as cohesive as their previous or later records.


If it weren't for Wildflower, Teens of Denial would be my AOTY

>listening to DG on drugs

thanks but no thanks, I don't want to trigger any possible permanent schizo behaviour

that's understandable, not unpopular

Witch house should've never died out. To date, it is still the most listenable and intriguing electronic subgenre to have existed in recent years and we are still feeling its influence years later. In 3-5 years time, pop will adopt the sound and imagery of witch house and it will be atop the charts.

Vaporwave is seriusly great genre that deserves more recognition and it's on-par with IDM as the best electronic music has to offer.

The Unnatural World > Deathconsciousness

Java is the best programming language