Want to get back into playing guitar...

>Want to get back into playing guitar. I used to have a Mesa Boogie Single Recifier rig but i sold it when i got oit of playing.

Now i just want a little practice amp and im considering the Line6 Spider 4.

Anyone have any recommendations or have this amp?

That amp is complete ass

get a cheap Fender tube amp desu

Check out the guitar general next time you have this type of question.

The Spider is an all-round bad amp, tons of options, but they're all trash. If you just want to practice, get something cheaper and simpler. Fender makes pretty good low-budget amps.

Try an Orange Crush 12 for $100, op. You will be amazed at that little tone machine.

It's a fine practice amp but all the models sounds pretty digital. If you want to fuck around with a lot of tones, that might be ideal though. I used to play at a church where I had to use it once when my main rig died right before service...it was serviceable.

Otherwise I'd just get a cheap ass solid state and a decent used tube screamer

>>line sux spyder, this should sound like muh long list recifier, right?

Or a micro terror or micro dark with a ts9 in front of it. Nigga said he used to play a mesa, this should get him in that neighborhood if he uses a worthwhile cabinet

apltitude negro


Orange Micro Terror is just a little over a hundred bucks and features an valve preamp. With the 1x8 cab its a dandy practice amp; if opportunity presents itself and you need a bigger sound for performance or jamming this little thing can push a 4x12 and fill a hall

Bias FX + good speakers

Whats a Micro terror? I mean what brand.


Does the fender have decent gain?

No. Fender users are always the type who just run distortion through the clean channel... or cleantone fags

Ill bite. I played long enough to know the difference between a Mesa Tube and a tiny digital amp.

the Blue's Jr and other ones in that line have decent gain circuits, but fender amps work a lot better with pedal gain desu

Sounds pretty Fedora desu

I have an older 2x12 fender Bassman that my stepdad gave me. The clean is gorgeous but the distortion is complete ass.

I wouldn't recommend the spider 4. It's kind of babby's first amplifier. It's only good for a kid who's learning how to play but doesn't want to become a serious musician.

I bought recently a cheap epi LP 100 along with a epi Studio 10's, did i do good for a first electric and amp?

Don't listen to these losers, they all listen to pussy indie shit. Get the Line 6 Spyder, scoop out the mids, put the distortion on "metal" or "insane" mode, make sure you turn the gain up to max, and if you have the money, invest in a good distortion pedal like the Boss Metal Zone. You'll thank me later

In general fenders are not high gain amps. However I tried the new Bassbreaker 15 and that definately is a higher gain amp (to me anyway, im not a metal guy)

>Calls indie fans pussies
>Proceeds to talk about metal
Wew when does school start mate?

My first was a Epiphone. Not bad but price-wise Agile guitars are much better. Amp choice sucks though. An amp will break or make your sound. If you are just starting out, the digital computer amps are actually really good. (Amplitube, Bias, etc.)

No, but Fenders are known for being clean and being able to handle pretty much any pedals you throw at them. I've played drone doom on my Fender 212 Frontman with no problem.

Non-guitarist detected

Clearly didn't get the sarcasm.
>"Scoop out the mids"
who legitimately thinks scooping out the mids is a good idea?

bro if you ever want to sound brutal like metallica you got to scoop out those mids

As a former triple rectifier owner (who incidentally owns a spider III), please do yourself a favor and buy an egnator tweaker or Blackstar HT-5

To add to that now that I think of it, the orange tiny terror or even micro terror is also quite good if overpriced.

linkin park