Rym / sonemic

Post your curve and talk about curves edition

Other urls found in this thread:


*rates 20 albums in a day*


>"I've had opinions on RYM ratings curves in any way at any point in my life."

Currently listening to the residents fingerprince album



>people constantly shitting on sellmeagod
>people constantly ripping off his curve

A CHALLENGE has been issued to us:
What info you got on this faggot: rateyourmusic.com/~I_AM_FISH





T. daily

I will only take your shit talking seriously if you have more than 20 serious reviews.


what is the purpose of unrated?

holy fucking shit dude

Holy heck I get not liking me, but calling for doxxing just because you're angry? Really now?

care to explain? i'm not familair with faggot memes.

more like currently evading a ban s m h

Gb2 daily you fucking embryo

stop it fish boy

I found him
8.7832° S, 124.5085° W

Nice daily false flag attack
Cool mobile posting can't be stopped

Reviewing is pointless and dumb unless you have genuine insight to give that hasn't been given before (historical or analytical). If you waste your time reading long reviews about someone's own listening experience, I feel bad for you. Especially if you think there's any merit in Fantano adjective shit.

Jangle u stinker

Muh curve muhfugga muh curve

o hi sellmeagod


hey hamtrax do you like kpop now I seent you in the thread a couple times

Yeah what I've heard is very good

His reviews have genuine insight though
>The music may be a rollercoaster in the dark, but rest assured that while you don't see the sharp drops and turns, the musicians themselves have fucking night vision.

what is it about kpop that attracts based and patrician users?

Being able to rationalize why you like something is a lot more meaningful than clicking an amount of stars; It shows you're engaged and interested, and therefore your opinion is more valid.
Individual listening experience in reviews is not something I value, but a focus on the actual aural qualities is helpful to arriving upon an accurate score.
It also helps me remember why I previously liked an album, if I were to forget or change my opinion on it.

If you read one of my reviews - those are the kind I value. Short, music based opinion pieces, rather than any sort of historical or analytical analysis. There are other places for that.


get the fuck out human garbage weeb

cool man

I have a rym but these threads are fucking awful so I wont post it

have a great day man see you around

idk man idk

You can think about that without actually having to let everyone on RYM know.

>This user has deleted their account.

yeah but you have to SHOW everybody you ACTUALLY like music

>analytical analysis
Dailyfags everyone.

the mental gymnastics people go through to justify all the time they waste getting approval

Internet way back machine is your friend

i like how "aural" is their cute new buzzword too

What did I am fish mean by this

Why don't you just keep your ratings private then, instead of putting it on a website?
I did that for years.

LOL! Classic daily

I like the statistics and automatic recommendations and shit. No one visits my page because I'm not some RYM "somebody", so it practically is private. Plus, I hate doing that to your music player, looks ugly as sin.

why even keep the 3s and below?

If RYM was a downloadable program, I'd definitely opt for that.

I don't hide my ratings because it inconveniences me.

I don't sent friend requests and usually have that section hidden just because it's useless to look at.

Literally the only reason I use RYM is because my music library is poorly tagged and incomplete.

hey user that wanted to dox fish check the bomb shelter

>feeling superior because of the music player you use


You're a sad person.

haha le itunes so funny

I usually don't but if I decide it's worth a re-listen I might file it there for later.

How long ago was this? Four years ago? God I was a faggot.

And nothing has changed I guess.

I deserve that I suppose.

Outta my way Embryos

I wasn't making fun of your iTunes, I was saying the fuckton of playlists is ugly, plus I would hate to keep music under a "6/10" on my iPod for the purpose of some ratings junk.

I think this is sort o mean, but true.

I'm glad I never used any social media.

Why are you wasting your time in here when there's so much more feminist hypocrisy to expose?

get cancer

What's everyone listening to I'm gonna listen to red velvet's second mini album

Julius Eastman - Unjust Malise

Didn't mean to quote you.
It's a collapsible folder, so it's not really that ugly.

I'm listening to Water Walker by Dennis Reed. It's just contemporary gospel, well-produced though, I envy that.

I enjoyed Red Velvet's first attempt, their second album not so much. Interested to hear your opinion if you ever get around to review it.

you seem like you don't usually do any mental exercises at all

is this good i've been meaning to listen for a while

Mathias Auguste//The Julliard Ensemble (led by David Moody) -- Choral Works (2004) (FLAC)

I have a real treat for you all, today.

>choral ensemble
>very obscure medieval composer whose works were destroyed and banned after purported homosexuality & was walled in alive for relations with a bishop
>one of the first to experiment with hallucinogenic drugs during composition process
>gfs mother is a professional clarinet player who is a graduate of julliard who gave this to me, his compositions were unearthed in the julliard library and recorded, it was an inside joke within the julliard community due to being so obscure. very few recordings of his work exist as far as I can tell, this might actually be the only one
>ethereal, uplifting, actually quite beautiful

dl: www85.zippyshare.com/v/9VMwbRgU/file.html

It's dense. I think it's a great album but it has so much stuff going on that i can't rate it. It's definitely worth the listen

stop this meme. you even misspelled "Juilliard"

Ever heard of RE?

Snordine I fucking DARE you to add this as a release to RYM.

not with music i don't
and i don't imagine that many of you do either

Can you daily fucks go back
I'm trying to have a serious discussion daisiesfree package

nah i'm rotting my brain away desu


>I'm trying to have a serious discussion


I wasn't being sarcastic, I'm genuinely interested to hear your thoughts on Red Velvet 2

just know when to stop and it'll all be ok

Can i make a comment about her at least?
I saw a pic of her and i think she is damn hot
I like her legs, i think that is the best part about her body
I also think that her short hair give her both an air of smugness and and "indie" aesthetic that make the ceremony of courtship hotter. I think that having sex with her and all can only be truly done and understood by having less ratings and worse taste. Just imagine breaking her shell of patrician independent girl into a pleasure filled petite. So yeah, i came to appreciate her body, so thanks /rym/

Short for Rational Ecstasy. Unjust Malaise is one of the most commonly used albums for reaching RE. You should definitely try it out at some point, but be aware that you need to break free from the shackles of the overly white sophisticate if you intend to get the full experience.

Is this not a pasta


here we go

No, my honest thoughts on her

honestly lads, what the FUCK did he mean by this?

is their second mini the velvet or icc I can't remember

eother way just listen to the red and their singles desu, they inherited the weak album tracks disease from snsd it's the one thing they didn't reuse from f(x)

Send her that in a pm and post reply and you won't be an embryo

don't think he won't

you are one weird hombre shamepai


Do it pussy

Outstanding post, sodr2 would be proud.


>listens to intro of the first song
>rates album half-star



shame W H Y


wtf are you doing

Shamepai you goon


this guy doesnt give a fuck

Shamepai I think you took the "love /rym/" advice a little too literally