There are people ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW like this

>there are people ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW like this

there are people ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW who date horses and cry regularly on Sup Forums

I really wish I could bully the shit out of this faggot

there are people ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW who listen to music

jesus I own every single one of those...

dont give this dumb fat faggot anymore attention

so Sup Forums how many of those albums in OP pic do you own? Bonus points if its the vinyl LP
I have
Ok Computer and NMH on vinyl, and Abbey Road even though that kid has a fucking poster above his bed

naah man

all of them on vinyl

I own that incredible trio in the middle

You listen to Oasis regularly

You lose priv to talk about other people's taste

>giving him attention

i own OKC on CD
and that's it

I want to shit on that kid. in a sexual way and just because it would be so fucking god damn funny. I mean just imagine that kid and me in the middle of a forest. I've been camping for like two weeks and then this stupid retard walks up to me like that as if he's spazzing autistic guy who took too many pills and I just grab him by that smug little face and throw him to the ground. Than I take my big fat American ass and just lay one out. I mean I've been eating nothing but beef jerkey and dry beans this whole time cause I've been camping, so when I shit it's the greasiest black coffee turds running all into the snout of his face

Hahaha fuck I'm laughing just typing this.


Abbey Road on vinyl
OKC digitally


All on vinyl:

OK Computer

fuck off, montie

Nice I'd love to have Godspeed and MPP. Right now the only AnCo I have on vinyl is Painting with.
Death Grips and Sufjan would be cool too. I could easily find and afford all 4 right now but I stopped impulse buying records. Ive easily spent close to or over a grand at this point

why is andy milonakis holding an animal collective vinyl

I mean you're right but you have no room to speak Montie
You have the about the same level of taste as that fag in the pic, I mean you like coldplay and oasis, you have 0% credibility about anything related to music

why digital? Not giving shit just curious.
I like supporting artists when I can but you're talking $8-10 for a download when for 5-10 bucks more you can get a CD or vinyl(which usually come with codes or even cds anyways

It makes sense to buy a record if the recording process was analog.

New records though, why bother?

Yes, so, who cares?

When you can pirate or just stream anything, its probably the most novel and cost effective way to buy music. If people are not very sentimental towards individual albums, and shit like packaging and art mean nothing then there's not much point.
But if you're trying to support music or even just collect it, there's dumber shit to spend money on

I sleep to that album on my phone. Why buy it on vinyl
>Animal Collective-MPP
It's a good album but not worth buying on vinyl
Not worth buying on vinyl
I bought it on CD but I wouldn't buy it on vinyl
>American Football
Not worth buying on vinyl
>OK Computer
I would buy that on vinyl tbqh
Really nigga?

thanks for filling us in on which albums you would and wouldn't buy on vinyl

not him but its not like this thread had a point, might as well discuss something

No problem, user.

meme albums

Literally who collects vinyl besides underages anymore? Early 2000s it was some hipster thing, but like all counter cultures it died and got picked up by the generation after, or rather salvaged for its image. Literally ANYONE that collects vinyl in 1995+21 is a teenager that wants to be da cool hipsta

I don't see a problem with this pic
Lauren would be disappointed in you pathetic tripfag

OKC and Money Store on vinyl, MPP, Illinois, and ITAOTS on CD

im 21 and i have 218 vinyl in one year

i bet most of it is 70-80s trash that nobody wants that you got for like a few dollars each, and only maybe 12% of them are albums you actually like.
I'm saying this because I have just as much LP's and it took me 5~6 years to get to that amount - with only albums I like (some were pretty expensive).

i usually wouldnt hang out with minors but he seems okay

about half of them were from my grandmother's collection but the other half are some of my favorite albums of all time that i picked up at random shops around ATL