Why so much fucking hate for less than insanely priced instruments? like pic realated...

why so much fucking hate for less than insanely priced instruments? like pic realated, i'd have given my left nut for something like this when i was a teenager, and it's about 10-20% cost nowdays compared to what it was back then. so why all the hate? i just don't get it. it's like you guys don't want anyone to succeed except you

You had shit taste then, shit taste now, and barely have anything to show for something you'll be grinding out till the day you die.

damn that's brutal

Die of cancer, faggot.

>that finish
>super strat

i could outplay you on your best day asshole

I fingered your mother at 250 bpm.

answered like a true guitarist. i'm so impressed

what the fuck are you on about?

we don't play instruments here you autist

this is why i never come to this board anymore. i stop by one time and this is the first thing i see. well done dickheads, well done

since when is this a word? back to Sup Forums with you

no one cares dude

yeah, i'm starting to understand that

>since when is this a word?

You think that the internet invented nouns? Are you fucking retarded?

>Offset Fender fags.

The niggers of the guitar world. Not even once.

hey, i'm OP and i'm a fender fag and a gibson fag and a ibanez fag. sew buttons

paid $250 for a carvin fretless 4 string, better made than any fender i've ever tried, not complaining

I select my guitars based on neck comfort and nothing else. Choosing a guitar for any other reason than that or budget is a meme. Everything else can be improved.

If your guitar doesn't have a fender logo then kill yourself

If you're dumb enough to get an Ibby that isn't MiJ you're a fucking moron and deserve a shitplank.

No hate here. I have a 2011 S570MQM, and it's been very good to me for the past 3 or so years I've had it. It was new, but sat in the store for a few years, and I got it for $200 less than what it would've costed in 2011. If I could go back, I'd have probably got a different guitar, but that's just because my taste has changed. With that said, it's extremely versatile and I don't think I'll ever sell it.

>Buying a guitar for its brand.
Do you also sport a pair of beats around your neck everywhere you go?
I love Fender but you're doing nothing but making yourself look like an idiot.

i love strats but ibanez is stealing my heart lately

>I have a 2011 S570MQM
fuckin sweet. i've got 2, gimme a minute and i'll try to post them

I hate these guitars.

you're an idiot

i turned 21 in prison doin life without parole....

just sayin

fucking windows machine had been on for like 2 weeks running and it puked, gimme time