An equivalent one

An equivalent one.

Other urls found in this thread:

sung tongs


Have you got a download link? I found one but it's broken

Maybe Waxahatchee's American Weekend? It's not a dude, but it's her alone out in a cabin making lonely music.

After the Gold Rush

This should've been /thread

Replace Bon Iver with Leonard Cohen and put the Magnolia Electric Company at summer

MPP you god damn oaf

sung tongs is a spring/fall album, it has spring songs and fall songs and a couple wintery songs but it's not a summer album


GTFO off this thread with your british Twenty One Pilots

neil young - on the beach
or van morrisson - astral week

>all this people discussing AnCo when the filename is seasonsfolk.jpg
does this board only know and discuss the same 10 or so bands every thread? lolol

But it's not as good as the others

I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning would work


Either Sung Tongs or Benji but they both have some fall/winter feels to them as well

Woods - Songs of Shame


This always felt more like rainy weather comfy to me.

Honestly have always felt like Helplessness Blues is the best summer album, it just really feels like summer

Loveless for sure


The Hissing of Summer Lawns, obviously

MPP or pet sounds.

Thank you anons, but those albums are not really similar to the ones I put in the picture. Mine are folk and solo albums, those are made by bands and have different backgrounds.

>After the gold rush
>Astral week
These are great albums, but I'm not sure they fit my conception of summer feel.

The album I'm looking for should have the same sad lyrics and atmosphere as those of the picture. For me, summer is kinda tragic, with a harsh vibe, and rugged as a rocky surface. Albums you posted are good but not really sad in my opinion.

These are ok but don't convice me at all.

Damn, user, you're right! I won't replace Bon Iver, but Magnolia Electric Company (and Songs: Ohia too) has a good summer vibe! Gaunt and sour as I like it.

>On the beach
These two classics are fine. I think you understood what I was seeking. Hard choice, though.

Holy shit, I really like this record! And, yeah, it fit the picture! I love the fact that you named an album with a similar background (lonely composition, etc) to those I put in the picture. Thank you.

Paradoxically, this is the best recommendation I got from this thread. I say "paradoxically" because it's almost unknown and... fucking weird. Not exactly what we'd call a classic. But the summer feel is strongly present and I love that sad elderly (?) voice, that kinda denies the idea that summer is a young season, that fucking hipster connection between sun, vacantion, fun and teen people. Great recommendation. Thank you for the download link too.


I think I will listen again to all the albums you named and I will chose one (probably one between At last, American weekend, Benji, On the beach, or one by Jason Molina) to complete the picture.

However, tips are still welcome!

tl;dr but you're all wrong it's steve gunn

I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning is incredibly sad lyrically I think. Have you ever paid attention to them? They make me hate life.

Maybe not enough attention... sorry. The overall sound is not so sad/depressing though. Not that it means it's not a good album, of course

>/threading in your own post

Michigan perhaps? Seems like you would enjoy it.


what album is this

Yes user, it's beautiful but it's a winter album haha

Nigga you just went full plebeian



It's this