ITT: Artists that ended things with their best album

ITT: Artists that ended things with their best album

Hard mode: Albums made by artists who died soon after don't count.

perfect ending

In The Aeroplane Over The Sea

by definition


They'll come back in 14 years

Ian was dead only a couple of months later though.

before, not later

gira will transcend time and be immortal im positive of it


Fuck your rules.

I'd love another album, desu.

How did the two best post-hardcore bands have the same album trajectory?

That is one of my favorite album covers ever.
My vote is Thursday no devolucion


absolutely not

The Microphones, anyway.

Red Medicine was way better.

I've gone back and forth with which one I prefer, but I usually end up picking The Argument. While I like the sound/style of RM, it has more songs I tend to skip (especially the second half) whereas I find Argument strong across the board.

Same year (2001) too, right?
The only thing is that a lot of people seem to think Fugazi begins ends at 13 Songs/Repeater which are both good but not their best work imo.

Still died after the creation of the album. Doesn't count.

Why does the artifacting in the thumbnail for this album always look so bad?

I like You'd Prefer An Astronaut more but I can definitely see this argument

Is this a meme?

>Not The Glow

Mount Eerie is slightly better than the Glow Pt.2. But both are still perfect albums.

shit on gybe

surprised that you would call the argument their best. cant beat repeater, imo

I'd take both Argument and Red Machine over Repeater. Though Fugazi does have a pretty consistently strong discography overall.

Huh, I never knew that actually.
Is that why it's called "Closer"?

>Dosen't count
Fuck you nigger


White Albun by TISM to be clear... No way is the white album considered The Beatles best work.