Black music styles official power rankings

God tier: Blues

Great tier: Jazz, Funk

Good tier: R&B, Soul.

Mid tier: Disco, Doo-wop.

Shit tier: Contemporany R&B, Rap, Hop-Hop, Trap music.

Other urls found in this thread:

God tier: jazz
Shit tier: everything else

t. embryo

Where's techno and house

>blues above jazz

What about African trad?

Between mid and shit.
It is by a wide margin.

>It is by a wide margin.
Yeah definitely, why bother creating interesting chord progressions and improvising creatively over them when you can just use variations the exact same progression and one scale for every song?

God-tier: Jazz
Great-tier: Hip-hop, blues, RnB
Good-tier: Funk, soul
Mid-tier: Techno, house
Shit-tier: Disco

>no jungle
>no drum & bass
>no techno
>no house
>no dub
>no trip hop
>no traditional folk from anywhere

Fucking reddltors.

1. Jazz
2. Funk
3. Blues
4. Techno
5. Jungle
6. Soul
7. Rhythm & Blues
8. Dub
9. Afrobeat
10. Gospel

50. House

9001. Reggae
9002. Hlp hop
9003. Dancehall

>being pretentious and fedora means better
The force of Blues comes from the Soul, user.

The main point where Jazz fails is the fact that it can't be the best in annything. It's indeed great, but you can find better options in Blues and Classical in the fields where Jazz is great.

Blues better than jazz wew lad


>not using the same chord progression and scale for every single song = being pretentious and fedora

how's high school?

>The force of Blues comes from the Soul, user.
Screencapped for future cringe threads. Thanks user.

Put Afrobeat and hip hop higher and we're good

The amount of trash gospel weighs down the good

Wow, great argument huh?

I didn't say it is you turd, just that complexity doesn't mean quality.

>blues can do what jazz does best better


Want to know how I know you're a white sixteen year old?

>the force of blues comes from the soul

is you inplication seriously that jazz can't or doesn't have soulful playing?

Fuck you my man

From the soul I mean you soul, not Soul Music.

Are you that stupid?

complexity doesn't equal quality. complexity allows for the possibility of quality.

go learn an instrument and spend some time studying theory.

yeah I got that.

It can, but not as strong as Blues. Just like it can be as well composed as classical music.

I love Jazz, but it tries to be something it cannot.
>complexity allows for the possibility of quality.
Wrong again. It indeed allows, but it is not the only thing that allows that. You should take your own adivise.

This is officially a race rankings thread now:

God-Tier: Native American, Asian

Good-Tier: African, Pacific Islander

Mid-Tier: Ginger, Hispanic

Shit-Tier: White, Middle Eastern, African-American, Mexican

How about slavics and European latins?


You seem upset with the truth, huh?

Complexity isn't even the issue here. What we're talking about just comes down to diversity of the genre basically.

I mean, how much time do you really need to spend listening to a genre that is literally based around one chord progression and one scale? "Soulful" interpretations and lyrics are great but shit, you can be just as "soulful" with some different chord progressions.

If we're talking about music, white people have literally always been the best at it. All of the best composers throughout time, the innovators, the ones pushing boundaries both in a technical sense and an artistic sense, have been straight white (and often Christian) men.

I will agree that blacks rule popular music, however popular music doesn't hold a candle to classical/art music.

This is true but you should consider the fact that up until 100 years ago it was almost impossible for anyone but a straight, white man to receive the same opportunities that the best composers throughout time received.

Not him, but Blues can be diverse too.

Just compare delta blues, Texas blues and Chicago blues, for exemple, or how Joe bonamassa plays now.

Indeed it is less diverse than jazz, but it has its great merits.

Both are great, I don't think one is better than the other.

>Joe Bonamassa

Please, you are too young to be here

what is his problem?

>Just compare delta blues, Texas blues and Chicago blues, for exemple, or how Joe bonamassa plays now.
But they're all still based around the same chord progression and scale. Otherwise they'd be jazz.

White people sure are great at taking credit for genres that were innovated by other peoples, and in other regions in the world. I mean Fuck, even Gregorian chants are based on Mantras that hindu cultures have been practicing thousands of years. And that's practically the start of classical music


Yeah, I didn't deny that, but it souds very different, showing you can be diverse with that very same chord progression.

SJW the post
Go back to tumblr or reddit.

I bet you also feel the bernie and have a poster of Ghandhi in yiur room, reddit.

You left out Old Timey Negro Spirituals, breh!

You are Right, but am I wrong?

1. Blues
2. Jazz
3. Funk
4. Motown
5. House
6. Negro Spirituals
7. Rap / hip hop
8. Reggae

>Trip hop

Can Motown even be considered a music style?

No barbershop Quartet, Ragtime and Go Go?

>nu-males triggered by the grim realization that their intricate tweedily-deedily-dees will never top some broke ass negro plucking a one stringed cigar box on a dusty corner store stoop


Really? Have you listened to vocal jazz for example?
If this doesn't move you, I don't know what to say really.

It indeed does, but I always felt that Billie Holliday, Ella Fitzgerald and Etta James felt quite bluesy too.

I'm not saying it ain't Jazz, just that it is much more closer to Blues than the average Miles Davis, Trane or Mingus.

>Etta James
I meant Nina Simone. Etta is more blues than Jazz, I guess. For some reason I was thinkg about her.

>hip hop below disco
>no New jack swing

mate, you think joe bonamassa is a good example of diverse style in contemporary blues

God tier: Jazz
Great tier: Blues
Good tier: Funk, Soul, R&B
Mid tier: Rap
Shit tier: Disco

this is official btw

>The force of Blues comes from the Soul, user.

these are the people who's opinions i'm taking somewhat seriously

the average Mingus is blues

so hindu mantras are the cause of white people composing all the music that has been preserved in writing since the 1600s? that's a pretty big leap.

this desu

R & B is borderline midtier

yeah i agree actually, i'd put it in between the two tiers

Kys all are god tier

>the average Mingus is blues

Disco is literally funk with salsa rhythms and a pop influence
Only meathead Led Zep lovers hated disco when it was big, and they only hated it because racism and homophobia
Reminder that the punks and new wavers were much more open-minded to disco

I say mowtown you say soul, whatever, its a pretty distinct formula featuring driving bass, huge backbeat, and harmonized emotive vocals delivering lyrics grounded in love & longing

>What is Stax
>what is Philly soul
>what is New Orleans soul
>all soul is Detroit/Motown soul
Wew lad

Yep, Detroit bretty much eclipsed those obscurities you mentioned. Thanks for playing.

>Otis Redding and Booker T & the MGs are "obscurities"
>Philly soul, aka what would later become disco is an obscurity

even stuff like this is blues influenced

Disco is garbage just like trap. yes it's popular, yes it's fun to listen to, still total garbage. If you've heard 1 disco album you've heard every other disco album ever made.
and this is coming from someone who has heard at least TWO disco albums. both sucked familia.

>trip hop
>not black


Blues influenced=/=being blues.

Of course, every influetial Rock and Jazz artist drank from Blues, but that doesn't make than Blues.

A couple of good acts doesnt make a scene or genre, certainly not one that could contend with the juggernaut that was Motown. Go back to sleep.

splitting hairs. obviously Mingus is jazz, but he's got more blues in him than do Coltrane or Miles by a long shot. you can't put them in the same boat

Oh, I misunderstood you.

When you said his average was Blues I thought you said he was more Blues than Jazz.

>disco albums
Disco is singles-driven grandpa. Go back to listening to Pink Floyd if you want albums
Disco is not any more trash than house or funk
>its fun to listen to but garbage
How is it garbage if you like it you faggot
Go listen to the Stax singles collection. Fucking great label

1.) Taco Bell is garbage I love that shit.
2.) House, Techno, and Funk are WAY better than disco. fact
3.) No disco album (of which there are many even if it's "singles-driven". same goes for House/Techno for that matter but who cares) can touch anything Theo Parrish, Sly and the Family Stone, or George Clinton have made, and that's just a few names.
4.) The quality of disco is uniformly low. Aside from like Kool and the Gang and Giorgio Moroder disco fuckin sucks

anything singles-driven is not worth listening to.

>every song before the sixties is not worth listening to

What a pleb.

god tier is Robert Cray. all you other fuckers can suck my disk

Top kek

there were plenty of good albums before the 60s you pleb

1. Gospel
2. Blues
3. Jazz
4. Folk/Country (I know surprising, right?)
5. Rock & Roll

Fuck off black man, don't get too cocky.. we still have King Beethoven.

Still most of good blues and jazz artists didn't release albums before the 60s.


Don't reply again.

Ragtime, is.. the Carter Family is great & all but..

>most good blues and jazz artists didn't release albums before the 60s

What the fuck am i reading

What in the fuck are you talking about? Most of the best blues was recorded 1925-1940.

There's lots of black influence in early country music. The Carter Family worked directly with and learned from black musician Leslie Riddle who used to help AP Carter on his song-hunting trips. Black finger picker and fiddler Arnold Schultz was a big influence on kentucky country musicians in the '30s and '40s and was spoken highly of by Merle Travis and Charlie Monroe.

Forget the "didn"t, I was stoned when wrote that.

I love jazz, soul, and blues. I've finally given up on trying to get into hip hop, though - I've definitely found rappers I like, but the truth is for the most part I just don't care for the genre.