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Deak leaked it off his shitty Crosely speakers

nothing, although golden gal is a stain on this album

Wow, I thought I was the only one who thinks it's clearly the worst track. Have zero clue how it got so popular.

>le "recycling is clearly the best track and golden gal, vertical and floridada are all trash because they don't sound like ass and people like them" hipsters

panda's songwriting was stale for the most part and relied too much on the hocketing already showcased on PBVSGR

I love recycling as well as vertical and floridada. But Golden Gal is such a snoozer, it's the least interesting song from a sonic perspective yet for some baffling reason they made it the longest.


This album is really good, I still listen to it regularly

How ya doin'?

it's the only animal collective album I listened to and I really really liked it,
I was just listening to it loud as fuck when I was mowing the lawn and it just blew my mind, maybe it's the effect of novelty in their songs that you didn't experience listening to this album and I did?
I had tried listening to mpp but it was maybe too experimental for me at that time? I'll try again one of these days

>Top tier
Spilling Guts
Lying in the Grass
>Mid tier
Summing the Wretch
Bagels in Kiev
The Burglars
>Low tier
Hocus Pocus
Natural Selection
On Delay
Golden Gal

I enjoy all the songs though, outside natural selection and golden gal really. Solid 8/10 album, not mind blowing, but I love it all the same and it's very addictive. Feels like auditory adderall.

>lying in the grass and recycling
>top tier

This is the Opinion Police, we're revoking your right of stating your opinion on the internet due to it being incredibly shitty

Best AC album cover tbqh.


with the world

>an awesome, nocturnal take on psychedelic dance music featuring colin stetson and coming from a band who hasn't dipped their toes in that water really
>a lyrically, sonically, and emotionally shocking closing song which is startlingly sinister
what is wrong with these? let me guess, you're a "muh beach boys harmonies" fuck who's going to tell me golden gal is their best song in years or some shit.


>hipsters hate this great song to like trash like bagels in kiev instead

>a lyrically, sonically, and emotionally shocking closing song which is startlingly sinister
>all these words to a lazy recicled song that even reflects it on its title

Got lost on your way to pitchfork bud

shoo shoo

the opening thirty seconds of bagels in kiev is more captivating than any moment in golden gal
>i know! i'll insult someone who has a different opinion than me by referencing a website that doesn't even share that opinion!
nigga how stupid are you

funny of you to remind us of the first thirty seconds of bagels in kiev because they're the only interesting thing in the song, which changes completely after that and becomes utter trash

better than a song that's trash beginning to end. you should try listening to some top 40, if you honestly believe golden gal is anything other than the least interesting song on the album then you shouldn't even be listening to this band because you don't understand what makes them great.



poor little hipster boy

too bad you ignore the existance of FloriDaDa which is way, way worse than Golden Gal

Golden Gal is fun to sing along to

I actually like it.


Here's you problem
Music can't be fun you dingus Music is supposed to be long and convoluted and pretentious.

does noone else like spilling guts?

I'm not a huge recycling fan but it's ok. I love Vertical and Floridada though. why do you apply labels to people? you are a child. I don't like Golden Gal very much because something about it is so pompous. when I saw them live they literally did boyband dances behind their synths to the song, really ruined it for me. just comes off as an insincere ditty about gender politics. the rest of the album contains fascinating stuff though.

>I don't like Golden Gal very much because something about it is so pompous
>oyband dances behind their synths to the song, really ruined it for me. just comes off as an insincere ditty about gender politics

How can you say that with a straight face in the same post you say you love FloridaDa

Havent you ever listened to the song or watched the MV for fucks sake

Because I really enjoy the way Floridada lightly touches on a mythical "everywhere place" and the context behind its conception is interesting, and for whatever reason I love its super boisterous phrase trade-offs. I'm not here stating some hot opinion to purposefully piss of golden gal lovers. they were legitimately doing boy band shimmies behind their setups when I saw them, and the lyrics of Golden Gal his me with zero subtlety. I don't vibe with the track at all.

Why people keep discussing this shitty album which is clearly the worst work AnCo has ever produced even beating Oddsac and Hollindagain

Why won't you idiots stop sucking pitchfork hairy balls and finally admit that ChZ is their best album and discuss it properly

I actually do think Centipede Hz is their best

What the heck is wrong with everyone in this thread?

And especially you.

Are there no sane AnCo fans out there? Im baffled.

no you don't

Nobody wanted to like it hence nobody did like it. I thought it was ok cause I wanted to stay optimistic. It is nowhere near the best anco has been but it's definitely not the worst.

SJ > STGSTV > MPP > ST > CHz > Feels > PW
Idk yet about the rest

>CHz > Feels

>Feels that low

Literally kill yourself

>said they were going for a straight forward pop sound
>fanboys get butthurt when that's exactly what they get

I held off on listening to anything after Floridada was released, but still went ahead with the Deluxe pre-order. I desperately wanted it to be better than Hz.

Oy vey, it's not okay. I maintain it *is* their worst LP-length release. Hollindagain isn't great by any means, but i'll play a few tracks every now again.

It's so much better than Centipede Hz. Can't believe tryhards on this board praise an album where the members of the band weren't even in the studio together because OMG it's so experimental, there's like, screaming and stuff. So emotional!

You talking about Hz there, champ?
I enjoy Hollindagain more than Hz. Hz is pretty lame.

The Panda one is my phone background. The colourway is so fucking fantastic.

Fanboys didn't get butthurt. AnCo fans never get butthurt.

The people who got butthurt were the ones who jumped on the AnCo bandwagon when MPP dropped, then when all of the media outlets said "It's not good" they dropped the band in a heartbeat.

>AnCo fans never get butthurt
it's hard to get butthurt when you dont exist

agreed golden gal is shit

Absolutely accurate

golden gal is the best song

go back to masturbating to daffy duck or alvin row

daffy duck is also one of the worst songs
alvin row is one of their best
why'd you choose those two songs

I prefer Flesh Canoe for masturbation

i'll put my cuckoo cuckoo in your flesh canoe and la rapet you cheeky fucker

They deviated from the formula.

What formula? "hurrr they sold out and became too pop", were you buried in a cave since before MPP came out?

>not Guy's Eyes

>One of their worst works
Please lad, your pleb is showing.

Not the pop formula, the murky psychedelic noise formula.

Those are some bad opinions my man

sung tongs is their worst album

excuse me friend we just agreed that painting with is the worst album of all time

take your hot opinions elsewhere

Deakin just dropped a record that sounds like an older anco album, go listen to that if you like maintaining a totally stagnant taste and hearing shitty rehashes of what was done better in the past
I fucking love Animal Collective. All their albums. And I'm glad they moved on.

I know, I was literally only pretending to be retarded. Most criticisms of PW can be boiled down to, "I don't like it because it's different."

I agree with your takes (not sure if I find Recycling shocking, but that's subjective) but Stetson doesn't play on LitG. The wood solo is something Geo made, Stetson plays on Floridada

Golden Gal or maybe Lying in the Grass are best tracks.
Vertical gets old with the whole 'feet can't cross the parking lot' bit.
Recycling is garbage, sounds like carnival music.

Take it from someone who preordered the LP:

>Great tier
Golden Gal
>Good tier
Lying in the Grass
The Burglars
Summing the Wretch
Natural Selection
>Okay tier
Bagel in Kiev
On Delay
Spilling Guts
>Bad tier
Hocus Pocus
>Skip tier

It's an improvement from MPP and Centipede Hz's awful covers at least.

>Skip tier

Are you serious?

Summing The Wretch is my shit

you were doing so good till Vertical

Yeah, it's a pretty common opinion that Golden Gal is the new Summertime Clothes i.e AnCo's new worst song. It's really cringy.

>golden gal is the best song
translation: I don't listen to Animal Collective

is there an anco song that isn't cringey

>golden gal
>coming from the board that adores Brothersport and panda bear shit like ARE YOU MAAAAD YEAAAH I'M MAAAAD

i'm fairly sure Golden Gal is a song by Animal Collective brah :^)

It's not about masturbation. It's about shitting/pissing your pants.

Yawn did AnCo better than AnCo with Open Season




Bagels in Kiev is the corniest fucking song I've ever heard from AC. I mean Golden Gal is kind of patronizing and cheesy in it's own way, but nothing strange outside of the context of the rest of the album.

bagels in kiev and golden gal are equally bad.

no they arent

who /AnimalCrackBox/ here

This album gives me a headache, it's nothing but electronic fart noises and annoying effects. Lying in the Grass is one of the worst songs ever made.


Seriously, I love the shit out of this fucking album. It's not as good or deep as many of their other albums, but much more fun and addicting than many.

Nothing really. Sure it's not as good as some of their other albums, but it's different and all their albums are pretty different from one another.

Ok this is an honest question, how loud are you guys listening to music that it gives you headaches? I have never once in my life got a headache from music


everyone knows patrician music is supposed to make your head feels like its being drilled and hammered

Structurally the whole song sounds like a weird extended bridge where everything just seems to repeat without any progression. I don't like how the fluctuating tone of the lead singing and the production is too distorted compared to the very pleasant backing vocal harmony. Everything about the song just makes me uncomfortable, which could be fine but it doesn't suit the rest of the album, ergo the "Skip tier".

It's far more representative of the album than something like golden gal