DG concert

I want to go to a death grips concert but im afraid ill get trampled lion king style. Im a girl and i dont weigh that much, anyone know how bad its gonna be?

oh its gonna be bad and a fun experience at the same time

Don't worry the DG fanbase consists of nothing but nu-males and they will protect you fair lady

it will hurt. have fun

im sorry but if you dont wanna get hurt or sweaty in front of the greatest band of all time, then please dont buy a ticket. their shows sell out all the time and real fans sometimes dont have the opportunity to immediately buy tickets so just don't go.

I can't say about DG but I've been to grindcore shows that are just as violent and people couldn't be any nicer. If you fall, you'll have a few people trying to help you up, if you want out the pit people will help, etc.

If DG shows are just as bad though, you'll probably have a lot of bruises and be sore as fuck but it will be worth it.

you'll find alot of autists like this guy

it's sad to think how genuine this lame ass post is


>greatest band of all time

trips confirm this is the truth

trips don't lie

you'll be fine, if you stay away from the pit then nothing will happen and if you don't people will be extra nice to you because you're a girl

If your close to the stage *at all* you'll most likely just be squished up really tight with everyone around you and everyone will be swaying uniformly trying to move around to the music. If you don't want to be completely intimate with everyone around being sweaty as fuck than just stay back a little and you'll be good.

I don't mind that at all and im def not a fake fan lol, just wanted to know what im getting myself into. thanks for your concern tho

Who /KRAKOW/ here? Wanna team up?

Holy fucking shit dude

>greatest band of all time
i wasn't aware The Residents were touring.

>Real fans

Gr8 b8 m8

aren't they still playing?

It's sweaty and hard to breath sometimes, but totally worth it. I enjoyed the time I saw Death Grips, except when Get Got was being played and a sweaty bro next to me was trying to scream the lyrics-he sounded insane

My girlfriend wants to come with me to one of their shows and she's pretty tiny. I'm afraid we're going to get separated and she'll get trampled and possibly [spoiler]groped[/spoiler]

Am I just being overly protective?

nah you're just a beta faggot it comes natural

ok ty

i wonder if this guy will be at the concert?

I went to the 4/20 pomona show and it was the best night of my life.

Never pass up a chance to see them if you're a fan.

im a girl too got the same worry :( i really dont want to miss out but dont like pain
desu if u dont mind a wee bit of pain you will be fine tho, like obviously girls go to their shows and don't die

self vent indeed

you can probably just stick to the sides/near the back and be fine
ayy I was there too, the lighting was so dark the only member I saw for the entire set was Andy. Apparently the audio was also fucked up

Where were you at?
I was at the very left front, right in front of the speaker, was wearing white.

My body was thrashed the next day

left front w white 4 shows t shirt too, didn't really feel shitty the next day as I didn't get like hit or pushed at all, friend got kicked in the head tho. p crazy show, you see that guy jump over the banister and try to run into the crowd but get tackled by security guards like right before dg came out?

Which Show are you planning to attend? This matters.

i dont remember that, i remember those 2 chicks grinding up on me and my friend.

also, i remember right when the show ended, the lights came on and i saw 2 guys with blood all over their faces, 1 of them had a huge gash on his eye

wait, were you the one I was talking to about your shirt and how you were saving a spot for your dad?

Yes!!! OMG!

damn, didn't know it got that bad

im confused you were the one i added on sc?


yeah that was a great show,

>greatest band of all time
DG fans everyone

nice dubs and yeah thats been established already

>Im a girl

WOAH THERE BUDDY did you just post this to get (you)'s. Also what female LIKES death grips lmao

Death Grips will be the first concert I have ever gone to (p bad anxiety, but I'm trying to tackle it by forcing myself to get out more eg this show). Will be going alone too. I just really wanna experience music live and I'd imagine they're amazing. Sounds kinda pathetic, I know, but advice? I kinda just wanna experience the music, not fussed at all with moshing/getting push around/etc. Guess I should just stand near the back?

OP gets (OP)s you stupid shit, holy fuck kill yourself already

Going alone isnt bad really, as for the mosh pit, you should stay either in the very front rows or to the sides.

They are great live, any time they come to the west coast I am going to see them

>tfw you didnt get there early enough to get into the pit :(
tried bribing security with a 20 too but they refused. i think about it everyday.

hahahaha bribe security, the guard in front of me was the size of a fridge

i was so into the music that i didnt notice the pit to my right, so i didnt go into it either. i dont regret it since it was amazing seeing them live

absolutely buzzin man

When I was 17 I went to see DG. I was 5'5, 135 pounds. Everyone else was twice my height and thrice my weight. I'm still alive. Stop being a little bitch


This desu. I was 5'6, 130 pounds, and I was fine. There are varying levels of aggression throughout the crowd, so just maneuver yourself to a safe area. Even if people are going hard around you, the majority of people are pretty nice and will help you up if you fall or want to get out. Also, smaller girls are generally shoved much less forcefully. Most people arent dicks.

>she doesn't want to get trampled lion king style


I was a small guy though.. :(

>tfw don't know if I should to the concert in SF
I'm shy af and never been to a concert before, what do

Im going to that one with my sister and cousin. Itll be my second time seeing them. The first was in santa cruz and i went alone. It was my first show that i soloed, and the only "uncomfortable" part was standing in line alone. Once youre in there, you shouldnt give a shit. I was hype as fuck. Make sure you really get into it. Fight your way towards the front and try not to get thrown around too much, or pushed towards the back.

these dubs

>going to see them at Sound on Sound fest

Kinda hyped. Haven't been in a mosh pit since I was in my teens.


who /BRIGHTON/ here?


if you go you will see a lot of people like this guy


Waiting for those tickets tomorrow to be sold out at 9:01am.

People are gonna notice that you're not exactly a hulking mass of muscle and steel and will, hopefully, make an effort not to crush you. If you see that it's getting aggressive around you, move somewhere to the side and you'll be a-okay.

Some dude mention he's scared his gf is gonna get groped at a gig. I'm also a girl and have never in my life been groped at a concert. Anything bad that has happened to me at a gig has usually always been an accident (like getting something spilled on me, or one time when a dude raised his arms and ended up elbowing me right in the head - shit like that).

You better leave me a fucking ticket user

is 'getting trampled at death grips shows' a meme? I saw them a few years ago, venue was packed, it was just a bunch of skinny white kids bobbing their heads.

>1100+ people interested in the event
>Venue holds 450
hope I can get a ticket desu

Just fucking do it you pussy. You aren't gonna die, so you might as well have the experience.

anyone buy the tickets for the festival in Bristol????

same user

I bought the tickets earlier on and I think im gonna buy tickets for Manchester tomorrow

/cologne/ representing - hoping to get a ticket though

isn't that in october?

yeah probably mate who else good is there, haven't properly looked through the line-up

Berlin here, if I'm not getting tix for this one I will probably kill myself ;_;

...but they are touring aren't they?

Wtf when are they coming? I might pop in Whelan's tonight, there would be a good venue for them

yep. i'm wondering what venue they'll play in. Did you go to the one at the fleece a few years back?


October lad. They played Whelans before. Was hoping button factory myself. But what can you do

>Im a girl and i dont weigh that much, anyone know how bad its gonna be?

Lmao, you're going to get fucking killed. I highly suggest you don't go, unless you bring a friend with you.

>tfw no show in Brum and I hate travelling to London

b-but they are touring