What do you think is the most "respected" genre on Sup Forums?


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What is the most difficult to listen to?

Not Post-Rock for sure


Post punk

Chinese Christian brainwash-core

This. People don't usually knock classical whereas people regularly rip on all other genres (even jazz is sometimes mocked as fedoracore).


Reminder: jazz has the average oldest fan of any music genre.

I know, what's wrong with Post-Rock?

prog obviously

Le music with very depressed lyrics white teenage boys can relate to.

these two

Pretty much this. Babby dilettante's first genre discovery from Sup Forums.


Delta Blues?

you people are only right because it's so broad

Pop-punk, neo-soul, plunderphonics, freak folk, classical

Chinese depressive atmoshit

k pop

Yea and the general threads are usually a circlejerk of about a dozen albums.

I love jazz and im not even 20, i can feel proud


haha u fell for my tr0le xd

Power pop. Everyone can name a power pop song that they like, idc who you are.

That was so eric!

Definetely not

hahahaha tr0le

Classical I guess. The only people who shit on it are the people who unironically like punk music.



Super Eurobeat

>hating on an entire genre for no reason