ITT god tier albums

ITT god tier albums

Why is Sup Forums suddenly loving Bones? Everyone here made fun of him a year ago.

My nigga Cracker is barely the best Bones album. Either Garbage, or Powder.

cracker and paid programming 1+2 are fantastic

do you also think snorting prescription drugs at your divorced mom's boyfriend's house & shoplifting from gas stations is god tier

clay aiken tho

bones is still awful

not even the best bones release

>Best Bones album
>not Useless, SongsThatRemindYouOfHome, PP2. Rotten, or Powder

wrong choice, friendo

useless is mad tho, glad we have an understanding and rest in peace are good as songs

shit taste

coinstar is the only song I don't really fuck with on Useless. Vegard is a godlike producer


>not liking Rozz
it's like you're trying to upset me

then you care about shit

rozz is definitely miles better than bones

leave it to a bones fan to not like him s m h t b h

if there was a pile of shit in the corner of your room would you just ignore it, or would you try to clean it up????????????

Rozz is awful, his voice is something that makes me want to throw up

That's what I'm saying. Rozz is way more technical and lyrical than Bones
So many Bones songs are the same
>I'm Bones
>Bones is awesome
>you're not Bones
>because Bones is unique and awesome
>and only I'm Bones

that's not your room, you may just ignore it, and you can't remove it anyway, so talking about bones is nothing but a waste of time for you

*takes out earbuds playing bones' latest filler mixtape at full volume*

what's that bro? you wanted to throw in for this dope? just bring some aluminum foil, my mom is all out

yeah there's a handful of bones tracks that are decent but 99% of it doesn't stand out. there shouldn't be one decent track for every 10 tracks (tho rozz can be guilty of this too). that said house of drip is a perfect mixtape in terms of technicality and production. but i think i'm one of few who think this lol

everything is a waste of time, but why would i ignore everything???

do you consider everything shit like you consider bones?

no. but i do consider a lot of things to be varying degrees of shit depending on cognitive bias, current mood, and (very slightly) its objective artistic value in relation to the artist's intent is

>objective artistic value

top kek