AOTY leaked 4 hours ago and nobody is talking about it

>AOTY leaked 4 hours ago and nobody is talking about it

Other urls found in this thread:

isn't the quality really bad

Pretty sure Malibu came out months ago

Pretty bland pbr&b senpai

They will always be Viet Cong in my heart

leaked in a shitty quality. i prefer to wait some more days t bh


can confirm

okay if its good quality i want a link

If you want discussion hit us up w that mega bruh, I'd love to hear it before I catch them at fyf fest

Could I get an upload of the V0?

same, Viet Cong was such a good band name

320kbps link pls

>when that riff kicks in 4 minutes into Memory

Honestly can't take them seriously as a punk band after they pussied out and changed their name.

even punks need to pay bills

there was no point
the name wasn't really a statement of any kind and it was causing them far more trouble than it could possibly be worth

punk is dead

Did you think about that before they changed? I'm not trying to attack you or something, just wondering

>tfw second half of Memory is Bells 2

I wasn't ready for those feelings

cuz that's why they are post-punk

It's frustrating but understandable, they were getting protests at shows and removed from festivals because of the name, a name which they admitted they didn't put much thought into from the beginning.
They either had two choices, change the name or stick with a name which they didn't feel particularly strongly tied to, jeopardising their success as a semi-large touring indie group.
They made the choice to make the leap from the underground Calgary scene to being signed onto a large indie label and tour globally, I think they realised that they had to compromise on this particular issue

tell that to New Order and Joy Division, two (well, one) of the most successful pop bands of all time

Not him, but sometimes you don't know how good something is until it's gone

>they were getting protests at shows and removed from festivals because of the name
jesus what pussy faggots

I don't blame them, I blame the faggots who were protesting them.

can someone actually get me a 320 link

But those are references to a group that killed white people, who cares

are you retarded

Yeah, ia. Also it's not like they changed the name just to appease offended tumblrinas, iirc some of the ppl most upset were actually Vietnamese, so I dunno. It's a bit more understandable I feel.

I seriously laughed my ass off for like 10 minutes when I googled what the hell the controversy was about.

You gotta be making some bullshit if your fans are more preoccupied with your band name than your music. Also, pretty lame for a group of people to bitch about cultural appropriation, knowing damn well they aren't Vietnamese, nor alive for the events they take "offense" to. Faggot fans, and faggot band.

It's retarded that they got protested in the first place, especially since I guarantee you that most people doing the protesting own a joy division T. You can call your band something like Anal Cunt or Passenger of Shit but suddenly Viet Cong is unacceptably offensive? Completely moronic.

Honestly I think regional politics within the Canadian music scene played a role in it. If you're a band in Alberta - especially Calgary - it's implicitly expected that you disavow anything to do with Alberta and join up with the snooty elites in Toronto or Montreal, which they aren't doing. They can't force them to move so they drum up an invented controversy to hurt their wallets.

I thought it was a great name from the beginning, admittedly owing somewhat to its militaristic connotations
Comparing it to Preoccupations, which sounds like a drab 80s new wave or 2000s indie rock group, Viet Cong was a perfect descriptor of the bands dark and goth tinged post-punk

what is this

the canadian diy circuit/community is pretty tight knit. We've got a lot of land mass and not a lot of people so to make touring a worthwhile experience you've got to maintain good relationships, if yr pissin people off on one side of the country people on the other side will know about it quickly, and promoters would rather cancel a show than start schisms in their community.

You could say they had


Judging from the file size a link to the V0

>Also it's not like they changed the name just to appease offended tumblrinas
The only reason the "controversy" gained any momentum was because Grimes decided to be offended on behalf of vietnamese people she's never met and sicced her fans on them. South Vietnam war vets aren't going to post-punk shows, appeasing offended tumblerinas was entirely what it was for.

what a nice guy

Grimes, you mean that white bitch who appropriates black, Indian, and asian cultures?

No, user is just using the logic of the masses. No one gives a shit.

>liberal hipsters are blatantly hypocritical, petty douchebags

wow, never would have expected that.

Yep V0 confirmed

thanks man!

Is it safe?

seems fine so far unless there's some elaborate ruse at the end

except it was literally Vietnamese activists and community groups who were organizing the protests, and Grimes was certainly not the only musician speaking out. Plenty of people were and a lot of them have played shows/were/are friends with the guys in Preoccupations at some time or another. Yr either not canadian and/or have no idea how diy works here

get out reddit

Did you scan it?

Post-punk =/= punk.

When did Sup Forums become this retarded?

Honestly that's pretty much it. Wether or not they should have, a few key actors in the community were pissed and I've seen a few heated arguments between booker/artist friends.

Source: live in qc, pretty active asaboker in the "weird canada scene" and in canadian underground overall

Sorry for trying to keep my 500$+ computer safe.

I'm Calgarian, I know everything about how the music scenes out east resent anything to do with Alberta. I've also never seen Vietnamese groups protesting their shows. They played the main stage at Sled Island last year under the Viet Cong name and nobody was bitching about it.

** as a booker

Wait.. It was Grimes' fault? Infighting between the Canadians is unusual

holy fuck how do you get a PC so cheap?

320 mega when??!

>Infighting between the Canadians is unusual

lol, is that sarcastic? Canada is rife with sectarian resentment, why do you think Quebec has a perpetual stick up its ass about absolutely everything?

Nah totally not. So much cool stuff from Calgary gets love here

Laptops exist. You could also theoretically mod a decent one by using used parts for that price.

But it's actually 1,000

did you guys go to this years Sled Island? I don't really like Built to Spill so I skipped it and I regret it so much

The person who wrote the original open letter that got loads of circulation was Vietnamese, though.

>I know everything about how the music scenes out east resent anything to do with Alberta
lol wut

yeah most of the protests were comin out of toronto, but thats also because toronto has one of the largest Vietnamese communities in Canada.

The idea of appropriation is so fucking STUPID. Who gives a shit about taking ideas and using them for art, everyone does it. Should we ask for permission to use or listen to something because it's rooted in someone's culture? Fuck that shit. They don't own it. Cultures spit out ideas that can be open for anyone, you don't get to choose where those creations go, they're just sprouted and eventually get used and distorted or made better or put into something different by anyone who wants to. And Viet Cong is such an innocuous fucking name, how the fuck are people this sensitive? We've literally run out of things to complain about so we have to scramble to make a big deal of nothing now.

Sure they do, when the stuff from Calgary disavows anything to do with Calgary, leaves town, and integrates themselves into the Eastern scenes. Braids? Abandoned Calgary. T&S? Abandoned Calgary. Dories? Abandoned Calgary. They might like Preoccupations out East but they hate that Preoccupations insists on remaining Calgarian.

>skipping out on Sled Island because of one band
lolwut? I thought on paper the lineup this year was one of their weaker ones and Peaches was a shit choice for guest curator but it was still fucking amazing.

try and stop me

"Punk" doesn't just mean three chord punk rock, post-punk is as much punk as hardcore punk or crust punk or any other punk subgenre is



I'm not from there so I'm mostly talk kin out of my ass. I knew about the Quebec issue but I was under the impression things weren't as regionally split up there. I guess I was wrong

*raises my fist and bows my head in solemn solidarity*

Calgary has a ton of vietnamese people, nobody here gave a shit.

t. white male


>Viet Cong

Do you know literally anything at all about history?

thats such a blanket statement brah
i felt bad for the guys havin all this shit blowup when they were gettin traction, especially considering women are like a top tier group for me (and post punk from the region is all primo), and even though I didnt get to see Women, seeing Viet Cong play my buddy's living room when they were tourin' the cassette was dope, but nobody wants to burn bridges in the community. Theyre not raving about the name change and neither should you.

And this idea of out east stealing acts or hating acts for staying put is ridiculous. Do you know how many bands from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and the actual eastern provinces move to cities like Montreal and Toronto? Its not scenes stealing yr bands, it bands moving to bigger cities (bigger markets) with more infrastructure and resources for musicians and artists or just folks following personal relationships. You sound a little paranoid thinkin people are out to steal yr bands bruh

literally who

I'm sure he means compared to other band names

in the long range of offensive band names, Viet Cong isn't that bad

>it matters

when will people fuck off with defining themselves by history or heritage its lazy

blah blah blah my parentys life was so hard
so many peopel died blah blah blah

Yeah they just moved, nobody is pissed at Calgary for anything.. as user said I know far more bands from the East that moved here. Dories are fucking great btw.

From Qc sorry. Wanted to drive to Sappy but work didn't let me go. Will be at Shifty Bits though

fuck Memory is amazing

I'm kinda butt befuddled about the name change but w/e

Is this that new Viet Cong?

i like the fact that every song title is a single word


avant lib genius here:
dont mix us in with the tmblrino hipsters plox

What the heck guys that looks just like the album cover I was working on months ago myself. Did this band just rip me off? Hivemind? I just blurred out my name but you get the idea.


Also does anyone know when they first showed their cover for the album?

Agree with this
It's not listenable knowing just how lame the artists are

*finishes making yo mamma sweat*
*wipes the messy froth from my johnson*
*sneaks down to the basement*
*nearly vomits from the stench of rotten tendies and old wank socks*
*lithely steps between piss filled gatoraide bottles*
*silently standing behind you*
*unsheathes kitananana*
*laughs while you actually pick all the street signs*
*spears warm uneaten hot pocket with sword*
*disappears back into the night*

youre not serious are you?
do you really think those are anything alike?

It sure does especially if the name wasnt blurred out. What are you talking about? I almost freaked out when I saw this threads picture.

After you. I know a good lawyer.

I was just saying there was an resemblance


good link. thanks buddy

but there isnt
not at all