Preoccupations - Preoccupations ALBUM DISCUSSION

Preoccupations - Preoccupations
>art rock, post-punk, formerly viet cong

>What's your take on it so far?
>Favorite tracks?
>What do you think of their new direction, given the focus on synths?

Also: no politicking in this thread. Christ, there's already enough of that in the other thread and it's shut off any hope for there being any discussion about the actual music.

(The link's in v0, but I'm looking for the 320kbps up on What.CD.)



i like it a lot, a little more 'poppy' than vc, memory is gorgeous, soty for me

memory is SOTY

im on mobile right now, the anticipation is killin me right now.
i just realized they've had two s/t's

from what little i've heard i think its pretty good, im just surprised at how much more 'poppy' it is. Im gonna properly listen to it when the 320 is out

It's more synth oriented but still tried and true post punk
I like it a lot

yeah i think after another listen i could end up liking this more than VC. any news on the 320?

For some reason, no one's posted it yet. It's been out for a while on What but yeah, no luck. If anyone here who has an account could post it to Zippy or MEGA, that'd be great.

sense sounds like something right off women s/t. fucking love this album already.

It's better than the majority of post-punk revival that has come out this year, and I do like all the synth worship. However a lot of the musical ideas feel pretty underwhelming and some of the lyrics are really uninspired and cringy

sucks now I can't say more like Viet Dong

Memory is boring, especially the second half that drags on forever, I wanted something like death

It be fun if they changed there name with every new release

this album is garbage

Anyone got a mega? Fukcing hate zippyshare

Anxiety, Memory, Fever.
This album is better than their 1st IMO

The synths are generic as hell and they all sound like they were bored to tears making this album. Wouldn't be surprised if they break up after this.

it's shit

never listened to this band but downloading solely because of the nice album cover

will report back

The emotional impact of the emotionless singing on some of the songs is great for me.
is not a valid criticism if the songs are good.

>if i like it it's not a valid criticism!

generic is so meaningless. And an argument on whether something is or is not generic is pointless especially when you consider context and what the listener has and hasn't heard.

interested to hear your thoughts

The context is obviously this board's collective taste. Think essentials. Almost everyone here has heard JD, which these guys rip off heavily.


I like it but not as much as their first, can easily see myself warming to it though.

Absolutely love a couple tracks, 7/10 atm but could definitely end up an 8
>rip off
get a load of this guy

matt flegel, the singer, even said they were just basically ripping off joy division & this heat when i saw them play

Does anyone have a goddamn 320 link yet?
Also, for those who have heard the album, do you think its better or worse than their first?

What quality is that zippy link? I might just wait for 320. Kinda skeptical about this one with all of the pop labels being thrown around, i only started to really like Viet Cong once i went back and fell in love with the experimental aspects of Women

It's pretty good. There's a couple of bangers on there, but Memory was a complete letdown. I thought it was going to be like Death, instead it was just 6 minutes of song and 5 minutes of filler.

its based off bauhaus design and specifically a typeface by herbert bayer, I believe

the music was pretty lame, wouldn't recommend

coming from someone who used to enjoy women and this kind of post punk a lot


Nobody gives a shit about Viet Cuck

this is, like, just ok

Can someone link the 320 copy on




i was interested in this album only by the amount it was spammed by Sup Forums and p4k, and i gotta say i was impressed in the modern way it reimagines post-punk. but really, i don't think their s/t was as critically as impressive as its fame indicates.

hoping for more on this one cause they have sufficiently interested me

Nice try Shekelburg
We can see through your tricks, go spam Painting With or something