Chart thread

Rec rate guess personalities etc

Other urls found in this thread:

Is submissive

as much as i think 99% of what you have is utter shit, i appreciate your honesty. every other chart here will just be a circle jerk of "i'm so patrician lol"

the most recognizable chart in the history of this website

you like to play pretend
La Femme - Psycho Tropical Berlin
Future Islands - Singles
Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup

forgot my chart

herbie hancock - head hunters
brian eno & david byrne - my life in the bush of ghosts



Burning Star Core - Challenger
Dirty Beaches - Drifters/Love is the Devil
Horse Lords - Hidden Cities
Cluster - Zuckerzeit
Yasuaki Shimizu - Kakashi

Dan Deacon - Bromst
Amon Duul II - Yeti
Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz
MGMT - Congratulations

Hip hop is my main genre but I am slowly getting into other genres. Rate

thanks I already like headhunters and Eno solo albums. I'll check that out though


it's groovy and rhythmic, similar to RiL. I actually think it's better than RiL

sju och en halv utav tio

Don Cherry - Orient
Jane Jane Pollock - s/t
Daniel Figgis - Skipper
Yoga - Megafauna
Stereolab - Transient Random-noise Bursts With Announcements

Can someone give me a quick rec

Pretty alright 7/10


Hi peeps would love a rate/ recommends thanks

Have you given Bowie's Blackstar a listen?

Yeah senpai, enjoyed it nearly as much as heroes

Bugskull - Phantasies and Senseitions


That's a pretty sick playlist op

sofa - grey
have a nice life - deathconsciousness
cul de sac - ecim

southpacific - constance
dive - freezeframe
pasteboard - glitter

blockhead - music by cavelight
dinosaur jr - you're living all over me
eric's trip - love tara


Off to work, kill me

Follakzoid - ii

Same ^

The halo benders



Honestly I dislike most of it.

You think you have a really good taste. Also, pure white text on such a background, seriously!?
I'd say you are still a teenager.

checking them out now, very krauty

topsters2 doesnt let me choose font color I believe

Too bad, some things are impossible to read.




i don't understand any of this

just ask if you want recs, I gotta go now, but will return


You are the reason these threads are becoming so shitty
Rec something or fuck off

are you mentally challenged?

forgot to add you here poseur tripfag

Boris - Amplifier Worship
Clark - Body Riddle
More Pulp


if you actually looked at my post you'd see that my chart was a reply to recs and that I forgot my own pic
these are all me too
people like you enable tripfags


You have ovaries
You get high
You get REAL emotional and deep at parties
You work in an office
You want to dj


>self aware lazy poster
Have a nice day sir
you like Nick Cave?
not bad pal

i was replying to myself with an update to my chart you ass


I do like Nick Cave, Red Right Hand is a great track.

wait where did that lazyposting come from? wtf?


richard skelton - landings

o shit i just got it
i really am retarded

ramleh-hole in the heart
souled american-frozen
cardiacs-sing to god

Thanks pal
The Gray Field Recordings - Hypnagogia
mmmm yummo, I'll see what I can do.
You probably had it highlighted as you clicked to reply
and yeah that song is great, this one makes me crai errytiem

thanks. i listened to Hypnagogia once before, might give another listen soon

don't remember much about it at this point


you're underage

Max normal - Songs from the mall


this is a bad thread but it isn't Op's fault

wow haha lol

drop....... this is some LAZY posting.... see me after class

should RETARDS be allowed to use Sup Forums?? comment below

>actually likes strawberry jam

y i k e s

wow you're FUCKING cute

haha oh boy wow lol haha

gary higgins - red hash
you'll like him

haha put some shrimp on the ol' barbie m8

only good taste itt

your taste is a laughing stock (not the band)
get real bucko

>should RETARDS be allowed to use Sup Forums??
if i say no will you stop posting??????

+ sleep
try bellwitch

+ yankee hotel
try little people
+ best pink floyd that isnt live at the pompei
+ 2nd best boris

try dronevil-final

+ angelic process
+ low

try the newest empyrium

+ the best finntroll

try bloodcult

try loss

+ godspeed

try, to fucking sing

+ newsom
try diane cluck

+ mastodon
+ lamb o god

just got sacrament last night, long overdue, try baroness?

+ townes
try jesse sykes and the sweetherafter, reckless burning is my favorite b her. There's always merle hagard to

-+++ les ralleuz deundes

honestly the closest i can think might be listener or acid mothers temple, maybe a mixed playlist of both?


honestly i tried AMT long ago and didn't like it
but if i had listened to LRD that time id also dislike it, so honestly i probably need to listen to them again
also windhand is a great band, cool taste

whats your favorite song on luxury problems?

I love windhand, their first album in particular was just amazing

definitely the best things in life or sometimes i feel like a stranger, how bout you?



do that again, punk

see what happens

thank you

My first chart!

>Broder Daniel

good post-rock recs appreciated :P

charles mingus - the black saint and the sinner lady
also you would probs like nujabes if you haven heard of him yet.
phantomsmasher - s/t
magnog - s/t
scavenger - fleece


why bother

plz help i need reccs.

also sorry i would give reccs if i could but all i really know is entry level stuff

is that a rec or a comment, user?

Kate Bush - Hounds of Love
Animal Collective - Feels

King Crimson - Red
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Let Love In
Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours

thank you!

Pretty old but im too lazy to make another one.
Its pretty inaccurate so just disregard the other favorites. Will rec later

what's the album next to lonerism?

likes rain and technology but not in a nerdy way
is very rude to people for no reason
often confused about his identity

Gastr Del Sol - Camoufleur
Efterklang - parades
Long Fin Killie - Houdini
Toundra - iv
Miaou - all around us
Cerati - bocanada
lamp - 恋人へ
Beefcake - drei
Susanne Sundfor - The Silicone Veil
Biosphere - Substrata
Oval - 94 Diskont
Shiina ringo - 勝訴ストリップ
Jega - Variance
Loscil - Submers
>what's the album next to lonerism?

Whole lotta Sup Forums drone stuff on there, but you've also got some unconventional stuff that people usually hate on here like Tame Impala and AJJ. Also you have to change the background image

Boris, Brian Eno, AnCo, The Cure... are you as boring as the bands you like?

Snowing - Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit. They've got the emotion of I Hate Myself and the slacker energy of Pavement


baka always late to these threads


try methdrinker, nootgrush, eyehategod, and uzumaki

thanks for the recs, but not really looking for any metal right now. im mainly trying to find some really good experimental stuff similar to xiuxiu/ the residents

check out:
Ulver - Blood Inside
Kayo Dot - Hubardo

It's Almost Visible Orchestra by Noiserv.
I actually prefer Everything Should Be Perfect Even If No One's There, but it didn't have a picture so I thought fuck it.

>xiuxiu/ the residents
then try ruins, nihm, and Jordaan Mason & The Horse Museum


Couldn't find them anywhere

These are just recent favorites

>The Chameleons
>Stockholm Monsters

Frank Zappa

Have you listened to Nick Drake yet?

>Frank Zappa
Is he purely Jazz? I took a glance at him and thought that's what he was. I'd prefer stuff with some sort of vocals in it

Also, which album do you recommend?

hes not purely jazz

Listen to We're Only In it For the Money and Uncle Meat

I need to update mine
Dismemberment Plan
Try out any of Madlib's stuff if you haven't