Lil Wayne

Where to start? Jesus there's a lot of stuff, and no flowchart.

Oh and I guess talk about Lil Wayne here too, favorite albums, how much dick he sucks, etc.

By killing yourself.

start with Carter II. then go into III and his mixtapes during those years, Drought 3's a great tape. hating on Wayne and never admitting he was ever good is just a stupid meme that for some reason is still around

>Where to start?
first three carters, first three da droughts, first three dedications (although you could probably get away with skipping dedication 3 tbph)
that's your basic essential listening

start with da drought 3, best showcase of all his talents

This makes things simple, guess I'll start like this.

he lil

carter 2 or drought 3

you could stop there as that was his peak

Keep telling yourself that.

I'm no expert but these are (probably) considered his best, so maybe start with these.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Sup Forums

Weezy was one of the best to ever do it tbqh

I would drop Tha Drought Is Over 2 and add No Ceilings.

Better then Eminem

Tha Carter III was his artistic peak, but Dedication 2 is my personal favorite. Da Droughts, Tha Carters, and the first Dedication are all great. Stoked for The Carter V, even though he's retiring afterwards.

>Sup Forums having a serious discussion about Lil Wayne

But they didn't believe me when I said memerap was gonna ruin this board.

Lil Wayne is too old to be memerap though

plus he's actually good, unlike Future and Lil Yatty and Designer

this is objectively true

Desiigner is a genius

People who complain about rap being bad and then state that lil wayne is one of their favorites or is a goat in rap are serious fucking faggots. ICP is more true to the rap game then lil wayne.

>lil wayne
choose one

damn now that I think of it we really do need a Lil Wayne flowchart

my Paint/photoshop skills are weak, does anyone wanna take the time to do it?

I think an obvious starting point would be Tha Carter 3

tasteless plebbit

carter 3, drought 3 and other music around that time if you want to heat him at his peak charisma. carter 1, 2, squad up and a bunch of other mid 2000s mixtapes if you wanna hear multisyllabic rappity rap and all that. And the hot boyz is quality music but a lot different than his later work. He was some good more recent music but it's harder to pick through