This album is just 4/10 generic blues, boring tier, desu

This album is just 4/10 generic blues, boring tier, desu

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I don't think your opinion is very good ):

haha okay kid

Better than TMR

Explain to me how this is a good album

I think that it's anything but boring, but whatever man

>saving the thumbnail
confirmed newfag, opinion disregarded


The edgy, garage rock riffs really compliment Beefheart's voice well. All the tracks on the album don't feel like filler either, even Call On Me (a little dated, but isn't everything dated from 1967 now?)

>generic blues

you made this thread so the onus is upon you

Zig zag wander is p good desu

nobody was making blues like this in 1967


cream was and a billion other bands

TMR > Mirror Man > Safe as Milk

the rest of his discography is far behind though (but still pretty good)

>unironically comparing cream to beefheart
>fucking cream
lmaoing so hard right now

Have you even heard cream?

Nearly anything made before the 80's is unlistenable.

>Lick My Decals
>Doc at the Radar Station

>not based

Fuck you

blues based rock was around awhile before 1967, pleb

>implying any of it sounded like Safe as Milk

Gimmie one track that sounds like Electricity or Abba Zabba

they are both in the style of TMR but nowhere as good

Have you ever heard of screaming jay hawkins? he's pretty obscure desu

so you just go on music catalog sites and read the sweeping genre classifications without any further discerning

good to know

Nah it's an 11/10 masterpiece. Best thing ever. Most innovative and life changing album ever made. You're a fool, OP.

>being so pleb that you don't get it

Sunshine of Your Love does not sound like Beefheart