Why do weeaboos love Japan for the animey when Merzbow-senpai exists?

Why do weeaboos love Japan for the animey when Merzbow-senpai exists?

you should seriously consider suicide
i seriously doubt a person who would make a thread such as this one has anything of worth to provide to anyone

Anime is actually good


To be honest merzbows overrated as a noise artist

the only people who say this are people who have no idea about noise music and its history


Japan is the only country to make art that is on par with that of the western world

I have yet to find evidence that this is true.

ah yes, i'm sure you're very familiar with the art to come from japan as well as the rest of the non-western world

merzbow, evangelion, les rallizes denudes, you could go on...

Saying anime is good is like saying dramas or action movies are good. there are good animes and trash animes i enjoyed death note, seven deady sins and Durarara. But if i have to watch an episode of black butler ever again ill probably kill myself.

japan is yellow :)

I'm not a fan of romantic comedies, but There's Something About Mary remains one of my all time favourites.

Anime is much the same (God damn it Monster)


this so much. every faggot who has just gotten into noise music says this in order to look like they actually know shit. (they don't, of course)

Kazumoto Endo's While You Were Out is far better than anything Merzbow made, it's a shame everyone goes to Merzbow for Japanese noise

Anime is plagued with mediocrity just like every other medium of film. Either way, you have to dig through shit to find the good stuff.

I've heard lots of noisy shit but Masami is still my favourite.

Is there a flowchart for this guy?

He is one of the best.
You clearly don't know anything about what makes noise "good"

start with Venereology if you're not a pussy

>having animu pics in ur laptop
damn thats cool actually jello atm