Master of reality

Master of reality

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The guitar sound is amazing on this thing



a great album from a great band.

>inb4 numale cucks terrified of anything that isnt trendy start calling it problematic/noncomplex

just christian metal
literally the Creed of the 70's

i think you're worrying too much about the numale boogeyman friendo, Sup Forums respects the fuck out of sabbath generally.

but it will never be perfect, it will never be rid of people like

>inb4 numale cucks terrified of anything that isnt trendy start calling it problematic/noncomplex

I have been on Sup Forums for years and have literally never ONCE seen a post like this that wasn't b8 or falseflagging.

kill yourself

you're like that guy who starts yelling about loving black people but nobody said anything about it anyways

i need to go play some sabbath again soon, good album

Great album, love the toms on Children of the Grave. Too bad they couldn't replicate it live.
Lord of This World and Into the Void are the best songs.

Can someone rate this album for an user that listens to the first three records obsessively?

Is it just more of the same that doesn't add anything or does it actually get pushed further? I would happy to stay with the first three albums with no complaints.

It's like Master of Reality but with more cocaine and fun.

I love cocaine and fun!

nu male

literally never seen anyone call black sabbath "problematic" here or anywhere else, seriously f a m these "numales" you're on about aren't really that much of a problem if you're not so deeply insecure of your own masculinity

One of my favourites (all early Sabbath records are my favourites but this is 3rd behind Paranoid and Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. less monotonous and heavy than MOR, more coke-fulled partying and experimentation.

Has a couple of Sabbath's best moments (Wheels of Confusion, and Cornucopia). Also some of the best production of their early stuff.

It is, however, more inconsistent than the first 3, and has possibly the worst 2 track they put out with Ozzy (Changes, and FX).

Sabbath Bloody Sabbath never gets enough love. It isn't my favorite Sabbath album, but it has some of my favorite songs from them on it.

Sabbra Cadabra is thick, jazzy goodness.

Changes is so awful

Black Sabbath original six:

Most underrated?
Most overrated?
Best song?
Worst song?

dubs of truth

Sack Blabbath

Great album for Supernaut and National Acrobat alone.

FX ismt even a song. Its just them throwing shit at Tonys guitar with echo.

Yes but isn't all "music" throughout the ages just throwing shit at musical instruments from a certain point of view? Isn't all auditory expression and rhythm and language at it's very core: just throwing shit at other shit?

I think there's some truth in that.

Figuratively yes. But they were literally physically throwing shit at a guitar because they were coked up.

I see literally no difference between this and Stravinsky or Brahms

The bottom 3
>Best song?
Fairies Wear Boots (no h8 just my personal fav)


also ft. based Rick Wakeman who was paid in beer

why does everyone hate on Changes so much?

Master of Reality (no surprise)

Sabotage (no surprise)

>Most underrated?
Black Sabbath

>Most overrated?

>Best song?
Into the Void

>Worst song?
FX if it counts, if not Changes


People who talk about nu-males are ironically some of the most insecure motherfuckers I've seen on this board

The difference is that Sabbath got a shitty result but released it anyway for laughs.

my favorite sabbath album

Took some acid and listened to master of reality and holy shit what a ride it is. The tone of the guitars are amazing and ive never felt anything like it maybe except from some kyuss or QOTSA stuff

Underrated. I prefer the Ozzy stuff but the Dio era isn't that far behind, and this ones just as good as Heaven and Hell and Mob Rules.

Since most people here agree that Black Sabbath is great, how do y'all feel about 13. I liked most of it. I miss Bill Ward, but Iommi and Geezer are still such great writers.

Rick Rubin took a shit all over it sadly

Master of reality

i never liked one more than the other
both eras had ups and downs

Sabbath were never a christian band, Geezer just wrote lyrics about the inner struggle of finding faith that we all go have. Iommi likes crosses because he grew up in a place where most everyone were christians.

Planning on seeing them in January 2bh

Saw them earlier this summer. I think touring is pretty rough on Ozzy, but Tony still riffs it up like the ol riffking he is and Ozzy manages to sing alright from beginning to end. You're in for a helluva show, and this will most likely be their last tour.

who /melancholic yet comfy/ here? I'm not the only one who thinks this is one of their best am I?

I quite liked it. It didnt blow my mind or anything, but it was enjoyable. Ill have to listen to it again soon.

Is it wrong to say Children of the Grave is the first bona fide metal song ever? Their early stuff is mostly darker and heavier blues rock, but that song is something else entirely.

I'm seeing them at the end of August, I've never been much of a fan of Ozzy but I'm hoping he doesn't ruin it too much

Hardly more of the same. It might be their most diverse album.

It has upbeat, catchy songs like Supernaut, completely uncharacteristic songs like Changes, some of their darkest and heaviest songs like Under the Sun, and some of their outright best songs like Snowblind.

>There are Sabbath fans within our very spheres of actuality, who may even reside within this thread, who do not think that Heaven & Hell is the best Black Sabbath album

The sheer willpower that is demanded of me to post in the same thread as these CRETINS is immeasurable

Great song. It's like Planet Caravan 2.0.

Under The Sun is unironically their best song and at the same time Sabbath at their heaviest