To be white you need to be

To be white you need to be

>over 180cm
>brown or blonde haired
>blue or green eyed

If you don't have all three you're NOT white.

t. Muhammad

okey dokey

You forgot pink nipples

Well, well, well. What do we have here?

Don't forget

>Dick size around 5.4 inches

Ant bleached asshole


tiny dicked jamal spotted

Wtf I hate white people now

>Implying its possible for any jamal to have a small penis

The memes are real, there's a reason why Sweden is so cucked. Whites are only slightly bigger than tiny dicked asians

I agree.

why are american niggers allowed to post on the real internet? they should have their own internet where they can baka-af-desu-senpai, bix nood and muh dick all day long without bothering normal people

It's okay ahmed, your tiny penis has no bearing here, we're all anonymous

>Normal people

Irrelevant counties have their opinions discarded immediately

There's no Muslim problem in the US like there is in Europe, we're not cucked.


yeah, as if the US if a relevant country thanks to niggers like you

if anything it's a great country despite your presence

so i'm white after all

>192 cm
>green-blue eyes (i'm not kidding, its diffrent for fucking everyone i talk to)

so gingers aren't white

I have all of that but my dick is kinda tanned so confirmed for not being white I guess

Oh and white as fuck

>he admits he has a tiny penis

Is he over 180cm?

The US is the only relevant country. Fun fact: When one thinks of Colombian people, they think of niggers.

I don't have a tiny penis, because I'm not "aryan"

Do your eyes look something like this?? I have a friend who's eyes look green in pictures but look like a very weird shade of blue in real life

>Fun fact: When one thinks of Colombian people, they think of niggers.
nah, they think of mexicans
fun fact: niggers aren't any richer here than in your horrible racist country
I wonder why that is...

So 50% of ethnic Swedes are non-white?

>have all 3 (and pink nipples )
>still slav
I feel like an infiltrator from terminator


slavs are white

But you do have a tiny penis. Only tiny dick people randomly mention dick size. Clearly your a black guy with a small penis and this makes you project your penis to the evul wyte mayne


No, trust me, they think of niggers.

>Calls me a nigger
>Claims the US is horrible because its racist

With that logic, I suppose anyone claiming you arent white because you lack certain features, aren't really white.

Well, bringing up dicks out of the blue without any relevance to the subject means you either have a baby penis or you're a faggot. Take your pick.

good reading comprehension, nigger

I said if you think whitey is keeping a brotha down, you're wrong
niggers do badly everywhere whether they are oppressed or not

>With that logic, I suppose anyone claiming you arent white because you lack certain features, aren't really white.

A tiny penis having nigger and a new fag? Don't you know no one on int is white, especially ones who say "if you don't have x you aren't white"

>Hispanics rape more then blacks

Trump was right

But I am white user

Its literally the same as this thread, except having smaller penises actually IS relevant in a topic of the white race. I don't have a tiny penis, nor am I a faggot.

I didn't have trouble understanding anything you said, I only ignored it. You can't claim the US is horrible because it's racist, only to later make fun of niggers. I haven't said shit regarding how well one does in other countries compared to the US.

>newfag meme
No one cares that you're a self hating faggot, my points still stand.

>Brown hair

manlet detected

Sure me too

>self hating

Where did I mention hating Jews you small penis negro?

Is this more projecting? Do you hate yourself for having a small penis, being a nigger, or being a faggot?

>I didn't have trouble understanding anything you said, I only ignored it
>I was only pretending to be a retarded nigger

No we're not.

Dont know any slavic cuckholds

>tfw 169cm "tall"


just end it now

It's well known that there's banter towards anyone that isn't white on Sup Forums. The whole "No one on Sup Forums is white" bullshit is self hate. Keep going though, what else?

>Stops with the statistics
>Here come the memes
Faggot, this is how I know you're stupid. You can't argue shit.

some day soon

is he white

you want statistics? have some statistics

>h-here's your statistics, m-master

Post more, you're my statistics bitch now

>implying there's no banter to whites
>implying the no one is white meme is self hate rather then trolling the people who really believe things like Slavs aren't white

u iz 2 edjewkayted fo me playa

All memes aside, the only respectable cuisines in the world are French and Mediterranean (especially Italy).

>u muh bix no muhfuggah
what did americans do to deserve this pest?

Well.I'm 1/3 white atleast
fucking black hair.I don't even know how black hair is possible,not even niggers have black hair.I guess it's some fucking black irish thing right?

fug, wrong thread

I know when people are joking and when they're being serious. The majority of people on Sup Forums unironically believe being white makes you superior, and its mostly because they've grown to hate other races, due to being introverted betas and constantly getting cucked by them. I know this thread was meant as easy replies. Although my first comment was meant to do the same, and you faggots delivered, it still holds some truth to it.

Keep on, though, being an edgy memester is helping you out.

Looks like we're done here, beta faggot.

wtf your telling me the good ol kiwi pav isnt respectable
nah m8


You tell 'em Jamal, show 'em the graph you made proving you have a large sized penis.