Racism in Russia is a myth. If you are black person then you are invited in Russia :3

Racism in Russia is a myth. If you are black person then you are invited in Russia :3

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if i were, hypothetically speaking, black and gay, could i still move to russia? asking for a friend.

No, people dislike gays here.

Are dutch boys welcome too? :3


nice try ivan youre not tricking me

but we need organs(((

why does ivan like unruly barbarian darkies but dislike harmless gayfriends?

Because of the prisoner's mentality, it had a big influence here during the Soviet and it has a new wave in 90's, therefore many people who grew up in 90s have very mixed opinion upon gays. The youngsters 13-27 are ok with gays.

And about non-whites, the more north you get the more whiteisright people you see. Russia is a very multicultural country for many years so people don't really mind Asians, and those who come here from Korea or China are good at the language and quite calm so people don't mind. Blacks are really rare to see except universities.

so say im like 60% Finnish am i allowed asking for a buddy

>The youngsters 13-27 are ok with gays.

Fucking cucks. Russian youth really is some of the most retarded on earth. Your country is doomed.

actually no problems with gays if you don't dress very provocatively and do not shout at every corner that you are gay. in any major city has gay bars and nobody touches it!

For hundreds of years Finland wuz a part of Russian Empire as an autonomy, so you're kinda related

O cool good to know

Actually not. The Russian youth is one of the bests, because of a) they lived in shit and less shit b) they got their education without propaganda c) they're not that edgy as westerners, so feminism is good but moderately, being gay is ok but if you don't show it up like i don't show that i'm straight etc. d) our educational system is hard and in some way need an improving but at the same time people mostly grow smart enough for any field unlike euros, who are mostly good at one-two fields that they chose to study. Talking about only my personal experience about euros tho, and i have more euro friends than Russians.

What do you call a black russian?


We call it Kubanoid or Tatar.

> Kubanoid

that was joke dummy

thanks for the explanation

Кyбaнoид c Кyбaни ты чe eптa

Don't listen to that underage omega cuck.
Racism in Russia is a thing and people hate niggers and other races. Soviet Union fell apart because of nationalism and that's good.

Do this touch also whites from other countries?

You mean xenophobia? Yeah it also exists everywhere here.


How can it now be taken... Kinda whites from other countries have other race, but kinda they resemble some Russians. I have heard, that Russia takes much people from Middle-Asia. Do racism touch also to them or how they can be there?

He wants to lure blacks to there.

Be like a Russian - can be mistaken for Russian and beat / rob.
Being different from Russian - can be beaten out of racial hatred.

What racial hatred? It's not like the French who have a legitimate reason to go after theirs. What's the point in attacking students?

It was actually 100 years and we are not related

It's not hate Hitler-level but rather the desire to make a foreigner suffer the suffering of all Russian. In Russia, all suffer and control to other people, too, have suffered. Nation suffering.

Kek. Okay then.

Do you support these beatings/killings Russ bro?

why you not related you f*cking arrogant? And after it you asking why we hate you

Will I be able to get a gf like this if I move to Russia?

pls respond russians

Is this true?

>4 mins since posted
pls respond russians

You will probably get arrested and work in a penal colony in Northern Siberia like it happened to my friend.


Can I ask about crime rates and gangs in Russia?

This depends on the amount of your money.


Where's my (you)?

You look down us,aren't you?

Love you too brah, but I am disgusting dark Churka-tier, even Egypbros think I am one of them

If you want a srs answer, from what I learned online on Sup Forums and on other places on the internet-you shouldn't go to Russia. Or live there for longer than two weeks.

It's not like the West where the worst shit you might get is getting yelled at in the street.

You'll literally get killed my Jap friend.

Okay, sorry


How much money would you have to make?

If thou art too beta and can't find a girl in your home country, then I've got bad news for you.

Better be cunt

Pic related- me. I'm now confident enough to come down to Russia after seeing this thread.

see you soon...

WTF I love Russia now

grilll!! a beautiful grill


Is ukraine really sub-saharan africa tier now or is that just a meme?

You promise to get married and give her a iPhone 7. She will give you her pussy and other places.

Name pls

NEETs have a very strong inclination to be statist dogs, and so of course they would endorse immigration. If you are NEET your interests align with nonwhites (id est empowering the welfare state) and therefore you are just as good as a nonwhite tbqhwyf

Have a (you), bro since he >66933837 won't give you one

Realistically, what are the chances that I, brown tourist, could get jumped visiting Saint Petersburg?

Should I wear Brazil clothing so people know I'm not Arab migrant?

Moscow and St. Petersburg filled Khachs and Churkas. You will not stand out.

>St. Petersburg
Do NOT go there by Brazillian friend. Pic related.

isn't joke? Too scary

I am not falling for that shit. I dont want to be beaten up by neonazis in the metro. But then again, I am used to living in shitholes. So i am not really scared.

Chinese international students get attacked/shanked a lot. It's not like the perpetrators go and see if they're Chinese before sticking a knife into them. You, with your Asian features will be a walking target for them.

And to make it worse the police won't do anything even if you get stabbed. They might look into it a bit and even make a few arrests- but nothing'll come of it (this happens in japan too desu)

russian bitch

how do russians feel about the bbc?

I've found out recently that UK blocked some of their youtube channels in Russia, lol. I guess that their documentaries are interesting to watch

He meant big black cock

> beaten in metro
it's not new york buddy, metro is safest place in Moscow
that is, unless you start some exceptional shit

what about black cocks

I like Russia. But at that as talking about here I can be killed there.

I look like an average Italian, my sister is blonde, I'm not black '-'

i'm no cock expert and have little intereset in the subject but let's be logical

big cocks are good
black cocks are weird
so i guess they're weird in a good way

Russia is Brazil with snow and nuclear weapons. Make yourself at home.

there is a millions of muslims and central asians
you will be safe

Why are there so many koreaboos in Russia? Every other Russian girl on interpals says she's learning Korean, wtf

>millions of muslims
Arab Muslims or white passing ones Muslims like Turks?

Arab, white, Turks, Tatars, Uzbeks, Tajiks and so on

you may want to cure you gayness first



Only 5% of Russian Millenials support gay adoption while 80% of American Millenials do


But why D:

I want to visit Moscow :((((

There are native Muslims like Katya, they are white
There are also Central Asian immirants, they look like Mongols

what color of your skin?



T-this can't be true

What happened to you, Russia?
A few years ago you were so based and now you're just a sad group of gay gopniks.

Implying American Millenials are not afraid to openly state their anti-gay non-tolerant position.

When I was in Russie I saw black people doing jobs as advertising sandwishman. They wore plaquates with the words:

>"Visit the Petersburg Chocolate Museum"

>"I got this brown at Ivanov's sun tannery!"

true story

>from what I learned online on Sup Forums you shouldn't go to Russia
>Sup Forums
Of course it's not true

Yeah, i saw something like this as well.
But it's not like it was offensive or racist in any way.

girls would like you


You will cease to exist Russian pig. You girls will prostitute and porn actresses in our porns and Russian men will be eaten alive.

U no lie right

our whores like black guys

are they all as qt a katya?