Poland 17.2%

>Poland 17.2%
should Germany be forgiven for this?

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.at/books?id=5sKNeVcOH3wC&dq=savage continent&hl=de&source=gbs_navlinks_s

>not 100%

>China 15 mil.
should Japan be forgiven for this?

germs are incompetent as fuck

Chinese are good at reproducing so no problem, unlike Polish

>every 5th polish person died in 6 years

you cannot question their butthurt
and no, its not forgivable

Forgiven? Sure.

Forgotten? Never.

also,the intelligentsia are intensively killed

>counting jews as poles
lol no

They were Polish citizens, most of our jews felt and belived that without a doubt they are Polish and not a lot of them immigrated when Israel was created.

For example this man:
for me he's a Pole who followed the jewish religion. Nothing else.

>polish intelligentsia


>Belarus-Almost 40%

Not really. Jews were part of Poland for hundreds of years and most of them never perceived themselves as anything else but Poles.

It might have been different in anglo countries due to which you have this "cuck this, that" behaviour but how it was in UK or US does not concern me because that's not the topic.

T. Jew

>saying the truth means you're a jew

faggots, all of you

2 nukes weren't enough

>not a lot of them immigrated when Israel was created


Poles made sure that surviving Jews don't return in large numbers. Poles finally wanted their homogenous state as well as securing Jewish property for themselves. Most Jews preferred to wait in DP camps in Germany for emigration to Palestine and USA rather than returning to Poland

Nice source.

google, nigger

books.google.at/books?id=5sKNeVcOH3wC&dq=savage continent&hl=de&source=gbs_navlinks_s


>His first novel, Tunnel Vision (2001, ISBN 0-09-941668-9), follows a man who is challenged to visit every station of the London Underground in a single day, and was shortlisted for the Author's Club First Novel Award. His second novel, New Free Chocolate Sex (2005), is about the ruthless world of chocolate marketing, and describes the hostile relationship between a chocolate company executive and a journalist who spend a weekend locked in a chocolate factory together.

Great fucking author and source you pathetic imbecile.

Hmmmmm """""""country"""""

All the meme posting aside poles we're the closest in europe to ever get a multicult working in a reasonable way back during the commonwealth. Add to that the best elective monarchy in the world and poland was too pure for this world and was run over by authoritarians, mainly prussians, austrians and russians.

>china 3.5
wtf I always thought it was way more? this doesn't count deaths from disease/starvation, right?


>polish intelligentsia

Well if you were a citizen of PLC than you "were" one as you were treated as any other would. Sure there were some problems but all the religious and ethnic minorities that were a fucked up situation always ran to PLC. That's why so much "Poles" who achieved things(or just common ones) have strange surnames.

No jew ever placed national identity above his race.

I believe zemmour

second this. It is similiar to other european nations prior to NS Germany.