What's Int's honest opinion about Albanians?

What's Int's honest opinion about Albanians?

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Literally who?

sucks to be them


I never met any.


How religious are you guys? How much does Islam factor into your society?

Literal insects

Actually orthodoxy influences more these days tbqh
-not OP

Seriously, what the fuck were going on with you while lead by Enver Hoxha?

We're not extremists, people of all religions live at peace with each other here.

albanians are sneaky subhumans


lmoa brehs

Hahaha xd
serbitch xDDDD.....No seriously how old are you

nice dubs shqipe

I'm just having a bit of fun m8

u alright?

Oh nothing brother,we are cool,sorry

*dudl**dudl* shiptarima

ma top cec

Is there seriously no one out there that likes us?

ma popusim ti kurac pedercino

Don't really care about Albania, so no strong opinion about the country, but I absolutely hate Albanian immigrants here. They truly are scum, barely above gypsies.

I dislike them cause i like the serbs

*dudl* mmm da dritoni mmm *dudl*...............

Of course gypsies love their own kind

Skanderbeg was cool.

They descend from Hittities so they have my respect


of course he was, he saved the Balkan's ass from the Turks

he protected and fought for Balkan's cause and protected as much as he could before he died*


Ok, it's clear that most of you guys hate us, now tell us why?


shit flag OP,wtf?

ayy lmao

still coudn't save byzantium, meh.


I got so excited when I watched that episode for the first time as a kid.

Why the hell do you care?

Making an albanian general.Fucking be there

Well I can't speak for everyone, but I think the hate is based on the experience people are having with your diasporas. I don't know how Albanians behave inside Albania, but outside it they are the worst. No effort to integrate into the society whatsoever , they refuse to speak anything, but Albanian, they breed like rats, behave uncivilised and leech on welfare.

Do it faggot, for Skanderbeg



that mentality of yours is probably what makes them hate us

I like you shqip... Don't know why

S'ke shume kohe qe je ketu, apo jo?

ca mentaliteti?

white kebabs

I absolutely hate Albanian immigrants here. They truly are scum, barely above gypsies.

2-3 vjet

Dhe akoma s'je mesuar me keta?

t. Erind "Matteo" Hoxha

They have way too many fucking criminals; it is as if it is in their genes. Almost Every time you hear about a crime here, an Albanian is involved.

But there are many Albanian immigrants here who are hard working and well integrated in the society.

Definitely not myy favorite people as a whole, but I have Albanian friends (although they are essentially Greek since they were born and raised here and they visit their country once every 10 years or something).


Jom msu jom msu, po veq po du me dit arsyen se pse na urrejn kaq shum, sllavt i kuptoj a kta tjert jo.

Have an albanian girl in my class, she seems pretty mean to me, the other girls never seem to fuck with her

Muslims not belong in europe

The kind of people we deport

attractive to me

Thanks toshiba

arigato fujitsu

I get my tires changed and minor faults fixed at a repair shop that's owned and run by Albanians. Top notch guys

thanks Binland

Personally don't care. But i often see bunch of minibus drivers putting your flags on their rides along with kosovo, bosnia, azerbaijan flags and so on.

Never met albanians in my life, heard that you are just worst turks

Muslims ones should die, the none religious and Christian ones are ok I guess

We have (((albanians))) too here.What about them

Will albanians economy ever recover?

maybe in a thousand years

Personally i have no problem with them

What does that mean?

it is quite good now comparing it to 2008 tbqh.The south and the coast cities are especially 100% changed for good

arrogant thieves

>from Montenegro
>calls other people thieves

Why Crna Gora,I thought you liked us.Are you northern or southern?

Aren't they supposed to be too lazy to steal

Why would you kill Bektashis tho? They are not as cancerous as shias or sunnis


>expects anyone outside Balkans to know what bektashis are

this is from personal experience, you asked for an honest opinion

I don't know what that is, how are the different?

I've only met Muslim Albanians and I hated them and it didn't even have anything to do with Islam t b h

i wouldnt mind them if they took their savages back to their disgusting shithole

You have no problem with Albanians because we're the only non-American people that love you guys.

Well i have had problems with crnagorans too,since i live in Shkoder,but i like them!

I like Ilir Latifi, have no opinions on Albania besides that


thnx eire.

Israelis love America too and so do japs


Wait,it looks like a tree in int thumbnail?

They're all drug dealing monkeys seeking for asylum in our country when they get in trouble in their shithole.

no, dude's just high

they're the worst europeans

on par with terrorists from the middle east

alright now that's bullshit

YEah, you aren't Europeans

t. True white man

honestly ive no clue, never met one, just based on what ive seen in movies kek

shoko,mos u prgjigj se a ma keq.Leni me llap e masanej lene postin me kry

Well.. How can i summarize it...
Lets just say both Alevism and Bektashis are islam on drugs.. Less care for others, but really extremely introverted on their islam beliefs with tiny changes.


All I knew before was that both were mystics and related to sufism, there was (is?) a bektashi order, and assad is an alawite

ummmmm....actually bektashis/alevis are more concentrated in Turkey and Albania.Albania is the world center of Bektashism