How would other countries respond to a civil war in the mainland United States?

How would other countries respond to a civil war in the mainland United States?

The deeper the rabbit hole goes in this election, despair seems more and more likely. I am curious if any other countries will intervene though. Would Russia, China, Mexico, etc. have the balls to intervene and support the rebels?

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If the US goes down, so does the rest of the world.


Good news, user! While it's not impossible for the U.S. to have a civil war, it is highly unlikely compared to almost every other country out there! The U.S. is simply too rich, the average standard of living is simply too high, and the police and military are simply too well equipped for any meaningful violence to break out over control of the country. The worst we'd likely get are consecutive riots in a few select cities. Again, not totally impossible, but it is incredibly, incredibly unlikely.

Welcome to the beauty of the First World! Welcome of the wonder that is F U L L D E M O C R A C Y!

Hard to say if we would intervene when we dont know what factions there would be, their motivations and if someone is clearly comitting war crimes and atrocities.
the Clintons have some pretty strong connections with important people in Norway though.



Checkmate cunt

not really

sell our stylish weapons

I'd respond by pic related.

>Again, not totally impossible, but it is incredibly, incredibly unlikely.
I don't know about that. I mean, niggers were enough to call in the national guard. Imagine more niggers or just niggers with radical white people and shit could get nasty.

>niggers chimping out will cause a civil war
Maybe we can use that as an excuse to finally firebomb the cities

Our best and greatest ally

hmmmm If I'd try to do it, I would work with your black hoods and poor niggers, weaponise them with something more meaningful that they have today, also probably I'll try to get all that mexi gangs stuff into party.

Doesn't a substantial part of your population sincerely believe that all elections are rigged, and that that gives them the moral imperative to violently overthrow even an elected government?

I mean, you're probably right about your military being strong enough to handle it, but it can still make large parts of your countryside(as well as many metropolitan areas, as shown by recent events) unsafe for travel.

I hear muh guns muh country kind of people talk about needing to overthrow the government and that's what Jefferson would have wanted every time I go to school.

In my experience they're usually just memeing and are actually just acting tough but people have been acting so fucking crazy this last few months I'm starting to get a bit worried.

I'm going to assume this means the fall of Western dominance and control of the world.

Every ethnic, religious and cultural conflict in the world will take the opportunity to engage in whatever war they've been wanting to. The Balkans will slaughter one another. China will invade much of East and South East Asia. Argentina will go to war with Brazil. India and Pakistan will light up like a Christmas tree. The whites in South Africa will have a bad time, as will most Africans. The middle east will be business as usual. The stans will go to war with one another and Kazakhstan will remain very confused about which citizens to slaughter but will ultimately decide anyone who looks too Slavic get's butchered.

On the plus side we can gas the darkies here in the UK.


Thankyou Skelly.


Who would be the rebels? Would it be Red vs Blue? Federal gov vs State govs? Whites vs Non-whites? Capitalists vs Commies? Coke vs Pepsi?

US civil war would be unprecedented in modern times.

>Capitalists vs Commies?
want that

Michigan is going red this time
t. Michigander


I think the USA is far from reaching civil war/revolution levels of violence.

Maybe if there were some giant food crisis coupled with large social disorder you might see the appearance of a movement with enough organization to lead into violent protesting across a large number of major cities and smaller towns in a single area, but the proper motivation isn't there.

Regardless of who wins this election at most some cunts will get angry and shoot their guns at the sky. Maybe one or two mass murders take place if trump doesn't win.

Send help please panama

This idiot doesn't understand the assault on democracy that is being waged by Putin. He unironically supports the Trump agenda.

The ironic part of this is that the fact that Clinton put her email on a private server is what prevented it from being hacked by Russians.

If a civil war breaks out it will be against civilized liberals vs the savage rednecks that think they can win with muh guns. The military will be on the side of liberals and of free thinking people not the dumb rednecks. Problem is there are a lot of rednecks in the military too so unity there will be problematic. Pretty much lot of chaos and stupidity where US will fall and be invaded by foreign countries. I won't be surprised of Russia and China teamed up to take us out.

No, we would not. We'd very likely station our armed forces on the border to avoid any side carrying operations through our territory and the government would set up refugee camps on the idea the conflict would be short lived and it makes us look good, hell they'd probably send the first batches to resorts in touristy places.

If things got out of hand as in the US government losing effective control of most of it's territory we'd probably lobby the UN for a multi-lateral solution and imposed cease fire and contribute logistics to it, other than at most creating a buffer zone alogside our border we would not get directly involved in it and we'd probably support whatever legitimate democratic government was last formed (unless it was Trump in which case we'd be nominally "neutral") and pretty much coordinate our response with Canada and the UK.

The one case we intervene is a foreign non anglo power atempts to take direct control of our former territories, our position throughout the whole crisis would likely be America is reforming one way or the other after the crisis so we'd only favor intervention aimed at peacekeeping and eventual return to a constitutional US government, we would in no way support separatism or self determination as principle aside we'd know a large faction of Americans would seek revenge on us for that, we are talking a country with nuclear weapons.

On protecting our citizens or Americans with Mexican ancestry we'd stick to the previously mentioned buffer zone or repatriaton, nothing else.

The other posibility, in the race war scenario, would e to neutralize any faction making direct threats on us, tho most likely not through direct intervention but through logistics and suplies. The government might allow Mexican citizens to participate as private individuals in friendly factions on the worst case scenario.

He's right. A civil war in the US would collapse the world economy and cause civil unrest in Europe as well.