
name a better biscuit edition

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fireworks making my doggo go ballistic

choco leibniz

bought some 'works

heh.. hope hillary enjoys the rest of her life in a cell for using the wrong email address

pshh... stupid old people... they never learn


finland is fucking pointless in almost every aspect and you are all mentally disturbed, autistic shut-ins.

Business Idea: Whenever someone makes a post in which it is clear they are trying to start a debate, respond to them simply with "doing a poo"

It will drive them mad

Trump is like Corbyn in how he's a radical populist with a very passionate support base who has huge crowds and insists the media is rigged against him

They'll both lose in a landslide to a boring centrist woman.

>going round to gran's after school to eat bourbon biscuits and watch the cramp twins

Christ, take me back

remember these lads? fucking fantastic.
they should bring them back.

I don't speak foreigner mate

Makes you proud to be British. Northern girls must be tough as fuck walking around like that in the winter at 1am.

don't like trump but that's not what the whole scandal is about

the emails are just scratching the surface. she's an evil corrupt witch

bernie was supposed to win

Getting smashed and listening to power ballads and hoping this is just a bad dream and I'll wake up back at uni again tbqh.

>owning a dog
>giving money to the canine jew

thinking about buying sonic adventure 2 on steam for a laugh
it's only a fiver
reckon it's worth it?
used to fucking love it although haven't played it since i was young, probably the most i've ever enjoyed a game, played it for years.

doing a poo

alright lads


I wonder what the ol Cramps are up to nowadays

>although tbf if Brexit could win Trump could probably win
>Leicester won the PL last season so they'll win it this season

"God punish England"

evening all (except English catholtics)

this desu

t. scot

don't be so fucking dense

corker of a post

>cramp twins

wow i forgot about that

bit of a cry for help I sense mate, are you alright?

taking some nitrazepam tonight
never tried it before

Oh shit I forgot about those

when trump supporters started claiming that clinton was a murdering rapist who ran a child porn ring and speaks to dead people i stopped listening to them

fucking hell these people are mental

we're gods people

Ahh yeah I 'member!
Although I remember them making the roof of my mouth sore for some reason.

haha yeah buzzing mate on for a mad one tonight haha waheyyy

Wagon Wheels

They need to bring back Wonka bars

oh yeah sorry I forgot

she'll get what's coming to her when the FBI investigate her occult meetings in which she rapes and sacrifices children... heh, game over shillary...

got called the devil himself in mass this morning

shit, i've forgotten. what's that thing deaf people use to read?

can't believe the leader of the free world will either be an evil witch 100x more corrupt than Richard Nixon or a buffoon who has no experience in politics

what the fuck America, it's 2016, surely you could have found better candidates

>going to prison because some binary code was stored on the "wrong" computer

hope you enjoy your gf fucked by a hot paki

>Ahh yeah I 'member!

milkybar choo yourself

>the BBC is more biased than Sup Forums

have no friends lads

second year of uni I would wake up every day in a house with people I liked and could spend hours talking to

now I wake up alone in halls

it's going to be a long year

these need to be brought back too

you can't seriously support clinton

its not possible. you're trolling

fucking dickheads letting off fireworks. shut up and fuck off

it's only evolution lads

Poles are just bizarro German people

Too hungover to keep the blood of Christ down?


Where did they all go?

I require a Scottish female companion

Ah yes great viral marketing going on here will pop out right away and buy these

I don't support anyone because I'm not a fucking Yank

he's baiting

he's probably a radical centrist who supports neither

come on let's play monopoly
cash fun and renting properties


What the hell accent is this? Does this reflect the way people actually speak in a certain part of Britain, or is it largely contrived for the work like the Mid-Atlantic accent(youtube.com/watch?v=BLT-SQUBRDw)?

there aren't really that many actual clinton supporters about

it's mostly people who just don't want trump in office and rightly so

you could join britain first and turn your life around my friend

>phone buzzes
>rush to check
>it's Dominos

I wish I could be by myself

Third year and I've realised that it's far better for me to live alone but I still have one year left living in a house with friggin normtons

centrists support Clinton tho

doing a poo

>b-but she's a member of the occult! it's not possible you could support her, did you not hear that she used the wrong email!?

it's a mix between American and British and is retarded as 'eck

They have started calling you in advance?

one of them went abroad as part of his course, one of them dropped out, the others would have lived with me in another house but i decided on halls like a fucking retard

regret it so much now

None of them are available you stupid hippy

got a bone to pick with liverpoo

just had a very depressing loss online over at chess.com


they weren't normies, that was the thing

they were abnormie bros


>alright my lover

>posting this in /brit/ where people cannot even vote

wow you really are a fucking genius. neck yourself you stupid cunt.

>Sup Forums think Hillary is a satanist because Podesta had dinner with an artist who has a piece called Spirit Cooking and he made a joke about it


my elephanto!


>want smug lefties to have a meltdown
>want Sup Forums to have a meltdown

how do I get to see both these things?

sounds like an American trying to do a West County accent

well yeah pretty much

they're fucking minging tho

there's a fit icelandic girl I matched with on tinder like 6 months ago and talked to for a while but I forgot about it and now it's too late to message her ;_;

>Sup Forums are so buttblasted they have convinced themselves that every single poll in existence is biased against them, that they are secretly winning by a landslide, and that their opposition is LITERALLY a rapist murderer leader of a child porn ring who can speak to the dead and perform black magic

I'm like an X-Wing commander cos I stay on target
I take over these streets like I'm a farmers' market

Honestly, these are the rules I live by in life.

bourbons are da bes

dogs just thrown up everywhere because of the carpet

just enjoy laughing at little gimps that think Sup Forums has uncovered some occult conspiracy involving clinton

both Clinton and Trump are utter cunts but it's hilarious watching their little rat minds whirr and whizz over emails trying to translate shit about dominos on pizza being connected to a plane called the 'Lolita Express' where her and Bill rape children


fuck off

don't forget how they used the word 'pasta' in a few conversations

mock both of them before the results are in

err think you might be mistaken mate that's my gimmick

why are asians so insecure about whitey?

shit I remember this

this is really old

Sup Forums has given up on all attempts at finding the truth anymore, they just churn out infowars shite and treat it like gospel

absolute shithole of a board

brexit is passed and trump loses

that and the satanic music following me around everywhere I go

It gets better

this man has a BMI of 50

would rather Sup Forums have the meltdown desu
lefties having a meltdown isn't that great. the brexit fallout was just a few days of normies posting "oh we're all fucked" on facebook
if/when trump loses the alt right will genuinely go fucking mental