
fuck off with your anglo sports, edition

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>tfw no average irish gf





could this be Japan-South Africa No.2?
not that i've ever doubted the supreme irish

people who don't watch Rugby are more Irish than those who do

Rugby is a middle class sport


>he isn't in the 1%
actually scoffing a/y rn


fuck you

Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once

>it's an irish runts deny the face that they are anglo edition

Fuck me the Rugby lads

Most of the rugby team is clearly anglo tbf

Me 1
You 0

>that bosom
>or lack thereof

it's the 4th most popular sport here, Gaelic sports are much more popular

is lighting toothpicks and seeing how long you can hold them until they start to burn you creepy or not?

We beat them lads

Sounds like a fire hazard more than anything.

Ffwc Iwerddon.

Aw ye.

i just wanted to sey erish peple are so vwery niece

Literal Cumrag

>posts anime
>complains about the absence of womanly features in an actual woman

Lewdness not allowed.

Fuck off paedo

Flat is justice.

Thank you!

Something looks odd about those faces.


They're Irish.

get gone


>posts anime
>complains about the absence of womanly features in an actual woman
I fail to see how those two things are related. Does liking anime rob one of observation skills?

>Flat is justice.
Only in 2D.

Saw a really qt blind girl today.

You could have fooled me.

I wonder if they fuck their guide dogs

Oh look its a New Zealander on holiday in Wales, what's wrong m8 did some Welsh man steal your sheep

I'm pretty sure if Ireland had lost there would be a new subsection of the RAAA , the RAAFNZ
Republican Action Against Filthy New Zealanders

Modelling skanks given the "chav facelift".

She didn't see you.

What the fuck.

it just makes sense, she forms a bond with the guide dog that she never could with another human

She didn't have one, just a stick and a girl she was holding onto a girl's arm. Though that sounds lewder.

>2 Girls
>Holding eachothers arms
>Long stick
I dont see anything lewd here desu

If Ireland lost it would have been entirely becuase of the French weeb jinxing it.

Well, I was vindicated in the end so that's all that matters.

>the IRRAF

I actually like the RAAA. Nice that we're making OC again.

I thought you were referencing the "white girls fuck dogs" meme and extrapolating it to blind girls. I would like to imagine not.

I don't know. From my experience, disabled girls (and blind ones especially) develop a more circumspect, if not more compassionate view of things, and have to rely on their close friends or family more than normal.

Like, if you wanted to get with a blind girl, you'd have to be vetted by her friends and/or parents.

you are pretty ok for a filthy jap

this comes entirely from Luxlad tbf

>I thought you were referencing the "white girls fuck dogs" meme and extrapolating it to blind girls.
who the fug says this

I'm sure it's mostly Asians though, and all intraracial sex for blacks is bestiality by default :^)

I say bring back the AAAR.

What if I met a reguIar girl then blinded her and forced her to rely on me for everything?

how can the AAAR even hope to compete

>this comes entirely from Luxlad tbf
I like Luxembro, even if he switches sides more often than Italy.

Me on the far right.

i never switch sides

>who the fug says this

Nah m8, it's apparently a trend in America (at least) where degeneracy has advanced to the point that the "lonely bachelorette" types are no longer satisfied with cats IYKWIM, and something weird/awkward/sexually disturbed girls do because they're brought up in a culture that says "sex is good" but for whatever reason (awkwardness, ugliness, clueless but conservative parents), they fuck their dogs.

It might be just a post-ironic meme and "painting the target around where the arrow hit", but if 2016 has taught us anything it's that "meme magic" is accurate more often than not, and "Sup Forums was right again".

*-but for whatever reason they can't, and so they fuck their dogs.

>taking memes from Sup Forums seriously

Hey, it wasn't me who looked at a blind girl with a guide dog and assumed it was bestiality.

Yes it was. Stop samefagging.

>implying this isn't also a samefag post

naw that was me

>using your phone and laptop to samefag



>samefagging arguments

I know I'm the only one here, but goodnight.


on second thought I might stay up


>that image

Who is going to win the elections and with which canidate do we have the highest chances to prevent WW3




Absolute poofs the lot of you

I will deck every single person in this thread. One swift swoop under the legs - BUMP - you're lying on the ground, and I'm belting the FUCK out of your pudgy anime loving face.

DOOF DOOF DOOF (the sound of me bashing your fucking head in)

You better be prepared to get HEEMed

I'm leaving /éire/ lads
It's gotten to the stage where it's too repetitive and no interesting topics.
Slán libh go deo.

Shut the fuck up fore i HEEM you

See you in the next thread arse bandit

Just took the user's suggestion and watched The Thing.

Holy shit, that was like Alien if the tension was ratcheted up ten times over, the entire second half was just pure nerve wracking.

I've never watched the entire movie just a bit of it when I was small

>german boats

The Thing is by far my favorite movie, it's a masterpiece you never get tired of
The prequel is garbage compared to it but a decent horror flick

Lewd boats.

fuck off

I just got here but ok :(


Is it like that Jaws sequel that nobody gives a shit about?


shit thread

shit memes

shitty fuckign anime posters

will batter the fuck out of all of you one day


It's pretty much about the norwegian team that was killed by The Thing and it's also very recent it's not just a cheap cashin made a few years after the original

*pats head*

She's a proper minger like.

The prequel isnt really a prequel, it's kind of a sequel that merged into a prequel halfway through. It's a dumb film though, it copypasted a lot of what happened in the original. That kinda sucks because you'd think if it was a prequel then surely the alien would have gotten better at avoiding detection by the time the original film happened. They also cut all the few good scenes which tied the films together more fluidly.

Also ditching the live action stuff for a CGI chewed up bubblegum looking cunt was the worst thing they did. It's worth a watch if you like the atmosphere and tone but don't hold it up to the original.

>flat as an ironing board
>face like a man

We've got them on the run lads.

Mamimi would probably light us all on fire.