What do judges look like in your country?

What do judges look like in your country?


regular judge

supreme court justices
they use capes


>occasionally they will use the Brit era wig.

outfit looks like this


>ayo we iz judgin you white mutha fuckas n shieeet

wow nice outfit desu!

They're not American you nonce

They wear regular business formal attire, same as in an office that has such a dress code. No regalia or uniforms exist for it here.


they look like protestant pastors, disgustingly cringey.

>de rechter is zit links aan de tafel en niet rechts



So have they been beheaded yet by an angry mob for carrying out their legal duties?

Nearly. The tabloids published their faces across the front page and labelled them enemies of the people, traitors, dictators destroying democracy. They're trying to make examples of them to intimidate the judges of the supreme court deciding the appeal case, one Tory MP stated their addresses should be made known so people can protest outside their houses. It's beyond fucked up, this country is sliding to a dangerous place very quickly.

like this

>big chain with the polish bird
My sides


>Osterreich ist eine demokratische republik

Didn't you have a rigged election recently?

the highest judges in germany


>Not a Constitution
