Tell me about Asian women

Tell me about Asian women

Why do they worship the BWC?

Lotta loyalty for a chink

What does the video have to do with asians?

Asian women don't worship white men. If you think that they do then it's likely you've been exploiting leftovers of colonialism that manifest themselves in ways that the women later come to deeply regret. They were nice to you and probably won't be nice to another white man again.

go to 0:40

This video is dull, we can easily spot that the guy is very muscular and glasses don't mak his face weird

>disguised as a nerd

Otherwise breh I have an explanation, asians girls love to take photos with celebs people. They just thinked that this guy was famous because blacks girls took photos

>disguised as a nerd

Every race was doing the same thing. What's your point?

are you retarded?

he went up to different girls and asked to take a picture of him

the asian girls went up to him out of their own choice because they wanted to take a picture with him

dumb gook, what are you doing in the uk

They go slag when they leave their homeland because nobody is watching.

Oh i see, so your argument is 'this 1 person did this, therefore everyone etc. etc.'

By the way, the Indian girls did the same thing.

I actually don't disagree with you but using this video as evidence is just retardation.

he's autistic and wants to find evidence for his sexual fetish

Asian? the black ones were the ones that wanted to spread nutella into his abs and lick it off

you're asking for too much from a canadian

I had a asian girlfriend. She would not stop talking about how pale my skin was in comparison to hers.
Take into account I am not even that white. Not by the Sup Forums standards anyway.

this is why you need to roid, i've said it so many times

Why the fuck are we still natty?

>Not by the Sup Forums standards anyway.
You mean this white?

not white enough

Edges look kind of dark in lighting, .0001% rule, remember?

That's because they're often extremely conscious of the fact that they are with a white person. And not in a positive way.

I'm mixed black and my boyfriend is white. I'm pretty self-conscious about it because my mother is a black supremacist and she would kill me if she knew I was dating someone as pale as him.

Wait what? Your mother is a black supremacist that married a white guy? since you are mixed.

No, she has yellow fever.
She constantly pretended she was Chinese when I was a kid.

every woman does this

every woman does this

are you a girl?

Whites have more masculine features, are taller and tend to be more extroverted and romantic.

You need to keep in mind they don't see any white neckbeards or basement dwellers because those people rarely go to Asia