Americans are actually going to elect Hillary because the media told normies he was a racist and a bigot and the...

>Americans are actually going to elect Hillary because the media told normies he was a racist and a bigot and the retards believe it

Why are you fucks going to be elect this bitch she is the opposite of progressive she is directly responsible for the refugee crisis ffs

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lmfao why do you care you are halfway across the world

trump is an idiot and congress will block anything he attempts to do

just as many of them are going to be voting for Trump you know

>trump win all his attempts will be blocked

>hillary wins and all her horrible ideas will pass and make it even worse


You have to go back

She is going to win the corruption runs too deep she literally got the FBI to say the investigation. Is over they investigated for only 9 days .

trumps ideas arent exactly good.
hillary is more likely to keep things going the way they are

>American could actually elect Donald because the media told them that there was something fishy about Hillary's emails but it turns out there was nothing and the retards believed it

>the media told normies he was a racist and a bigot and the retards believe it
that's been known for decades though

the media has been so horribly anti trump, here in western europe at least


>35. Who do you think the media, including major newspapers and TV stations, would like to see elected president (ROTATE) Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
>Hillary Clinton 75.10%
>Donald Trump 7.90%
>Neither 4.90%
>Undecided 11.40%
>Refused 0.70%

Thanks for Correcting the Record

>Bogan talking about who's not and who is racist

How bout you go back to sniffing glue and sucking Tony Abbots ass.


USA is a country of racist, ignorant and fat people, they deserve someone who represent them, they should vote for Trump

Who the fuck in his right mind would trust a guy with that face for his president..

>She is the opposite of progressive
Finally someone says it. There is no liberal candidate this election, just a conservative democrat.

His face really triggers my autism, I fucking hate looking at it.


that's the only thing i can say

US in a deep system crisis either way, it doesn't matter.

>yfw 90% of people under 30 are anti trump
>the people who aren't are pathetic r9k types rebelling against the 'normies'
>all their reddit shitposting and online poll rigging these last few months will have been for nothing

Who the fuck in their right mind would trust a woman to be president

He is like every meme about americans incarnate.

I know you're just pulling it out your ass, but I will say that my campus has shown a pretty strong showing for Trump. Mainly as a result of Hillary rigging our primary.

Dilma wasn't that bad

Post yfw you lived to see America's slow, ungracious decline

I wonder if I'll live long enough to see New Zealand's rise.

what a time to be alive...kekekekek

Kiwi Empire when?



Europeans believe that shit too cause they are even dumber than burgers.

>the US will be ajority non-white within my lifetime.

excellent, excellent, everything is going exactly as planned...

No it won't you little Mexican runt. Soon whites will have a population explosion once we sort ourselves out.

>implying the media isn't 99% on Hillary's side
>pic from the Huffington post
Shoo shill.

keep dreaming

Shut up subhuman.

Or we'll just start murdering brown people how about that? We can have a new Nazi state.

as i said, keep dreaming

Your people are weak. We will kill you like we did the Natives.

What makes you think we can't do it? We killed millions before and conquered the whole world. We can certainly kill all of you.

eh I think trump is a retard who literally has no idea how bad he is going to fuck things up, but I watch a trump ad and he sounds like noam chomsky except he twists things around.

i can get the appeal of trump, i don't really have any bad feelings for him but there's like a less sinister vibe to him than clinton. clinton's policies will actually be smarter (ie rural stimulus, clean energy, etc.) but she seems very manipulative and frightening to be around.

We are much much smarter than you and we could certainly make this a reality if we can get a large amount of whites.

So what you are saying is that Trump would be right to build a wall?

>some overweight NEET threatening genocide

i'd fucking laugh if alt-right/white nationalists rise up. they'd look like the bundy clan, ie delusional and inbred.

>clinton's policies will actually be smarter (ie rural stimulus, clean energy, etc.)

>hillary "anti-fracking groups are Russian agents" clinton
>clean energy

I'm not overweight at all. I would beat you faggot ass in a fight too. Side we the white race you fucking faggot. Or are you a chink?

>anti-fracking groups are Russian agents
pls tell me she didnt actually say that

We are the master race and we will reconquer the world. You inferior bitch. You would have been our slave. All races were slaves to whites. We owned the world and the Jews are the only reason we don't today.

>Dilma wasn't that bad
Kek, She planted one the greatest crisis of our country

I'm in the same situation. I'm typically liberal, but hate Hillary with a passion. They could have literally picked any other candidate and I would have been a secured Dem vote, but in the end they don't need or care about my vote because Hillary brings in Barbara from down the street who heard that Trump was a big meanie on TV, and wouldn't support Bernie because "He's an evil Commie!".
That's the other major problem with her. She doesn't have the history, nor anything else to back up her party platform. It all just feels like a load of empty promises.

The title of that post is literally a fact


Jews and traitor anglos

We did, it worked out great

You should elect woman too man, this is 2016 after all

You hurting the legitimate argument.

Who would elect a corrupt piece of garbage that had to rig elections to barely win against a socialist jew that expressed support for Palestine over isreal.

I was replying to what you said and what does that article even matter? I'm not surprised an insider would leak stuff like that to the opposing party if they'll tell the media. It was also well known that plenty of people in the FBI were upset about the how this email thing was handeled the first time.

wow man like wow you're totally blowing my mind man you seem like youre a pretty smart guy tell me more

Wow Anglo you are so clever.

fuck off CTR

All of trumps ideas are insults he posts on Twitter
It would have helped his canidacy if anyone knew what the fuck his platform was

All Hillary does is insult Trump too.

t. 350 lb. virgin NEET

so when obongo was voted in people wanted change, now it's just all good then? ayy lmao

wtf I love Sweden now
Trumps ideas are already much MUCH BETTER

I'm just Yung Nazi



man what the fuck happened to Alex Jones

I remember a long time ago he was somewhat normal (or at least, he seemed somewhat normal in his videos). Now he's just completely nuts. What the fuck happened?

lmao love that guy

>Dilma wasn't that bad
Lel, she literally got impeached.
And the guy who got her impeached was subsequently charged with corruption.
Brazil is a political shithole.

>Brazil is a political shithole.

t. murrica

that was extremely high energy

Money and viewers happened. If you're willing to say damn near anything on air and are perfectly comfortable contradicting yourself from episode to episode you'll go far. The filter king is as much of a character as the liberal comedians passing themselves off as journalists. Alex Jones is a one man Coast to Coast AM for the Republican set.

Only recently was he called this, he's held the same ideas since the 80's and only now is he being called racist, sexist, pig. If you think about it he gave up his comfy life to try and fix the nation, which is a lot better than I change my views every election cycle.

I'd rather have a corrupt actual politician in the white house than a corrupt real estate tycoon t.b.h. I'm not on board with either of them but trump is way more of a risk.

Sorry but Hillary is really evil. She's happy when Gaddafi was killed, the last wall of of Daesh have to go through before turning into ISIL and flooding Europe with refugees.

All he literally wants to do is make america great again, deport illegals and criminal scum. Give people jobs and fix the economy.
What does hilllary want? gee i dunno shes just been prepping for ww3 for years now and supporting terrorists. hmmm.. hard choise.

I have thought about that.

It's the non-white liberal trash which votes for Hillary

Easily swayed by that progress/diversity rhetoric bullshit that she spews. Non-whites should NOT be allowed to vote

>Make America Great Again
>Implying its not great already


Woman's sufferage was a mistake

>I'd rather have status quo corruption instead of a shake up

>keep things the way they are.
>implying thats a good thing.

Confirmed for not even looking at what he plans to do. You don't even know what Clinton plans to do.

Fuck off you idiot.

>tfw non-white
>tfw not a Trump supporter
Feels good cucking the white man politically

Another retard who doesn't think for himself

FBI is trump you fucking idiot. EVERY form of law enforcement is hard red. Why do people across oceans care so much about our election?

Here too, even fox almost

because what the US government does affects the world

see: clinton and obama's decisions regarding libya and syria that led to the refugee crisis in yurop

see: clinton's ramping up of cold war rhetoric against russia

>Why do people across oceans care so much about our election?
American education

Tbh euros were willful executioners of this moronic order if you think about the french bombers.
But her unrestrained reaction to that desertmonarch getting a knife up his ass made me dislike her too a lot the first time I saw it.

>She is the opposite of progressive
And trump is progressive?

>directly responsible for the refugee crisis
How is this true?

I don't like Clinton. But I hate trump even worse.
Only edgelords would vote for trump tbqhwy.

>Why do people across oceans care so much about our election?
*Teleports behind you, snap your neck*
It affect us! US! The small countries that barely relevant because we have to submit with the capitalist form.

The monarch should be in charge of the desert people because he knows them very well enough. But instead, he was killed just for the oil money in expense of the rest of you. Now you have to deal the with refugees fleeing their home countries. I bet someone is applauding happily in the middle east right now seeing everyone else hates each other.

Everyone in the west was happy when gadaffi got killed. There was zero support for him here.

Whether his rule was better than the current situation is another discussion.

Also, You do know that the Lybian operation was European led right? We supported them because that's what allies do, *coughs* frogs *coughs*, but it wasn't a US initiative.

Blacks like him
Nation of Islam, 50 cent and Dave Chappell endorse him.

>says he'll stop all muslims fron enteribg the US
>calls mexican illegals rapists and criminals
>practiced housing discrimination against blacks

Gee I wonder why anybody would think he is racist

That's false.
And even if a few blacks supported him that doesn't mean that most do.

You're being misleading.
Extremist's love each other. That's why I'm not surprised that Nation of islam praised him.

>bother are over 70
>when ppl start to lose their mental capabilities
>one of those ppl will lead the most advanced nation on earth

something is not quite right here