/cum/ Canada United Sates Mexico

Say "NO" to lolis!

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What is this nonsense?

How far back should I be able to remember? I can remember the day my sister was born, and I had just turned 4 then

post mor




You are damning yourselves. See the light. They are tricking you!

Mine's about 4 too, since I have sparse memories of living in England where my brother was born 4 yeas after me

I don't get it

As you were citizen.

wow I don't remember at all

Is this a bad thing?

>loose weight
>people I never spoke to comment how I don't look fat anymore


>living in England
My fucking negro. I was born there because my dad was in the Air Force. I don't even have a US birth certificate, it's some paperwork from the US Embassy or something

Have you ever been turned down from donating blood?

last 3 times I went to fart I felt like I was going to poopoo

What variety of depression is it where person is in recovery and collapse without period of emotional normality?

>got a part time job scooping shit out of a horse riding school
>soccer moms drop their teenager girls off and leave
>finish scooping shit and here one of the horses losing his shit
>one of the girls is rubbing his balls
>"you know he can kill you by accident right?"
She didn't show up for the post church ride

it's nice but we need toque because is cold

goddamn semon demons constantly trying to steal our precious bodily fluids. What is a man to do of it?

Fuck are you implying

Holy fuck are you literally my brother?

My dad was in the air force where my little brother was born and my entire family can't donate blood since we lived there during the mad cow disease.

>get a compliment
>take it as an insult

friend of mine is in the horse industry, she loves the animals but openly states they're stupid as fuck and so are most of the people who ride them.

look at the url

no shit faggot


>>one of the girls is rubbing his balls
What's up with girls and horses???

I've got an older half brother. You're not half Korean are you?




my life desu

Nah. Seriously thought you were my brother for a second, he browses Sup Forums too.

When are we going to see heightism established as a legitimate form of discrimination? Women, niggers, gays, and even trans people have all had their time in the sun. What's it going to take to get a little fucking recognition?

I swear, one day I am going to fill the gutters of the world with bodies, all of them over 6 ft tall.

>lost 70 lbs this year
>no one notices because I don't know anyone
hopefully my extended family will this Christmas ;_;

whats with women wanting to fuck horses

Is it the size of their genitals?

Not just that but women often orgasm while riding a horse.

He wasn't short in his time period


Yeah, that was really odd for a second

I have to say, being the son of a milfag has been one of the worse things in my life

first robots now horses

I'm having trouble competing already

>rising above oppresion
>rising above anything
please, We'll just put the guns on the top shelf

just dress nice for the holidays and people will notice. they might not say anything out of fear of being rude though.

how often

That and the fact that horses are pure muscle bunch of whores
>being the son of a milfag has been one of the worse things in my life
Can confirm, my father has been in the military for 20 years and he's an ass

people nowadays need to understand that the power of the mind is bigger than they think

Does anyone delete memes that become passe? I feel like I'm going to delete a lot of these pepe the frog pictures I've got. I don't really use them anymore and it's kind of lame now.

I was born pretty late in my dad's career so I grew up in a pretty wealthy house so it wasn't all bad.

I just hate how we always got stationed to shitty states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Arizona). Alaska was pretty nice but we left after a couple years.

Also I know that feel. My dad was a twat while in the military. After he retired he calmed down, we're total bros now. Blows my mind how being in the military can fuck with a dude's mind so much.

Heh... you don't even no what we are capable of...kid.

They aren't as popular with men because the reason your balls hurt so much is the same reason why women love horses so much. My boss has one client who pays extra just to ride by herself without a saddle because she likes the feel off all the muscle between her legs. Christian girls have to get off too I guess


I have NEVER saved a pepe picture, I find them irritating and completely stupid

Can't understand how he got so big, out of all the memes we have

dogs too :)


Good, my pepes simply become rarer.

how so?


You can't escape it.

That's mean

Can't even trust our best friends.

Who is left?

>want to take a poop but can't because I'm afraid of my roommates judging me

you cant be serious

Basically white men are at the bottom of the sex food chain.

Girls would rather fuck cucumbers than us.

why do you care?

I deleted my pepes over a year ago but I have been saving a large amount of apus and I have a couple froges

Mine was in for like 25 years. I don't want to blame all of my problems on him and his job, but I'm certain that the way he acted, and the nomadic lifestyle has made me more withdrawn and unable to connect

My dad was at least okay to be around in the military. A bit of PTSD, but it was manageable. After he retired he slowly turned into this really stereotypical materialistic mid-life crisis jackass. Now my parents are divorced, he lives with a girl closer to my age than his, and I don't speak to him

I absolutely loved living in Alaska. Best place I lived by far

>My boss has one client who pays extra just to ride by herself without a saddle because she likes the feel off all the muscle between her legs
Nasty ass whore

Hey /cum/ how do I make friends as an adult? Just moved to Shitcago.

They probably think you're a pussy because you've never dropped a log that stinks up the entire house.

I am. :( I take at least 3 poops a day, and urinate even more so. I practically spend as much time in the bathroom as my bedroom.

as simple as not using calculators for the most simple math

>fake dicks
>other women
>better men

Would you wear shoes in bed during sex?

Adults don't have friends, they have acquaintances

yep, nigger style

Why do marketing execs think shit like this is funny?


I would wear my socks

>4 hour long playlist of 80s hits
i may have a problem

Why wouldn't you wear shoes in bed?

It's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be catchy.

go to bars and sports longues, and chat on sites with chicagoans on them. People at the babershop or your coworkers can be your friends.
Jordans and cholo socks?

What the hell

You don't.

If you get lucky you'll get a acquaintance that will go to a bar with you occasionally.

Welcome to adulthood. We all hate each other.

whats wrong with wearing socks while fucking?

>wearing shoes in the house

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it, I'd just feel mor comfortable if I had my socks on

It's not the right thing to do for men.

And it's only OK for women if they're those long tight ones.


goodnight /cum/!

Its actually really normal with religious women, they see this as innocent because they aren't being fucked and they aren't doing anything sexual on purpose. However the stupid ones still pop up like the teen girl trying to excite a horse

post your first image

I'll be in your dreams welcoming you to the united states as a citizen with warm dicking

I think I want to go buy a bunch of 2x4s and build a workbench tomorrow buds

>It's not the right thing to do for men.
why tho, I never understood this


Seconded for this

on the prison dating website I looked at about half the women said they liked horses

broncucks getting BTFO rn

coloradoanon is probably steaming lmao

>they aren't doing anything sexual on purpose
women's logic...

Society is destiny for the individual.

Demographics is destiny for society.

IQ is destiny for demographics.

>look up the dimensions up my car's trunk
>they're all in volume instead of lengthxwidthxdepth
Ah yes, because I'll be filling my trunk up with water instead of suitcases

Links to said website?