This is a English site, use English only!

This is a English site, use English only!

الله أكبر!

>This is a English site, use English only!
> a English site,
> a
>use English only!

There is literally nothing wrong with that sentence

E' quello faccio ogni giorno carissimo :*

Zitto animale


Čia yra lietuvių puslapis, kalbėkite tik lietuviškai !

tamam çopur.

Οτι μαλαkια kαι να γραψω, απλως kαποιος θα πει δει το ποστ kαι θα πει οτι ειναι ελληνας.

Жыттo Жывoтнe

Chuj Ci w dupę przyjacielu





kurva anyátok

KURWA (I don't even speak Slavic. Sorry if I spelled it wrong.)

So this is what Aussie education can do, hopefully the emu fix this.



get fucked cunt

I don't think so

Chupáme la polla.

i went to school in a low-socioeconomic area. It was horrible but I was hanging with my Chinese immigrant friend and some other cunts. I don't know why his mum wanted to immigrate, they were just as poor as me. Some girl walked past us and said some shit like "WE'RE IN AUSTRALIA SPEAK AUSTRALIAN YOU CUNT" to the chinese guy, (he wasn't even talking though, he basically only talks openly with me and a couple other people, not when others can hear). Everyone laughed and called her a dumbcunt, including her friends walking with her.

Gora gu ta gutarrak.
Gora eusko gudariak.

the only thing I'm going to use is ur mum

Nej, varför?

Im going to fuck your mother harder than a Harrier fucks the Argentine Air Force.

>take 2 shots at fighting emu
>fail both times
At least were able to exterminate an island, what have you accomplished.

stop speaking chinese

That was all the Australians fault. Fuck off. Brits literally did nothing wrong. If you had fucking read the full story, the Australian general deserted the entire coalition in Singapore, forcing Malaysians, New Zealands, Singaporeans(Then considered Malaysians), and British to a corner because you guys can't fucking hold a water supply region, a fucking reservoir, literally white trash of Asia. And I'm speaking about who fucked up my country.


That region being where the main assault of Japanese forces took place? Percival threw the Australians into a meat grinder and practically gave the controls to the Japanese.

Perhaps learn your own history there champ.

No, what happened was that Winston Churchill telegraphed to General Waver to defend Singapore at all cost, if not this would be the greatest humiliation that the British army will ever face. General Percival because Australians were pushed back from the reservoir they were supposed to defend once. Then he asked them to counter attack, then they get pushed back again, so he felt that any counter attacks were going to be useless and also the Australians deserted, so he advocated surrender to General Waver the general of the East Indian company. Actually General Yamashita was calling a bluff, the jap were severely short on supplies, with their supply lines super stretched, if the British were to play guerilla with the Japanese and drag the battle, the Japs would have lost hands down. General Percival was also stupid and incompetent, at least we learnt that lesson now and learn to better pick our allies, good riddance.

니 수준에 수능은 왜 치냐? 공대나 의대 아니면 공무원 준비나 해라. 아님 차라리 전문대 가든지.

Your sentence structure is moronic. Im guessing you've finally decided to look up actually what happened.

> General Percival was also stupid and incompetent

> Fuck off. Brits literally did nothing wrong

Lovely backflip.

> if the British were to play guerilla with the Japanese and drag the battle

Check out the armchair general. Pretty easy to say when you're not hauling kit through the swamps on your shithole island.


English is really a cool language but only in Brazilian Portuguese you have unique expressions like: "VAI TOMAR NO SEU CU SEU FILHO DE UMA SUGADORA DE PIROCA." :)

Nein du dummes Arschloch

Yea also really easy to surrender and send your men to the death camps right?
>Armchair general
Yea coming from you? Despite the historical texts stating the clear truth. Its not like I'm pulling shit out of my ass




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