So what was /mu's/ final thoughts on this album?

So what was /mu's/ final thoughts on this album?

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It was better than painting with


It's better than mediocre but it's definitely overrated on Sup Forums

First two songs were 10/10 the rest ehh

I thought it was okay.

I found it good not great. I loved the sound of every song, but they went on too long without any meaningful changes.

Well since this album has atleast 2 good songs while painting with has none it clearly is

>painting with has no good songs
Must feel good being a part of a hivemind. Let me know when you step out of your comfort zone and form your own opinions for once.

I saw the face of god and it was deakin

I have you fucking moron, I like 21 pilots if that doesn't show I'm not in the hivemind I don't know what will

It's alright. The last song is great, but the others don't really stand out.
I really want to see a Geologist solo album though.

It has like two good songs. It's their weakest album by far.

It's in my top 5of the year so far.

>Good House
>The first bonus track

Musical ecstasy.

>I like 21 pilots
All that proves is you're a fucking idiot whose opinion shouldn't be taken seriously
>their weakest album by far
centipede hz

Or that I can form my own opinion unlike you, really not that bad but I couldn't care less about what you think


Clearly if painting with is better than chz then you have shit taste

Hate that song but songs like ride are catchy you can't deny that, never said shit about them being Deep you fucking retard just like their music

It's not hard for an album to be better than painting with tho

>it's pop so it's bad!
>centipede hz has screaming and it's noisy so it's good!
I like when Animal Collective experiments, my favorite album of theirs is Here Comes the Indian, but CHz is so fucking lifeless. Painting With really is a far more admirable effort.

i haven't listened to much music from 2016 but rarely does an album so instantly stand out as AOTY for me

One of the best albums released this year by far

Uh, severely disagree with this. Sleep Cycle had two good songs. Painting With has way more than 2 good songs.

Also, yes, this "album" is massively overrated here.

Then it would make sense for you to call Sleep Cycle AOTY if it's essentially the only thing you've heard. It's definitely NOT AOTY material, by any means. This is quite possibly one of the most overrated releases discussed on Sup Forums in the past year.

i agree
Centipede Hz is a complete overproduced mess with the blandest and worst songwriting in their discography by far. It literally makes me nauseous. it's like a 2/10 honestly
Painting With has some insanely fun tracks and is mediocre at worst

really great, one of the best AnCo side projects

don't talk to me ever again

Dont post your stupid opinions ever again.
>hurrdurr i haven't heard much from 2016 but Sleep Cycle is album of the year!



AOTY so far

found the internet reviewer fan drone

Yeah, oftentimes it's hard for me to fathom that the people who made HCTI made the same album. It just feels so disjointed and inauthentic by comparison.

>let me remove my name so he thinks I'm someone else
>he doesn't think Sleep Cycle is AOTY, he's a shitter

Cry more.

which internet reviewer do i agree with

Mediocre hypnagogic pop but miles ahead of anything AC done after MPP.

That'd be anyone arguing against painting with, retard

>not liking Wide Eyed
>not liking Today's Supernatural
>not liking fucking that fucking Moonjock opening

I don't really dislike any of the songs on Painting With and Golden Gal + Floridada are great but other than that they're all just so incredibly forgettable and average. At least they sounded like they gave a shit on CHz

>Miles ahead of ODDSAC
>Miles ahead of Transverse Temporal Gyrus
>Miles Ahead of Centpede Hz or Painting With

you guys are so fucking delusional it's hilarious.

Wide Eyed is the only song on the album that i like, and Moonjock's ok too.

Are you kidding me? Painting With was almost immediately panned by every critic.

>On Delay
>The Burglars
>Spilling Guts
>Lying in the Grass

Clearly someone only listened to the singles.

Found the apologist. How hopeless is it to defend a band that reached its apex ages ago?


You can make that argument all you'd like, that doesn't make it true. Where you think there apex may be MPP, someone who was listening to them from the beginning might say it was Hollindagain. People from this era of AnCo might say their apex is CHz and shit on any albums after PW.

Go listen to ODDSAC and Transverse Temporal Gyrus and tell me it's absolute garbage or that it's not creative or that it's a clear sign of their downfall.

Also, Centipede Hz b-sides are some of the better songs they've released since 2012. The Honeycomb/Gotham split is fantastic.

So now you're trying to say you aren't that guy, but admit to leaving the name on? You were clearly mad I disagreed with you. Cry more.

On Delay was the only song out of those that I even remotely gave a shit about. And I listened to the album like three times in a row trying to give it a chance. Sorry.

Certainly you can at least admit that CHz sounds more inspired than Painting With

I appreciate that they were trying not to rely so much on reverb and studio effects and go for something more immediate but it ended up sounding just kind of limp and lifeless

>found the Internet reviewer fan drone
Yes, painting with was panned. Therefore, the people arguing against its merits are likely drones.

I don't know that it sounds limp and lifeless, the album has a ton of energy and bounce to it. It sounds a little less dense than their usual recordings because they didn't layer a million sounds and effects on top of eachother to create atmosphere, which is about the only reason anyone ever gives for hating PW.

People say Animal Collective is dead and that they're not creative anymore, but show me an album that sounds like and achieves what Painting With does. It's fine if you don't like the album, but to act as though it's objectively the worst thing they've ever released is an absolute fallacy.

maybe it does sound more inspired but Pw sure as hell sounds better

Oh okay, I see. I think he was referring to CHz anyway though. But yeah, the hivemind is generally "Painting With sounds like lifeless farting".

The songwriting and production are infinitely better on PW. At least they went in with a solid concept in mind and made music that is really unique. Nothing else sounds like Painting With, whereas Centipede Hz just sounds like a bad animal collective album. The songs have no sense of liveliness to them at all, it's just like Avey went "yeah let's just repeat that one synth lead over and over, I'll yell a bit and we can add some weird effects. Sounds good."
Songs like vertical, lying in the grass, spilling guts and recycling are legitimately dazzling.

when did i say i wasn't that guy? i can put the name back on if it helps you comprehend shitposts better
bruh i am laffin


Uh, you're the one telling me to drink bleach and to "never talk to you again" because I disagreed with you. Your damage control is on 100 right now bro. And cry more isn't an indication of butthurt you dummy, it's an indication that the person you're responding to is a little bitch.

i can't even right now
i can't take the 'tism
i can't handle it

>i can't form a legitimate argument so i'd better just meme my way out of this

Alright, bye.

I even said that I don't dislike Painting With, I just think it's sort of forgettable. I don't think they're dead at all. They've put out tons of amazing and experimental albums over the years and sometimes experiments fail.

Maybe lifeless isn't the right word. I would call it uninspired but they clearly went in knowing what they were trying to do. It's just that on their other albums even the songs that sound similar all have their own personality and life to them (compare Banshee Beat to Did You See The Words or Loch Raven, or any two songs off ST) whereas here they sound like they wrote some great pop songs and then just kind of stuck to the same template for all of them. Maybe if it was an EP or something I would be more into it because then the concept wouldn't wear so thin over the course of the album.

Fair enough. Neither of them are really anywhere near my favorite AnCo albums so I'm not about to defend any of the really shitty parts of CHz but I give it the edge over PW.

At least we can all agree that the MPP-era version of Leaf House is still 10/10

shit i've never seen this before

Yeah I remember hearing that they reworked Leaf House for their MPP tour but I figured it would be some weird synth-pop stuff, nothing like this.

Fucking cool. It's amazing what they're doing with the song when you realize that it's just some minimal drumming, a quiet synth, a piano loop and their singing. I love that they can create stuff like that with very little.


The problem here is that people say all the songs sound the same because of the instrumentation and use of the synth bass throughout the album. It's glaringly obvious they use the same instrumentation throughout the record, and I think, as an audience, we expect synth sounds to be extremely and vastly varied. I think Animal Collective went in knowing what synth sounds they were going to use, and essentially replace live instrumentation with their selected synth patches.

I really don't get the argument that all of the songs sound the same. Structurally they are all vastly different, aside from being 3 minutes and having a verse and chorus structure (it is pop after all).

I will say, the album does lose some momentum after The Burglars, but I don't think any of the songs following it are bad by any means. Also, it picks back up at On Delay most definitely. The only two songs that ever seem too similar to me are Spilling Guts and Summing the Wretch.

I think peoples gripe with this album are overall the production and not the actual song writing or composition. Again, as I said earlier, it's not nearly as dense as their other albums. It's pretty cut and dry (no pun intended) due to the fact that there isn't much reverb or post-processing on instrumentation this time around. They would usually be using flangers, phasers, LFOs and more to evolve the textures and synths they are using, but in Painting With, everything is pretty straight forward.

>Centipede Hz

i've never seen anyone else do pop/folk songs with these kinds of acapella-esque arrangements before, and somehow it works so well

whats the fucking cover supposed to be

tell me please

Also, that is one of the coolest things about Animal Collective. Reintroducing old songs with a new sound is always a nice surprise at a show. Going to see them in November, hopefully I'll get something like that from their performance. I will say though, this is probably their weakest change of a song. Their rework of Taste for the Centipede Hz tour was cool.

Looks to me like someone sitting and meditating and transcending reality.

>I really don't get the argument that all of the songs sound the same
For me it has to do with the instrumentation and production of the album, like you said. I hate to keep falling back on Feels as an example but so many of the songs on that album sound wildly different from each other because of changes in the production and the way they use the instruments. None of the individual songs on PW are bad (far from it) but taken together it becomes a little too noticeable how they keep reusing the same tricks throughout the album like the alternating syllables and radio samples and squelchy basslines.

>I think peoples gripe with this album are overall the production and not the actual song writing or composition
Absolutely, but that's a valid complaint. Arrangement and production is a huge part of music. MPP wouldn't be as good as it is if it was all on acoustic guitar. I think some people resigned themselves to disliking it as soon as we learned that it wasn't going to be all giant washes of reverb and flange this time around but the lack of varation still stands out, at least to me.

I like that they wanted something more immediate and brought up Ramones as an example but you don't really expect a lot of variation from the Ramones because that's not what they do. They're also really fucking loud and really fucking energetic, and PW is not either of those things (at least not to that extent).

I would love to hear them try it again with a similar concept, though. I think that idea has a lot of potential even if PW didn't live up to it for me.

Alvin Row is one of my favorite songs by them and they played a reworked version at the Columbus show for the encore but I was too sick to go :(

I'll have to look up Taste, then. I love the Leaf House version as it is so that sounds great.



Look for the Prospect Park version of Taste. If you have the Centipede Hz CD, put it in a DVD player. There's some hidden shit on it.

Footy is the best track desu

I love the almost prog rock feel to it

this, Golden Chords and Footy are the only two particularly good songs off of it whereas Painting With is mostly good throughout.

>so many of the songs on that album sound wildly different from each other because of changes in the production and the way they use the instruments

Wot? Feels is a very homogenized album in terms of production and instrumentation

Almost every song has that high repeats/low time setting delayed guitar sound

Footy is actually Song of the Year but besides that the "album" is just 3 other alright songs and 2 transitions