Wata a best

wata a best

She has Godly facial structure

i shook her hand once

she plays PoGo?

>tfw you were so fucking close to going to the Cleveland show last night but your transportation fell through + you didn't get a ticket in time

At least it'll make it that much better when I actually see them since apparently they tour a lot

Are any of their recent albums worth listening to? I know that their Merzbow collab is supposed to be great but aren't you supposed to play the Merzbow and Boris tracks at the same time or some shit

the idea is that you experiment with the volumes and timings yourself with each side of the album. its a bizarre experience

Shook her hand after the show. Very effective moisturizer she's using.

>Very effective moisturizer she's using.

yeah, like playing a concert for 2 hours.

you don't shake many peoples' hands, do you?


>he's sincerely bothered by dry humour
>insomuch that he feels compelled to fill out a captcha and reply
>he thinks I was being sarcastic
Chill the fuck out, sperg. I'm saying her hands were soft and no, most men that I shake hands with do not have soft hands.

Better double your dose of Ritalin today.

i'm seeing them tonight, pumped to be in the presence of guitar waifu

i was at that show
best i've been to in my life tbqh

I sincerely hope ( for you ) your ass isn't as dry as your humor when I blast it tonight

Joke's on you I'm a twenty y/o virgin.

>Dan Barrett likes this

seeing boris live made me actually fall in love with atsuo
his facial expressions and energy were fucking incredible

wata is a great guitar player and all but for most of the show she just stood there looking at the ground

Why is Wata's kid so fugly?

wata's handshake is limp even for a small east asian guitarist.

i sperged when i met her this year. couldnt even say hello back. i just held up the boris shirt i bought at the show and was like that was a great performance. even with the language barrier she knew i was awkward as fuck

>bring wata a home made fuzz pedal
>she never has used it

Feels fucking bad man.


They're good, they're so so good

How else is she going to look at her pedals.
Atsuo is a BEAST.

Fuckin weird. But then only Boris could have come up with something like that.

I'll just have to open up two different music players and listen to it at the same time.

false demon

Not really considering zaireeka is a thing that exists.

Zaireeka's timing isn't up for interpretation

Ah true

i was up front, right at the stage, to the point where i was in front of PA and I couldn't hear Takeshi sing at all, but I don't regret it, because I felt the fatness of their sound vibrating through my body thanks to those ridiculous amp stacks of theirs. Go up there for a couple songs at least, it's intense

atsuo is a spirited ass man

See I was gonna buy false demon but I like their original designs too much so now I'm torn

I think she's really hot honestly

>even with the language barrier she knew i was awkward as fuck
ahh, life is beautiful

Akuma no Uta is their best song

Prove me wrong


Who's going to the Tuesday show? Im fucking hyped senpai

me. hyped as fuck

always was...

It's album, not song

he just prove you wrong

What does False Demon mean?

parody of Merzbow's - Pulse Demon

Possibly but she brings her 3DS to gigs for sure. People have gotten her streetpass before.

there's a couple pictures of here playing it before shows on their twitter

Boris was so good live. A lot of the Pink songs are fucking nuts live, and the Pink sessions songs were pretty fucking crazy too. Such a fun time. Teared up during Farewell. How is Boris so good? I know a lot of people think they got bad in the late 00's, but I love all of their stuff and it's baffling for me that they haven't made an album I've disliked. New Album and Dronevil have been my jams recently.

I'm going to a Boris show but I've never heard any of their music

what should I expect

loud, crazy, and fun

do you think it's going to be fun if i don't listen to their pink album before going and be surprised or should i listen to it so i can know what to expect?

go in blind

Dude, bring earplugs. I'm not saying this as a suggestion, but I honestly believe you will suffer permanent hearing loss if you don't.

Psssh fuck that
I just had tinnitus for 3 days straight no biggie

I wore earplugs to a Boris show and the show was regular-volume and I missed a lot of it/didn't get the same impact. I know if you go to shows constantly like every week your entire life it's a good idea and for idk a My Bloody Valentine show or something but I felt like the earplugs weren't really necessary and the ppl who said Boris was loud were exaggerating. It could have just been the venue I saw them at, who knows

Hell yeah bruh, you gonna hv a great time. I saw em a couple years ago and they melted faces. Real fucking loud too.

Fair, I was in a small venue and they played at outdoor-concert level. Just saying that I really regret not bringing some as a precaution.

I saw them at a small venue and I would have fucking died without earplugs

It was only for short segments that you needed the plugs, like when the guitars get too sharp and noisy.
I did feel like I was missing out when having my earplugs on, and ended up losing them anyway.


I've seen them 5 times, it's not that bad. They're loud as shit but not so loud that being exposed to them for an hour is going to give you actual hearing damage.