Kpop general

somiya edition

Other urls found in this thread:


And this


Post fine looking idols


D-don't say such things.


who /visualsareirrelevanttome/ here?

I still appreciate the Eunha thanks


you can do it

>korean no-jaw princess
>muay thai ladyboy
>dutch kiwi high school bully
>filthy bogan melbourne hipster



Me, but even ugly idols are good looking compared to regular people


Hey don't downplay poor Sehun's accomplishments I'm sure he has worked hard to become the god he is today.

t. shook twiceshitter

i have the place to myself for the next couple hours

post some seohyun so i can have some fun

>his favorite group doesn't have any talents


based gfreinds

Kpop hierarchy
>God tier
>A tier
Twice,Gfriend,Black Pink, EXID
>B tier
Lovelyz,OMG,Bestie,April,COsmic Girls
>Nugu tier
everyone else

post the 43yo qt from blackpink

which kpop girl would watch the olympic weightlifting with me?

What kind of regular people do you see?

goes from B to nugu real quick

slippery slope aye

tfw no cute yojachingus in my area

>black pink
>hasn't even had one live performance
>A tier


>they wear other colors besides black and pink

no problem lol, I was gonna reply to that but my phone's captcha shit wasn't working so I said fuck it, then I came back to my phone to post and the reply number was still there, but I didn't realise :/

Sehun is hard working. He is perfect but he's so good at everything that things come effortlessly to him


rainbow are not nugu

Is Carlos samefagging?

>God tier

>no kara
>no t-ara
>no 2ne1
>just a bunch of groups who can't even sell out an auditorium in korea + snsd


What an ugly guy

i met gfriend

We all hate the BPshitters
but Black Pink is good
and have garnered sufficient interest

why is it always gfriend fans depicted as twice haters, this triggers me

Can't even tell if Twiceshitters are legitimately retarded or just baiting by liking a group with no talent anymore

don't really care when it comes to boy bands, and desu a good 70% of OMG is average looking but I still like them a lot
You're missing a lot of people who were much closer to SNSDs level than everyone else on that tier.

they're dead user
At least China saved T-ara

only one of the groups you listed still exists
and they only promote in China

>>no kara
>>no t-ara
>>no 2ne1

he obviously didn't include dead groups on the list

if she's pure how come I keep seeing her panties in every thread

>RV > Twice
What did he mean by this?

based bungee jump operator


But 2NE1 is good.
This is BP in 2 years.

You keep looking at them.

I bet Irene alone could beat all of Twice up


Red Velvet is obviously A tier

>twicetards finally admit that blackpink is better than twice

carlos can't handle the bantz

Irene is twice level in terms of talent.


2ne1 is good except for Bom
but they're still pretty dead

>listening to kpop

they're just here to shitpost and act like they know what they are talking about

post somi feet

The most false statement ever

That's such a cute Sehun. You know what I still can't get over how he is starring in the lead role in not one but two movies.

All RV but wendy*

It's because he's the best. It's all because he is pretty. It's because you're jealous... I know.

the "IDIOT" really enhances this image lmao

I'm starting to think it's YOU who is Carlos...

what do you do here
this is the most autistic post I've ever seen

>This is what nugushitters actually belive

is that gummis dominatrix outfit?

>and desu a good 70% of OMG is average looking

lol (not the album)

Sehun is mortally beautiful, but he can also be cute like a kitten

>What an ugly guy
I'm sure user hears that a lot, poor thing.

Who is the Chuck Schuldiner of kpop?

Black Pink (perfection)

Twice (hot girls)
Oh My Girl (cute girls)

Girl's Day
SNSD (old sluts)
GFRIEND (seriously ugly)

AOA (because Chanmi is a fat pig)
EXID (busted sluts)
Lovelyz (fucking ugly except for Yein)
Bestie (irrelevant)
Cosmic Girls (who?)
SISTAR (old and busted)


RV is pretty good. I would love to see Dubu and Slug together on a show or something

>you will never be a cute small korean girl named arin
>you will never live in the same dorm as a goddess named binnie
>she will never pat your head
>she will never hold your hand
>she will never cradle you as you watch scary movies together
>she will never wake up moments earlier than you then hover over your face and admire your sleeping beauty
>she will never slowly lean in, casting away all of her doubts, and prepare to press her lips against yours
>she will never notice your eyes starting to open and immediately shift into a goofy expression as a means of downplaying the situation
>you will never wake up, shocked and gasping, convincing binnie that her trick worked
>tfw you will never wish that you could let binnie know you were actu ally awake the whole time and wanted her to go for the kiss
>tfw you will never be arin


This chink again...

>homies still posting sehun
you guys are cool desu

aside from admiring qtexomaknae, are you exited for lotto?

ayy lmao

Seulgi is the most talented active female idol

At least user has company. Sehun gets lonely at the top

Shook af

That's what makes him truly perfect. So versatile desu.

post some monument cuties


I knew the G didnt stand for girl!

I post two gooks in the morning
I post two gooks at night
I post two gooks in the afternoon
It makes me feel alright


what's the point in living if you're not married to seohyun

Is there anyone in Exo anywhere near his level? I never really thought about it!

Not really excited if I'm being honest. Just kind of intrigued to hear what these "hip hop" tracks will sound like. I already know the Monster remix is complete garbage so that was a bummer to see it on the tracklist.

I post all Exos user. Tell me your favorite and I'll post him for you

>BP can actually speak english

w o r d i t o

Post dumb idols

Thai boy

>Fucking retards implying anyone is even close to SNSD level

God-tier = SNSD and no one else

these are the threads i made today, rate please

Post lay thanks

If there is anyone in EXO anywhere remotely near Sehun's level I never heard of him. I mean, there was Kris but he is kill