Kpop General

Laboum Edition.

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soyeon's soyeons


black in your pink area

first for dahyun

looks like luna

more like blurrypink

>Yulhee's Yulhees

I love Jisoo

I love Rose

I love Jennie

I love Lisa

Twice are better than blackpink

It's still a Sehun thread

we're cheering for DC now

>yfw Vivi was given to Sehun by LSM
It was all part of the plan...
Chinese and Korean groups are as close as it gets, I see. No wonder why it never works

Every thread is a Sehun thread to me


Good joke m8.

Red Velvet is better than Twice

I was more into Mix and Match than SM Town because I slept all today. I have to watch Mamamoo and Vixx concert cams. Pledis Girls also added a new performance.

well, uh...

Me too m9.

im crying

Is that true?




Everyone knows that they're just sick of what's popular family

Should teen girls be banned from Twitter?

whats the name of that one group that has a song that goes like "i know the first 3 numbers"

alright dr phil


>caring about slack stink

every single group is better than TWICE and Blackpink

bunch of overrated talentless idols

shook af

thanks a lot

I didn't mean live performances but thanks anyway, will watch 'em

her smile is so fucking good, i think Lisa is confirmed for my new smilefu now euaerin is rip and goddess song is never coming back :(

Lisa's a dirty foreigner, I dont like her.

twice outsold RV



I feel like this is the first concept since their debut where they haven't tried to hide Yulhee's talents.

i forgot to say thanks for posting tao in the last thread

thank you, anons

when will manlets learn


I feel you.
Shes very bright.

solbin is all natural

I'm excited to see BP's live performance today.

i want to lick jisoo

He's beautiful... I don't even like their music but this boy-

Yeah, I would've watched the Mix and Match thing but I didn't really know where to look at while it was happening. Same thing with SM Town desu
This Mamamoo pic looks super cute I want to watch that. Wheein looking evil with black hair, I like that. BP soon...

>sunny wearing heels
>still almost the shortest
our poor sunny bunny

>belly rub
asian woman are suckers for alpha white males

i can't believe blackpink sold literally ZERO copies of square one on hanteo or gaon

yg is finished

Remember how Vivi had no interest in playing stupid dog games and eating treats? But just look how acts in what is obviously the SM boardroom. Obviously plotting something.

Hmm I guess that's true. More often than not, something goes wrong. Lay seems to have done well though. I guess it's because he's just such a nice person regardless.

And yet her solo picture cuts off right before her talent.

it wasn't an insult, she just looked like luna there

tot bad you're neither

user you are dumb. Or trolling. In which case congrats I took the bait.

That dog is disrespectful as fuck.

Arent we all.
It will be 8am for me so idk how im gonna watch it...

Yeah, i see where you're coming from.

getting a little hotheaded, asian male?

tell me about it. glad the poodle just walked on by

is that tiffanys dog



All this Sehun love tonight~



Just wake up before 8am


dirty foreigner

gaypop btfo

Based, but give Exo a chance!

Vivi pretended not to care but actually made Sehun do the things meant for dogs. If that isn't proof that Vivi is more intelligent than a human being then idk what is.
Lay is okay because they gave him a studio. Had they done it to EXO-M I bet members wouldn't have left

It's Sehun's but they look alike

those fucking awful nails though

Who is this EX-OH?


No problem user. SinB is fun on Weekly Idol. I wish people would stop giving her shit for her resting face. She's so nice and bright on variety.

Fans risk their lives taking cams so I'm not that disappointed.
I wish GFriend had a concert series soon or joined in on Mamamoo's concert as guest instead of IOI.
We are lucky Inkigayo isn't so late.



twice is shit

i fucking hate exo but overdose was a good fuckin tune desu

gaypop will never recover lmfao

have you seen BP jisoo?

yezimanlet btfo

just did it amazing

Exo's birthname is Hayoshi Kajima



I know all their title tracks, I like more of an r&b/hip hop sound for boy groups I guess. Their stuff is catchy but not enough for me to ever download? Feel free to rec me bsides

that was an accident
doesn't count

is exo more well known than justin bieber in japan?


They risk their lives not to disappoint you.
You know what would be fun, if Gfriend and Mamamoo released a song at the end of their Showtime. I'm not even a fan but it would be an interesting combination.
At what time does Inkigayo happen again? I'm afraid I won't be able to watch... fml.

Overdose is easily one of their top songs. But Monster is better though

Is Vivi a master manipulator or is Sehun just dumb as bricks? This is the question we must answer first.
But didn't the Chinese traitors leave because of stuff like...racism... or whatever? I don't even know what their grievances were now that I think about it.

they look really uncomfortable

BTS hate Army so much. It's kinda funny.

Didn't EXO have the highest sales of a foreign artist in Japan last year? I could be wrong.

seriously tho. was sm even trying with red velvet

monster is just a gimped overdose tho

they arent used to talking in front of a camera so makes sense

rv is best rookies

The only girl group they try with is SNSD.