Is this the perfect fall album? Also lets have a fall music thread

is this the perfect fall album? Also lets have a fall music thread.

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Pretty much.

Also anything Elliott Smith

Great start

Perfect album full stop, I''d say.

I also always seem to get way into the Smashing Pumpkins in the can't go wrong with Siamese Dream

>tfw fall is coming up
>never had a gf but recently met a girl who's into all the same music as me
>can't work up the courage to ask her out
>tfw will be spending another fall alone

Pretty much all of Phil's music is either fall or winter core. Except It Was Hot We Stayed in the Water.


That's a very early spring album. Like for just when the snow begins melting

I actually prefer his other albums. There's only so much solo fingerpicking I can handle.



it's the perfect album to just sit and relax while watching the rain fall on a cloudy November day desu

Mostly the slower songs like Unsatisfied and Sixteen Blue


The most perfect album for fall here

Moon and Antarctica is good for late fall / beginning of naked tree season, too

I always felt like Moon and Antarctica fit best in the deepest coldest part of winter more than fall.

Good album for fall if you think about killing yourself

this, i dont need to listen to that album when im vulnerable. that is a dark fucking album

also applicable are Bert Jansch's first three albums

Andean music makes me think of fall, thanks to the South American group that always makes an appearance at the regional fair in September...

Why do you feel that way (not that you're wrong)? I find it too angry to make me feel like that. It always takes quieter albums such as , Carrie & Lowell (another great fall album), or something by to have that effect on me