Young Thug is changing his rap name

>Lyor Cohen (boss of Thug's label): "The reality of the situation is Young Thug is not going to be "Young Thug" anymore. His new name is going to be "No My Name Is Jeffery". "No, My Name is Jeffery". That's his new name. And the reality is, when you see this commercial, you're all going to understand what we do here at 300. Because it's powerful images of what makes someone Young Thug and what the evolution and how someone is Jeffery. It's a circular thing, it's important. "No, My Name is Jeffery" is on it's way. Please respect us to actually segue and utilize his name going forward because it's important."

Other urls found in this thread:

>he goes on r/hhh

Jesus Christ...

Clearly you do too as you recognized that the post was from there.

By knowing that this was posted on r/hhh, you are confirming that you go on r/hhh, too.

>my name jeff

is he really changing his name to a dead 2012 meme wtf

also >(((cohen)))


>control + c
>control + v
Come on now, you're smart enough to know google can find sources for you

I go on there the same reason I go on here, laugh at people with the most retarded opinions

If there was an actual good subreddit to talk about Sup Forums stuff I'd never come back here.

Yah, I admitted it. I ain't afraid of yall niggas

fuck you asshole you typed way more words than you would have telling a website source. if you are gonna bring something up in a thread how about you talk about it with decent human curtousy instead of looking for pedantic ways to talk down to people? surely you are smart enough to interact like a decent human?


>tfw Sup Forums was right


or alternatively

*actually retarded*

You will respect my triple dubs


>gets mad, throws insults

if you cant handle the heat ,dont get in the kitchen senpai

Jeff pls go

We love you ;_;

Lol u wild, wyd tho?

if you could handle heat you wouldn't be shit posting. You want heat? turn your computer the fuck off and face your life


No one bully this user pls

wow yknow i'll admit i saw this on r/hhh and came to Sup Forums to see if anyone was talking about it since Sup Forums loves thugga. but im really disappointed to see people just talking about r/hhh instead of thugga changing his name. i thought you'd all be eating this shit up.

No, My Name is Jeffrey is a hilarious name. how have we not started memeing ourselves to death over this yet? where's the ironic praise? cmon guys he's an artistic genius if he does this right? breaking barriers?

because this is a joke article

that's what I thought just keep on shitting here in your safespace

How are you this triggered user

Y'know it's getting really hard not to fall for the jew meme

>Lyor Cohen
>Jew named Liar

Really makes you think dont it

yeah that's it shit right on my face like a big man. You gonna think about this later before you sleep and remember what a great person you are here in your safespace and how much fun you had shitting on my face from your keybord? You gonna think about it years from now before you die all the fun you had playing with your shit in you safespace?

holy shit i just realized that

Nice dubs

so this is fake? i haven't found anything searching

Is he smokin benises