ITT: post the last album you bought, or downloaded or whatever it is the kids are doing nowadays

ITT: post the last album you bought, or downloaded or whatever it is the kids are doing nowadays

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Don't mind me; just being the queen of pop is all.

expensive though.

expensive? did you get the vinyl?

got this and volta second hand 2 for £5


Saw it in a record shop




good shit

This, Illinoise, and Mastodon's Blood Mountain.

Nice, I think Medulla is one of her best albums

I bought Outside on Amazon for £6 - usually don't bother buying albums unless I get really hooked by it. Grossly underrated

Bought at a record store for 4$, my girlfriend found it tucked in some 80s alt/punk records at her local store. Also got ITCOTCK for 5$


bought two Eno albums and one Funkadelic album

This is the last thing that I downloaded

Last physical thing I bought was To Be Kind at a recent Swans concert

It would be this one


I keep trying to listen to To Be Kind and just can't get into it. Blood Mountain is my favorite Mastodon album though. Such an awesome concept album.


The 2xCD version for £4.
It's every bit as mental as it's said to be



>It's a jewel case


why even fucking bother then lol
>infererore jewel cases

>mfw x^}}}

Exactly. I was hoping for a digipak like their other albums, but I guess that's just to good for us.

On cassette





Bought it on vinyl, still being shipped.

Just getting into emo

noice, listened to it yesterday



finally got around to it

>Neil Young - Earth
It's also the one that pissed me off the most after eight years of fandom. Don't get me wrong, it's nowhere near as bad as, say, Fork In the Road, but Neil just sounds like such a bitter, angry old man at this point. I feel like he's just kind of off in his own world with no real awareness when it comes to what he's doing as a result of people kissing his ass and calling him a legend at this point. I also feel like a lot of his recent endeavors have seemed really insular, like he either doesn't do his research or just disregards the facts if they're not in line with his beliefs. What's weird is the stuff I write is probably better than half of the stuff he's put out in the past sixteen years and probably no one's ever going to know who I am.


this thing

otherwise I received my yellow BP record the other day

These 2 just today

rockplebs btfo


bought pic related for only two bucks

9/10 recommended

haven't listened yet

jewel cases are a luxury now you little fags. be grateful it's not in a shitty little paper sleeve with no disc holder

pic related is the last one I bought (like 2 months ago)

last one I downloaded is Richard Devine - Asect:Dsect

Pic related is the last thing I downloaded, I can't recall the last thing I bought. I've been meaning to go to Rasputin or Amoeba.


all this new