We are well over half way through the 2010s

>we are well over half way through the 2010s
>there hasn't been a single good album released yet

when is one going to arrive Sup Forums? When?

>implying Death Grips hasn't released several albums this decade

no I wasn't, I was implying none of them were good

dumb frogposter

My Head Is An Animal, Reflektor, The Suburbs


Wow ur so cool man

try harder and you'll get what you want.

people have said this half way through the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s

>pic related has been released at the beginning of the decade.

seriously OP.

so... you one of those contrarian fags?

...Like Clockwork

My Head is an Animal was great.
Some fun Hip-hop albums have been released too, Like YG Joey Purp and Vince Staples debuts.

to pimp a butterfly

I know op is baiting, but for people who genuinely believe that not one good album has been released during the 2010s, you should probably find a different hobby.


Only thing that's come close to being godtier, released this summer too.

>tfw its been 2016 years and there still hasn't been a single good album

what went wrong

literally his worst project


AOTD for me t b h

Indie rock lacks creativity and mainstream pop/hip hop is boring

Nice b8. It's clearly his best.
TPLT>>>>>LUV is rage>>The real uzi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LUV vs the World

you're wrong

da fuck is that shit

I think your grip on the amount of music is flawed

dumb frogposter

and every time it was true

excellent pick

I'll just leave this here

You just admitted you're a pleb.