get fucked

Other urls found in this thread:

crayon pop

are you happy you stupid niggers? just follow the fucking rules and delete your thread like a man when you are late

we did it reddit!

(bp is shit btw)

where's the fun in that



>murica time is an absolute shitshow
what a surprise

kek how mad are you exy newfag

I'm just happy that making another thread to cockblock that guy from forcing his failed one again worked

Now post Twice.


Is BP dyke-pop?

why was my thread deleted?

*flips into the thread*

that last t-ara pic posted wtf

janny is a bully


>BPshitters throw an absolute fit when they leave their hugbox known as OH and face the reality that not everyone thinks Black Pink is the next coming on Jesus Christ himself

it's clearly the euroshitters

Shame about what YooA did to her.

told you this would happen, bakas.....

>double thread
wtf i hate kpg now

shit pop

word we love t-ara here

Someone translate the comments.
This has 4k upvotes and its on naver's frontpage.

can we discuss kpop now chingus?



post more raven haired chorong holy omo

post more lizard



when will you morons realize that literally no one cares who the OP is or what it says or anything related to it as long as it has the correct subject

seriously, the only way to describe your behavior is niggerish

they're just saying that bp are queens and slaying hard

do you love cosmic girls yet?


Does YooA molest all the members or just Arin?

no one really cares what contrarians think, though

it's just funny that people get mad at blackpink because of their instant success

that's racist

thicc jiyeon

I love lewda and her cute butt


Nice try euroshit.

Luda's ears...

binne butt

found this secret banger yesterday,

allowing the kids to make early threads creates chaos, anyone past the 12th grade should definitely know this to be perfectly honest


lol see this is what i mean, anyone who doesn't like them MUST be a contrarian because who in their right mind wouldn't like them, right?

yeah lmao i don't think her thighs are quite that big


only bp antis are complaining and throwing fits though

post more zombinnie

I don't care about the rest of you. I specifically wanted to give one person a hard time and succeeded. You getting salty over it is just a minor bonus.

what's with SEA niggers always pretending to like the ugliest member of the group. see umji, sorn and now BP lisa

is it a type of virtue signalling?


>tfw she flipped into my heart

only manchildren post here

I have no doubts.
BP antis will just find anything to hate on them i guess.

Theres a difference between not liking their music and hating them.

right the antis are complaining about the NB article, silly me


I don't see why she wouldn't at least try to molest them all. Well maybe not Tardhee.

According to the fanfic poor Arin is targeted way more than the rest

Settle down

>I specifically wanted to give one person a hard time and succeeded.
you are a literal god


binnie is so sexy in that outfit
like, sexier than short revealing clothes

and there's a difference between not thinking they are the greatest thing on god's green earth and hating them

actual children post here though?

Post Sana

let the nugus say whatever they want..wjsn is more nugu than omg and omg couldnt even beat hyuna, they're forever nugus desu, they'll get btfo eventually
it's the same shit as twice when they debuted basically

everyone knows about nb's biased translations


Article: 'Inkigayo' Black Pink finally unveiled 'impressive girl crush'

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+898, -222] They're a rookie group and yet didn't have to go through the usual process of performing live and only put out a pre-recorded performance;;; they didn't even sing live either, sounds like it was pre-recorded... and their visuals are so different from how they look in their MV so;

2. [+882, -234] They're not the type of group that men would like, they all have very strong impressions; and if they're a rookie group, they should be performing on live broadcast but all of it was pre-recorded... talk about special treatment perks

3. [+795, -160] Their performance was AR, they didn't perform live it was basically lip synced ㅋㅋ If they performed live, they should've broadcast that version, why put out the AR-riddled version and pretend it's live on broadcast?

4. [+90, -29] I think 4-5 members is perfect, way better than huge groups where members only sing one or two lines and go to the back to dance

5. [+82, -48] They're all talented and pretty, not sure why people are hating. Every company has a different style so why put them down over something as subjective as style? It's not a rule that girl groups need to be innocent looking

6. [+74, -43] Honestly there's a huge skill gap between them and the other current girl groups. I think they have what it takes to make it overseas too.

7. [+69, -39] They're a bubble

8. [+65, -31] I like them... I like 'Whistle'

9. [+57, -34] YG is so obsessed with that "I'm so hard" image... I'd rather a rookie show some rookie char but anyone can tell right off the bat that this group is from YG and they don't feel like rookies at all.. just look like tryhards trying to look cool. The beat of the song doesn't even need that type of image. I'm glad at least the two on the left were smiling..

>ywn slam pints and play snooker with tayeon



come the fuck on, nigger

it's so easy to switch IPs or give a troll vote

strawpolls don't mean shit


Only fat Sana though. Skinny, cheekless Sana is useless.

are you that guy who used to cyber with NB on League of Legends
I don't get why else you'd shill her so hard all the time


shouts out to nahyunspammer

my sonamoo folder is coming along nicely

she translated one positive and one negative, its not her fault that the negative one has more votes

what was it?

Then why do you hate?


i confirmed that BP's songs were already completed in about 2013-2014
>one of the composers Rebecca Johnson (Bekuh Boom) made Taeyang and Hi Suhyun's songs in 2014. she hasn't made another YG song since then

I like BP but you guys are being really embarrassing over this NB thing, who honestly cares...

if that's what you helps you sleep at night, go right ahead and think that. i won't stop you i promise

going on a gooky adventure

i don't? i just find the reactions from BP fans ridiculous

umji and sorn are ugly as sin indeed but lisa?
come on nigga she's the first cute SEA in kpop

you fucked it

>I think they have what it takes to make it overseas too.

why are gooks so fucking delusional and westaboo

crush came out 2014 tho


looked like some promo picture and jiyeon's thighs were shopped to be 2x the size of her torso

>only bp antis
So all non bpshitters/twiceshitters?

theres a reason that comment has almost as many downvotes and upvotes, and not that many votes in general