If you aren't listening to this in mono, you're listening to the wrong album

If you aren't listening to this in mono, you're listening to the wrong album.

tfw jist realized the copy i inherited from my dad is stereo

i don't care and will continue to listen to the stereo mix

>got the US albums for Revolver and Yesterday and Today to have the Mono versions

why? have you not heard the mono mix?

its not as bad on speakers, but on headphones the album sounds downright retarded

Enjoy your shit hard panning then, it's completely unlistenable in stereo.

>mfw listening to Sgt. Pepper's mono mix for the first time

Beatles in stereo sounds like pure shit with the obvious exception of Abbey Road - harsh on the ears, sterile beyond belief, and just totally flat.

It doesn't effect me since I was raised with the stereo mix

Reminder that if you try to listen to the stereo mixes in mono it's not the same, you need to download the mono mixes and that's when you realize it sounds totally different. I thought the "Sgt. Pepper's sounds different in mono" thing was a meme until I actually downloaded the mono mix, and it was fucking incredible. The stereo version of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds sounds unbelievably bland in comparison to me now.

growing up constantly using broken headphones I learned my lesson the hard way

If you aren't listening to the beatles, you're doing something wrong

How would you describe the difference in sound?

Well, one is in stereo and the other one is in mono.

>not having a receiver with a mono setting

theres way more flanger on the vocals and its more obvious the vocals are sped up. harrisons sweet leslie guitar lines are kinda shafted in the mono mix tho, they are really prominent in the stereo mix but buried in the mono

Don't forget the White Album, both mixes are great

What you really need to do is get a decent hifi setup and listen to the Mono vinyl reissues. I just had Sgt Pepper playing through speakers like pic related, and the sound was so 3d dimensional, I couldn't believe it.

if you drive a cock i'll tax the street

If you are listening to this, you're listening to the wrong album.

I prefer the stereo version solely because I don't like how the first orchestral sample in Tomorrow Never Knows (during the "dying" part at 0:19) is truncated in the mono mix.

don't forget that 'She's Leaving Home' was sped up in Mono to give Paul a more younger sounding voice, to fit in with the theme of the song

it sounds a lot better tbhfam

If your music doesn't hold up unless its listened to in a specific way then it isn't good music.

Bad production =/= bad music

I prefer the stereo versions of most of their albums (besides Revolver of course) because the added instrumentation has a better crispness and detail.