What does Sup Forums think of this album? is it one of the best hip hop albums?

What does Sup Forums think of this album? is it one of the best hip hop albums?

Not even the best DOOM album senpai

i like born like this more, but operation Doomsday and danger doom is more fun and better

not op but it is

It's how I intoed mf doom, but definitely not his best.

yea no

Doom is an uncle tom

I swear the album art and the whole "food" aesthetic is why this album gets grouped with Madvillainy and

they're both great but yeah Villainy is better.


Ever since the womb till I'm back where my brother went.

>filler the album

Are you kidding me??? Mf food is literally more than half filler, there's only like 2 bad songs on madvillain

MM..FOOD has no filler

>fillet o rapper
>poo put platter
>fig leaf
>not filler
Lmao alright bud whatever you say

>he doesnt love the dandy flyswatter guy

i need MUH RAPS if no RAPS then it FILLER

^thats you

I was just listening to this and villainy today, mm food is so much worse it's not even funny. The skits go on way too fucking long, the beats are nowhere near as good

Shit is boring, I don't need raps but I don't need bland unfunny pointless interludes, you don't see me complaining about madvillainy

It's good but the sketches sucks mostly

Vaudeville Villain >>

madvillainy is better but it's still a great album

>is it one of the best hip hop albums?
it's one of the hip hop albums

Good but overrated. Operation Doomsday is better.

I really dig that album but it's the only one I've heard from him. I also listened to that adult swim project and I remember liking it. what album should I go from here?

this man gets it

silly user that's not DOOM! that's Madvillain